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The representation of history continues to evolve in the domain of museum exhibitions. This evolution is informed in part by the creation of new display methods—many of which depart from the traditional conventions used to achieve the "museum effect"—in part by an increased attention to the museum-visitor relationship. In this context the ethical force of bearing witness, at times a crucial aspect of the museum experience, has emerged as a particularly compelling issue. In seeking to represent and address atrocity, injustice, and the abrogation of human rights, museums have the potential to become "sites of conscience" and to encourage "historical consciousness." Through a series of three exhibitions devoted to slavery, the New-York Historical Society demonstrated how such sites can be constructed and how objects can be deployed to represent extreme or "limit cases." In this review/essay I investigate and interrogate these exhibitions, looking closely at the use of objects as a source of "indirect testimony" (Marc Bloch) and at the "dialogical situation" (Paul Ricoeur) that might arise in an encounter among objects, exhibit narratives, and visitors. Thinking in terms of point of view, I look at the variety of rhetorical platforms from which objects speak in these exhibitions; thinking in terms of syntax, I look at the effects of ordering and of the radical juxtaposition of objects; thinking in terms of irony, I look at the provocations of double-voiced narratives and at how objects are used to support those historical sentences.  相似文献   
While there is currently only a tiny literature available on Northern Ireland migration, nothing at all has as yet been published relating to the subject of the province's child migrants. This paper focuses on the migration experiences of individuals who migrated as children to and from Northern Ireland, based on interview narratives collected during the course of two studies on contemporary migration from Ireland, North and South, conducted from 2004 to 2008. In all cases, these experiences triggered identity issues for the individuals which have played out subsequently in their lives in different ways. In particular, the author seeks to understand how the memory of these events continues to construct present realities for these individuals. What awareness did these children have of sectarianism, of the Northern Ireland conflict? What was their reception in the host country and upon return to Northern Ireland? How have these experiences contributed to their identities in the present and their sense of belonging to Ireland, North and South?  相似文献   
南阳丰泰墓地的时间跨度由战国晚期至东汉晚期,其文化内涵在器物形态、组合特征、墓葬结构等方面都有独具特色的地方。战国晚期,南阳地区政权更迭频繁,韩、楚、秦的文化势力也因此相继出现,共存发展,至战国末期形成了融三者于一体的新型仿铜陶礼器组合,并在秦汉时期迅速发展,成为主流的文明形态。与此同时,以双耳罐为代表的楚系地方文明不绝如缕,顽强生存。两者共同构成了秦汉文明的基础。这种新型仿铜陶礼器文明自身的发展变化,及其与楚系地方文明之间的互动关系,印证了秦汉中央集权政治统治力的强弱变化,以及秦汉社会盛衰的历程。西汉晚期以后开始流行的模型明器,则昭示着新的丧葬观念、丧葬礼仪的诞生。  相似文献   

The United States Exploring Expedition into the Pacific launched in 1838 was marked, like the continental expansion westward, by violent encounters with Native peoples. By examining the record of the expedition's kidnapping of the Fijian Ro Veidovi, the fate of his body after death, and the ways his story came to be invoked in the official narrative of the expedition, the popular press, the ‘National Gallery’ and, more recently, the Fijian press, this paper demonstrates how violent contacts on the Pacific frontier were remembered, effaced, and reconceived. The changing story of Ro Veidovi permanently bridged distant locales in an emerging ‘Pacific World’, setting in motion transcultural negotiations that continue to this day.  相似文献   
嵇文甫先生是关注、研究王船山史论的老一辈学者之一。他一方面从历史哲学的高度看待其历史思想,将之概括为古今因革论、朝代兴亡论和华夷文野论;同时,对其史论中的史学方法论也予以总结。从方法上看,他注重由哲学而史学的分析,尝试在中国思想史和西方思想视野下对船山史论作比较考察。这两个方面,对于船山史论的进一步研究,多有启示和借鉴的意义。  相似文献   
回顾和检讨亚裔美国史学在过去半个世纪里所走过的道路可以发现,早期亚裔美国史学中一个最突出的问题是以意识形态为主导的一元论历史观。在近30年的时间里,学者大都仅仅从"种族歧视"这一个角度去诠释历史事件,反对从其他视野去观察亚洲移民的经历。不过,最近15年来,这个领域中出现了冲破一元论历史观束缚的趋势。新一代学者提出了白人、黑人和亚裔之间三角形关系的论点,从而否定了"有色对白种"的双重种族关系理论模式。从"跨国主义"的视野观察亚裔美国史的人认为,亚洲移民实际上具有双重的民族主义和双重文化认同,从而向"同化论"、"定居者"论和"美国化"论提出了挑战。他们还发现,日本人向美国移民和日本帝国主义的海外扩张之间有着密不可分的关系。这些新动向标志着亚裔美国史学正在逐步走向成熟。  相似文献   
This article examines the ways in which young Canadians represent the ‘the War on Terror’ in their narratives. I explore how a hegemonic nationalist narrative enters into this representation in different ways and positions itself in a dynamic tension with the USA, at times eliding the difference and at times affirming it. I illustrate that these students do not simply tell the narrative of the war, but use the deixis of ‘we/us/our’ or ‘them/they/their’ in a way that constructs multiple imagined communities. I argue that these presumably benign representations of Canadian involvement in the war produce banal nationalism that excludes ‘others’, and binds human imagination into a framework that works against critical thinking.  相似文献   
"南方谈话"深刻回答了长期束缚人们思想的许多重大认识问题,丰富和发展了党的基本理论、基本路线,标志着邓小平理论的最终形成。"南方谈话"有力地将中国的改革开放事业推进到建设社会主义市场经济的新阶段,对于坚持党在社会主义初级阶段的基本路线不动摇和全面建设小康社会具有重要的现实指导意义。  相似文献   
历史小说是美国少年小说的一个重要类型。自20世纪30年代以后,反映少年生活的历史小说在美国不断问世,并于60、70年代进入繁荣阶段。本文旨在通过梳理美国少年历史小说的发展脉络,探讨其潮流及特点,如发展阶段、文化内涵、审美价值观等,说明其文学成就与影响,同时加深我国对美国少年历史小说的了解和研究。  相似文献   
西津渡是古代长江下游的重要渡口,相关史料主要涉及历史事件、渡口建设和官设机构等方面.西津渡遗址考古发掘揭示了千年古渡的历史面貌和演变轨迹,其文化价值体现在对我国交通史的重要性、遗址时空的完整性以及文化景观的独特性等三方面.  相似文献   
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