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马来西亚纳吉政府华人政策调整述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章分析了2008年大选以来,特别是2009年4月纳吉出任马来西亚第六任首相以来,马来西亚政府对华人政策的主要调整与变化;探讨了促进政策调整的政治、经济和民意等各种原因以及政策调整对马来西亚政治和马来西亚华人的影响,旨在比较全面地把握马来西亚政治与族群关系的发展态势。  相似文献   
本文研究近20年来中国移民进入新加坡的原因、过程和发展趋势,并根据历年新加坡人口统计中的常住人口和非常住人口数量、华人出生率、移民数量和族群比例等数据,推估出新加坡的中国移民新数据。结论是,近30年来,新加坡政府大规模吸收高素质移民,以弥补人口数量不足,确保华族占总人口75%和发展高新产业。进入新加坡的移民总数达164万人,占2009年新加坡居民总数的近33%。其中,华人移民约占80%,主要来自马来西亚和中国。从1990年到2009年,进入新加坡的中国移民潮逐渐加速,总量约50~60万人,约占新加坡总人口的10%~12%。  相似文献   
目前学界对于美国汉学史的研究,多侧重于美国汉学概况、研究范式转变和著名中国学家及其著述的研究,而缺少从华裔汉学者对美国汉学之影响这一角度研究的论著。论文就赴美华裔汉学者对美国汉学的影响这一论题作了总体性探析。结果表明,20世纪40年代,一批从事中国文史研究的华裔学者赴美潜心于中国文史研究。他们在美所从事的文史研究是美国汉学发展的重要组成部分,对美国汉学产生了重要影响。他们对美国汉学的基础性贡献和推进作用具体表现在:协力培育美国汉学的基础、矫正美国汉学发展中的流弊、开拓美国汉学研究的新领域。  相似文献   
Histories of exotic animal collection and display in Britain during the long eighteenth century have not been conventionally concerned with the sensory or bodily experiences of menagerie spectators. Olfactory, haptic and aural impressions – as well as the affective responses of laughter, disgust, anger and sympathy, are conspicuously absent in attempts to historicise animal collections. This paper principally argues that these often historically intangible and transient sensory experiences with animals were culturally significant acts or readings that produced meaning. To understand how spectators utilised their senses as an interpretive tool in reading menageries the article draws upon eighteenth-century understandings of the senses and bodily comfort. The manipulation of exotic animal bodies in menageries during the long eighteenth century had significant implications for British spectators. It is argued that their specific notions of Britishness in relationship to these captive animals from foreign climes articulated elite cultural notions of gender, climate and national character. In writing a sensory history of exotic animals in eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century Britain the author contextualises the reading of contemporary print material with the concomitant experience of the material animals to which this print matter referred. What emerges is a reminder that the act of reading should not be isolated from the production of knowledge through other embodied experiences since such a dichotomy is arguably problematic for historians.  相似文献   
This paper briefly examines the question of the influence of abrasive particles on the development of use-wear on stone tools. It is argued that grit inclusions may have been a common element of prehistoric tool using conditions, hence the need for archaeological experiments which consider this variable. A series of experiments are described where end-scrapers were used on bone and hide surfaces both with and without a grit inclusion. The resulting wear patterns are discussed and illustrated. It is concluded that the addition of grit to the worked surface causes a dramatic and demonstrable change in use-wear development.  相似文献   
This paper1 investigates recent restructuring strategies of medium-sized firms in the Ruhr area, and assesses the role of institutional, organizational and socio-economic factors in shaping their strategic responses to economic change. By pointing out the extent to which embeddedness in different political-economic contexts constrains the expansion of organizational space, it is argued that medium-sized firms respond by falling back on routinized, predominantly regional, interaction structures. 'Embedding' and cooperation are, however, constrained by market forces and competitive pressures, which manifest themselves in various governance dilemmas. Solving these dilemmas between institutional persistence and 'economic imperatives' constitutes a major organizational challenge for the sample firms.  相似文献   
瞿林东教授勤于笔耕,著述丰富。他在中国古代史学史研究取得大量成果的基础上,对20世纪中国史学的研究又表现出特殊的重视。近十多年来,不断发表关于20世纪中国史学的长篇大作,在史学界产生了较大影响。瞿教授选取有代表性的论文24篇,另选2篇作为附录,结集为《20世纪中国史学散论》(以下简称《散论》)。  相似文献   
Social scientists have studied the welfare state extensively. Many studies seek to understand the determinants of the welfare state; however, a few have explored the social consequences of social welfare systems, especially on health outcomes of the population. Even though cross-national comparative studies support the thesis that the welfare state regime type, which represents different levels of commitment on social welfare, is closely linked to population health, there is little research to support this argument at a sub-national level. To fill the gap, this study explores the effects of the U.S. states' social welfare systems on health using age-adjusted mortality rates as a proxy for population health. By operationalizing social welfare systems as three dimensions—public expenditures, tax structures, and welfare program rules—we find that more generous education spending, progressive tax systems, and more lenient welfare program rules help to improve population health. The model corrects for first-order serial correlation using Prais-Winsten regression methods and is estimated with state and year-fixed effects.  相似文献   
This paper presents a spatial analysis of the results in the general elections of contemporary Spain (1977–2007). By using electoral data at municipal level, we have traced back the evolution of the vote at high spatial resolution, thus providing a more accurate overview of the evolution of modern Spanish politics and offering empirical evidence on the nationalization thesis. We demonstrate that this approach reveals several processes that remain hidden when aggregated data are used, especially the clustering patterns in the smooth transition from dictatorship to full democracy (the so-called Spanish Transition). We found a statistical normalization process of the left/right dynamics with a growing number of balanced municipalities with a similar number of votes for left and right parties. The tendency towards a Gaussian histogram centered on a value of 50% for the left vote is an indication of political normalization after 40 years of dictatorship.  相似文献   
根据2000—2001年全美亚裔政治态度试点调查的原始数据,通过拉美裔跨国政治活动与亚裔的比较,从美国亚裔政治上能否被同化,政治活动能否跨国界、哪些亚裔参与跨国政治、亚裔的政治跨国主义和政治同化关系等方面,对美国亚裔跨国政治活动的形成、特点及其相互关系进行实证分析。结论是,亚裔在许多方面与拉美裔等其他移民群体有相似的特点;反对亚裔“不可同化论”;亚裔保持跨国联系不会对他们在美国的文化、政治同化产生负面影响;那些移民前积极参政、在美国积极参与族裔社区组织活动、积极参与和亚裔事务有关政治活动的亚裔,参与跨国政治的比例较高。  相似文献   
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