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以大连市旅顺太阳沟为例,采用新文化地理学的观点,借鉴后殖民主义相关理论,考察了殖民地时期、原苏联红军接管时期和现代社会三个时期下文化景观的表征变化,得出三个结论:①话语和权力是景观表征的主要决定因素,日俄殖民者、原苏联红军、军队和政府及开发商是三个时期景观表征的权力主体;②利益相关者在景观和空间的塑造中也扮演了重要角色;③殖民城市有屈辱历史,但不代表有屈辱文化。保护太阳沟文化景观刻不容缓,首要任务就是进行体制创新;太阳沟应大力发展文化产业。  相似文献   
In considering the vital role played by imperial rites in claiming political legitimacy and maintaining social stability, Chinese emperors endeavored to present themselves as the perfect model for their subjects in terms of ritual performance. Focusing on a Northern Song (960–1127) ritual debate over the placement of imperial ancestors’ spirit tablets and ancestral chambers, especially that of the Primal Ancestor, this study aims to contribute to a better understanding of discussions on ancestral rituals and how they were intensified during the implementation of Wang Anshi’s New Policies. More importantly, this study reveals the differences between Song scholar-officials’ political positions and intellectual interests, thus providing a new interpretation of Song factionalism from the perspective of ritual politics.  相似文献   
Matthew Paris was one of the most prolific and influential historians of the central middle ages. Matthew's significance rests both on the range of his interests and the scope of his writing. Yet, even basic questions about his outlook on writing, his concept of history, or the relationship with his audience, have hardly been asked. These issues are central themes of this article, and will be used to consider wider questions about Matthew's concept of truth, his handling of information, and his view of the world around him. The article, furthermore, extends coverage beyond the Chronica majora or Matthew's vernacular writings to consider his concept of history as it emerges from the totality of his oeuvre.  相似文献   
The representation of history continues to evolve in the domain of museum exhibitions. This evolution is informed in part by the creation of new display methods—many of which depart from the traditional conventions used to achieve the "museum effect"—in part by an increased attention to the museum-visitor relationship. In this context the ethical force of bearing witness, at times a crucial aspect of the museum experience, has emerged as a particularly compelling issue. In seeking to represent and address atrocity, injustice, and the abrogation of human rights, museums have the potential to become "sites of conscience" and to encourage "historical consciousness." Through a series of three exhibitions devoted to slavery, the New-York Historical Society demonstrated how such sites can be constructed and how objects can be deployed to represent extreme or "limit cases." In this review/essay I investigate and interrogate these exhibitions, looking closely at the use of objects as a source of "indirect testimony" (Marc Bloch) and at the "dialogical situation" (Paul Ricoeur) that might arise in an encounter among objects, exhibit narratives, and visitors. Thinking in terms of point of view, I look at the variety of rhetorical platforms from which objects speak in these exhibitions; thinking in terms of syntax, I look at the effects of ordering and of the radical juxtaposition of objects; thinking in terms of irony, I look at the provocations of double-voiced narratives and at how objects are used to support those historical sentences.  相似文献   
James Madison argued in Federalist 10 that "rival political factions" work against the public good. In contrast to Madison's pessimistic account, I suggest that factional conflict can lead to more representative public policy, and thus further the will of the people. I theorize that elected officials often seek a safe political position—one that corresponds to the preferences of the public at large—during periods of high conflict. I assess this theory in one, salient policy area, medical malpractice. I measure conflict with contributions for state candidates given by (i) the health and insurance industries, which generally support malpractice laws, and (ii) lawyers, who frequently oppose the laws. I find that group conflict matters to policy outcomes. I also find evidence that, under conditions of elevated conflict, adopted policies are more likely to move toward the general ideological preferences of the public at large. These results suggest that group conflict affects both the quantity and character of policy in the American states.  相似文献   
刘文 《攀登》2009,28(3):67-71
统筹协调各方面的利益关系,是构建社会主义和谐社会的必然要求。当前,日趋多样的社会利益关系,已经成为影响我国经济社会发展的重大问题。只有建立健全科学的利益调节机制,才能从根本上减少社会矛盾与冲突,进而促进构建社会主义和谐社会目标的实现。  相似文献   
张丽华 《神州》2012,(6):107-107
语文是一门应用最广泛,最接近生活,内容最丰富多彩,最有情趣的学科,语文也应该是学生最感兴趣的课程。然而,深受应试教育影响的中学语文教学将充满人性之美、最具有趣味性的语文变成枯燥乏味的技艺之学,知识之学,乃至畸交为一种应试训练。这种现状与时代发展和社会变革对素质教育的要求相对立。语文教学要走出应试教育的误区,教师必须充分展示课堂教学的魅力,使语文课成为学生求知的乐园。  相似文献   
南阳丰泰墓地的时间跨度由战国晚期至东汉晚期,其文化内涵在器物形态、组合特征、墓葬结构等方面都有独具特色的地方。战国晚期,南阳地区政权更迭频繁,韩、楚、秦的文化势力也因此相继出现,共存发展,至战国末期形成了融三者于一体的新型仿铜陶礼器组合,并在秦汉时期迅速发展,成为主流的文明形态。与此同时,以双耳罐为代表的楚系地方文明不绝如缕,顽强生存。两者共同构成了秦汉文明的基础。这种新型仿铜陶礼器文明自身的发展变化,及其与楚系地方文明之间的互动关系,印证了秦汉中央集权政治统治力的强弱变化,以及秦汉社会盛衰的历程。西汉晚期以后开始流行的模型明器,则昭示着新的丧葬观念、丧葬礼仪的诞生。  相似文献   

The United States Exploring Expedition into the Pacific launched in 1838 was marked, like the continental expansion westward, by violent encounters with Native peoples. By examining the record of the expedition's kidnapping of the Fijian Ro Veidovi, the fate of his body after death, and the ways his story came to be invoked in the official narrative of the expedition, the popular press, the ‘National Gallery’ and, more recently, the Fijian press, this paper demonstrates how violent contacts on the Pacific frontier were remembered, effaced, and reconceived. The changing story of Ro Veidovi permanently bridged distant locales in an emerging ‘Pacific World’, setting in motion transcultural negotiations that continue to this day.  相似文献   
嵇文甫先生是关注、研究王船山史论的老一辈学者之一。他一方面从历史哲学的高度看待其历史思想,将之概括为古今因革论、朝代兴亡论和华夷文野论;同时,对其史论中的史学方法论也予以总结。从方法上看,他注重由哲学而史学的分析,尝试在中国思想史和西方思想视野下对船山史论作比较考察。这两个方面,对于船山史论的进一步研究,多有启示和借鉴的意义。  相似文献   
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