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回顾和检讨亚裔美国史学在过去半个世纪里所走过的道路可以发现,早期亚裔美国史学中一个最突出的问题是以意识形态为主导的一元论历史观。在近30年的时间里,学者大都仅仅从"种族歧视"这一个角度去诠释历史事件,反对从其他视野去观察亚洲移民的经历。不过,最近15年来,这个领域中出现了冲破一元论历史观束缚的趋势。新一代学者提出了白人、黑人和亚裔之间三角形关系的论点,从而否定了"有色对白种"的双重种族关系理论模式。从"跨国主义"的视野观察亚裔美国史的人认为,亚洲移民实际上具有双重的民族主义和双重文化认同,从而向"同化论"、"定居者"论和"美国化"论提出了挑战。他们还发现,日本人向美国移民和日本帝国主义的海外扩张之间有着密不可分的关系。这些新动向标志着亚裔美国史学正在逐步走向成熟。  相似文献   
"南方谈话"深刻回答了长期束缚人们思想的许多重大认识问题,丰富和发展了党的基本理论、基本路线,标志着邓小平理论的最终形成。"南方谈话"有力地将中国的改革开放事业推进到建设社会主义市场经济的新阶段,对于坚持党在社会主义初级阶段的基本路线不动摇和全面建设小康社会具有重要的现实指导意义。  相似文献   
历史小说是美国少年小说的一个重要类型。自20世纪30年代以后,反映少年生活的历史小说在美国不断问世,并于60、70年代进入繁荣阶段。本文旨在通过梳理美国少年历史小说的发展脉络,探讨其潮流及特点,如发展阶段、文化内涵、审美价值观等,说明其文学成就与影响,同时加深我国对美国少年历史小说的了解和研究。  相似文献   
西津渡是古代长江下游的重要渡口,相关史料主要涉及历史事件、渡口建设和官设机构等方面.西津渡遗址考古发掘揭示了千年古渡的历史面貌和演变轨迹,其文化价值体现在对我国交通史的重要性、遗址时空的完整性以及文化景观的独特性等三方面.  相似文献   
中尼边界是继中缅边界后通过外交谈判正式划定、勘定的第二条明晰的陆地边界线。通过谈判,中尼边界正式划定、勘定,包括双方争议较大的珠穆朗玛峰的归属问题,也以中方大体平分、边界线划在蜂顶的建议方案为基础达成基本共识。中尼边界谈判与中缅边界谈判的成功,为新中国有计划、有步骤地以和平共处五项原则为基础,通过外交谈判、互谅互让和友好协商,全面彻底地和平解决与陆地邻国的边界问题提供了成功范例。  相似文献   
湖南早期党史人物群体,是指从新民学会成立到大革命失败,以新民学会为核心、受其影响的早期党史人物的集合。他们的成长得益于陈独秀的言传身教:从言传方面来说,受陈独秀主编的《新青年》的影响,逐步转变自己的思想观念,接受并宣传马克思主义,成为一个马克思主义者。从身教方面来说,一方面,陈独秀指导毛泽东等建立湖南共产主义小组,支持并鼓励毛泽东等在湖南从事的一切革命活动,培养和重用以毛泽东为代表的湖南早期党史人物,使他们在党内异军突起,崭露头角;另一方面通过对陈独秀的错误思想的批判,以毛泽东为代表的湖南党史人物对中国革命的基本问题有了较为正确的认识,日益成熟起来。  相似文献   
The following appraisal is by Eduard M. Murzayev, physical geographer and toponymist, with interests in Mongolia and Central Asia, who was a student of Berg at Leningrad University, and since this graduation in 1930 has been associated with the Institute of Geography of the Academy of Sciences USSR, first in Leningrad and after 1936 in Moscow. This article is based on a talk given by Murzayev in March 1976 at a memorial session of the Geographical Society USSR in Leningrad.  相似文献   
Two prominent U.S. geographers outline the framework and mandate of an emerging new regional geography as a tool for understanding rapid and profound changes in the contemporary world. In so doing, they differentiate this new approach to the geographic study of regions from both (a) the traditional practice of regional geography prevailing in the discipline from the mid-19th century and (b) accounts of geography's role in contemporary affairs offered by non-specialists in the mass media (e.g., Kaplan's "revenge of geography"). The authors provide recommendations for, and note the benefits of, a strengthening of regional research and training in geography, while mapping out an expanded role for Eurasian Geography and Economics in disseminating new regional research whose scope extends beyond disciplinary boundaries to embrace current public and political debate. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: O100, O180, P000, R110.60 references.  相似文献   
A prominent specialist on economic transition in the former Soviet Union presents an overview of Ukraine's economic dilemma in the aftermath of the most recent elections in that country. The author, a former economic advisor to Ukraine's government and co-chair of the UN's Blue Ribbon Commission for Ukraine, relates his insights into the causes of three acute problems (inflation, corruption, and the lack of structural reforms). Focusing on the state of economic affairs in 2008, the paper, which includes data on economic growth and exchange rates, discusses inter alia the hryvnia's peg to the dollar and the potential consequences of rising food and commodity prices. Included in the analysis is a comparison with Russia. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: E58, E60, O52, P26. 34 references.  相似文献   
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