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During the nineteenth century, Europeans became fascinated with the idea of locating and mapping the borders between their languages. The barrier of language offered a new way of seeing, dividing and organizing European land according to cultural differences. The cartographic techniques that Europeans invented to map their language borders involved a combination of linguistic surveys, on-site observations and collaboration with locals. Once printed, language maps found a broad public audience and helped to structure debates over cultural identity in European borderlands. This article explores the nationalist and regionalist motivations behind linguistic map making along the French-German border, one of the most disputed in modern European history.  相似文献   
“西南”区域地理概念及范围的历史演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"西南"区域地理概念及范围经历了长期的发展演变历程。先秦时期的"西南"主要包括巴和蜀。汉晋时期,"西南"区域概念正式确立,包括巴蜀和西南夷地区。唐宋时期,狭义的西南是指唐、宋王朝疆域内的西南地区,即唐代的剑南道、山南西道、黔中道,宋代的川峡四路;广义的西南还包括疆域外的南诏(大理)以及其它一些民族和王国。明清时期疆域内的"西南"出现了三种主要观点,较之前代范围有所扩大。近现代的"西南"概念发生了重大变化,只包括国家疆域内的西南各地。"西南"概念及范围受地理方位、地理环境、行政区划等因素的影响,具有动态性、模糊性、相对稳定性等特征,还有民族、边疆、政区、经济等多重含义。  相似文献   
Chicago's remarkably flexible growth machine, like their brethren across Rust Belt America, continues to aggressively press forward to build an internationally competitive city. This paper deepens our understanding of Chicago's recently changed growth machine. It focuses on its current redevelopment narrative as it is used on the South Side and chronicles two new features about it: its revamped use of fear and its re-fashioned notion of culture. I flesh out these two elements as they circulate through a now dominant redevelopment program: historic preservation. I chronicle three points in this paper. First, programs like historic preservation, like so many current city programs, have now fully shifted to being a neoliberal economic development tool to promote the “go-global Chicago” project. Second, two dominant fears recently nuanced anchor the narrative: fear of a city-destroying globalization and fear of city-subverting poor African-Americans. Third, a revamped notion of culture is used that helps provide resonance and dark appeal to the two offered fears. The culture notion is put into play as two dominant things, as the idealized and timeless glue that unifies Chicago's mainstream and as problematic values and meanings carried by black bodies which renders them civic tainting “ocular trash”.  相似文献   
Since its inception, modern conservation has derived the significance of a heritage asset from the identification and prioritisation of distinct classes of values. Different systems of values have been proposed, and the focus of the debate has been on the competing merits of such systems, with little attention paid to the genealogy of their theoretical foundation. If such values-based systems were ever appropriate, they are increasingly out of step with other areas of cultural life, and the resulting tensions are particularly manifested when considering change to historic buildings and environments. The currently under-theorised state of conservation is positively harmful both to the conservation professions and to the buildings we seek to protect. It is increasingly urgent therefore that we understand conservation’s philosophical origins, that we question the application of a late-nineteenth-century modernist approach to culture, and that we seek a better theoretical foundation.  相似文献   
陕西窑洞传统乡村聚落景观基因组图谱构建及特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
窑洞聚落是黄土高原最典型的聚落形态,它具有悠久的历史、深厚的精神文化内涵以及独特的文化景观特征,在陕西渭北地区和陕北黄土高原丘陵沟壑区分布广泛。本研究基于传统聚落景观基因组图谱的相关研究,以陕西31个窑洞传统乡村聚落为研究对象,按照“单个窑洞聚落、多个窑洞聚落、特定研究区”三个层次,构建了窑洞聚落的典型院落图谱、空间序列图谱、院落模式图谱、排列模式图谱和空间格局图谱五大类型图谱体系。通过分析窑洞聚落景观基因组图谱的基本特征,进一步验证了构建窑洞聚落景观基因组图谱的必要性和迫切性。本研究旨在丰富景观基因组图谱层次,推动景观基因研究向区域层面发展,并为窑洞聚落景观基因信息链修复及景观基因区域识别系统构建等相关研究奠定基础,为保护与发展窑洞聚落提供科学依据。  相似文献   
拉萨八廓历史文化街区旅游发展居民感知研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
旺姆  吴必虎 《人文地理》2012,27(2):128-133
历史街区是特定地域历史、社会、文化的核心载体,兼具遗产保护、旅游开发价值,在历史街区旅游发展过程中,如何平衡保护与开发是历史地段发展一直面临的挑战。拉萨市八廓街为"中国历史文化名街",代表着藏族历史文化街区的价值与特色,同时也是西藏集宗教、文化、旅游、商业为一体的重要旅游吸引物。本文以八廓街历史文化街区为例,通过实地观察及问卷调查等方式,探讨旅游开发影响与居民感知之间的关系。研究表明,旅游对于地方经济的积极效益已得到普遍肯定,但是旅游对历史街区的具体作用,尤其是对社会文化负面影响的表现是存在分异的,由此也形成了居民态度的差异。  相似文献   
This article explores the ways in which cartography served as a tool to reinforce racial divisions in the context of late nineteenth and early twentieth century race science. Racial and anthropometric mapping was an endeavour in which both European and new world anthropologists and geographers were involved. The focus here is on the work of Thomas Griffith Taylor – regarded as one of the founders of modern geography in Australia – who deployed a number of cartographic techniques to reinforce his racial theorisations. This article explores Taylor's ‘zones and strata’ portrayal of racial evolution, and other geological‐ style maps of racial difference. These representations are investigated from two standpoints. Firstly, Taylor's theories are situated within the wider context of the Victorian tradition of classifying race, a tradition where physical race type was often correlated with moral and intellectual traits, and which was supported by the acceptance of environmental determinism within geographical circles. Secondly, his maps are considered from the perspective that, as J.B. Harley has argued, maps are social texts that contain power and, as such, can be deconstructed. Taylor's cartographic representations resulted from the manipulation of the internal elements of the map text, such as shading and projection, and were supported by the widely held belief that human racial groups could be delineated through physical anthropometry.  相似文献   
对于贤相伊尹的研究,由于种种原因,仍处于误区之中。其一,多数介绍资料,都一致确认伊尹是有莘氏的家奴,善于烹调,以美味喻政治,因而得到成汤的重用。又有部分学者认为,伊尹为家奴说不可取,伊尹应是大巫,是宗教领袖,所以他能协助商汤灭夏建商。此说当今颇为流行。但证据不足,且从伊尹一生的政治生活来看,亦无相关行迹,因而此说也不可信。其二,伊尹放太甲于桐宫,三年见效,太甲复位,卒成名王;与另一说伊尹篡位自立,七年后太甲潜出,诛杀伊尹说,相提并论,缺乏选择与判断。后来虽有学者加以纠正,但论证力度不足,影响甚微。本文认为,伊尹本是夏朝贤臣,有高度的政治智慧,丰富的从政经验,他的离夏从汤,是明主与贤臣的双向选择,是历史的必然机遇。又认为太甲杀伊尹说证据不足,只有伊尹教诲太甲说是正确的。  相似文献   
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