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周亚平 《人文地理》2013,28(3):15-19
城市化水平的发展是否会提升城市居民对对外来移民的容忍度, 这对关系的研究没有形成一致的意见。一方面, 经典理论考察了城市化水平和地方区域特征对众多外来目标群体的一般态度, 认为从多元化与异质性的角度上, 城市居民比起乡村居民更加开明与宽容;另一方面, 群体边界的视角却持一种相反的观点, 他们认为对城市化中群体边界的封闭性与排他性会加剧对外来者的歧视。这些争鸣对中国城市化进程中的农民工的社会融合有着重要的启示。  相似文献   
江苏省城镇化发展协调度评价与地区差异分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
将城镇化分解成人口城镇化、经济城镇化、土地城镇化和社会城镇化4部分,且认为这4部分应处在协调耦合状态,用TOPSIS法对江苏省城镇化发展协调度进行评价,之后对评价结果的地区差异进行分析,以对城镇发展政策制定提供依据。研究表明:常州和扬州在优质协调区;南京、镇江、苏州和无锡在良好协调区,且土地城镇化相对滞后,说明城镇土地高效集约利用;徐州、淮安和南通在基本协调区,徐州与淮安土地城镇化过快,社会城镇化滞后,表明城镇土地粗放低效利用,同时忽视公共服务产品供给,南通土地城镇化滞后,表明城镇扩张缓慢,城镇化的土地代价水平较低;泰州和盐城在轻度失调区,盐城经济城镇化滞后,泰州土地城镇化滞后,土地集约利用强度大,城镇发展选择的是一种精明增长路径;连云港和宿迁在中度失调区,土地城镇化明显快于其它城镇化,城镇发展土地代价水平高,具有相当过渡性损失。  相似文献   
在河口三角洲地区,河流是与人类活动关系最为密切的自然元素。本研究选取位于珠江三角洲核心区的广州市五眼桥涌地区为典型案例,通过实地调查、标图和深度访谈,结合相关的统计资料和历史文献,解析了快速城市化背景下珠江三角洲河涌环境的演化过程及动力机制,并分析了人-河关系的演进。研究发现案例地的河涌环境在地貌形态和水环境方面都发生了剧烈变化;城市河涌环境演化的主要动力来自于社会生产层面和个人生活层面的人类活动变迁。案例地人与河涌关系的演进经历了亲密和谐、对立隔离、重塑改善三个阶段。  相似文献   
刘勇  王莹  高建华 《人文地理》2011,26(3):71-75
文章在分析河南省城市化发展阶段性特征的基础上,对城市化和产业结构之间的变动关系进行了对比分析、相关分析和回归分析,并用Arcgis9.3以"产业结构演变城市化响应系数"为指标绘制地图,反映了河南省城市化与产业结构之间作用强弱的空间差异,分析表明,河南省城市化与产业结构存在严重偏差,原因在于城市化与产业结构的非协调发展和产业结构与就业结构的不合理发展;河南省的产业结构演变城市化响应呈现"西高东低"、"北高南低"的地理分布特征。最后针对问题提出了对策。  相似文献   
大都市边缘地区是大都市经济增长与空间拓展的主要地域,也是分权化治理最为复杂的区域。大都市边缘地区往往针对不同主体采取不同模式的分权化来调整其空间治理结构以适应发展需求。本文构建从分权化治理到城镇化空间的逻辑框架,从大都市边缘地区"差异分权"的空间治理格局入手,落脚在"多元碎化"的城镇化空间模式上,进而对从空间治理的"差异分权"到城镇化空间模式的"多元碎化"间的制度逻辑进行了解析,认为差异分权格局是当前大都市区边缘地区城镇化空间模式多元碎化的直接诱因,因此新型城镇化迫切需要从治理结构上予以破解。  相似文献   
China's Emerging Neoliberal Urbanism: Perspectives from Urban Redevelopment   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Shenjing He  Fulong Wu 《对极》2009,41(2):282-304
Abstract: China's urbanization is undergoing profound neoliberal shifts, within which urban redevelopment has emerged in the forefront of neoliberalization. This study aims to understand China's emerging neoliberal urbanism by examining the association between urban redevelopment and neoliberalism. Rather than a deliberate design, neoliberalization in China is a response to multiple difficulties/crises and the desire for rapid development. The neoliberalization process is full of controversies and inconsistencies, which involve conflicts between neoliberal practices and social resistance, and tensions between central and local states. Nevertheless, China's neoliberal urbanism has a responsive and resilient system to cope with the contradictions and imbalances inherent in neoliberalism. Meanwhile, neoliberal urbanism is more tangible at the sub‐national scale, since the local state can most effectively assist neoliberal experiments and manage crises. This study not only contributes to the understanding of China's neoliberal urbanism, but also has multiple implications for neoliberalism studies in general. First, in examining the interrelationship between the state and market, it is the actual effect of legitimizing and facilitating market operation rather than the presence (or absence) of the state that matters. Second, a new nexus of governance has formed in the neoliberalization process. Not only the nation state but also the local state is of great significance in assisting and managing neoliberal projects. Third, this study further validates the importance and necessity of scrutinizing neoliberal practices, in particular the controversies and inconsistencies within the neoliberalization process.  相似文献   
中原经济区的“三化”协调发展之路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王发曾 《人文地理》2012,27(3):55-59
中原经济区走新型工业化、新型城镇化与农业现代化"三化"协调发展之路,是中原崛起的时代呼唤,是中原经济区建设的最高境界,是中原儿女的庄严承诺。选择"三化"协调作为中原经济区的发展之路,有着深厚的宏观背景。在整体、协调、融合、可持续原则的制约下,"三化"协调发展的主要途径为:产业集群发展、产城互动发展、城乡统筹发展。其中,城乡统筹发展是"三化"协调发展的最终落脚点,包括构建现代城镇体系,搭建城镇化本土承载平台,推进新农村和新型农村社区建设,构建城乡资源共享平台和社会保障体系。  相似文献   
An analysis of the impact of social development on forms of settlement and of the reverse impact of settlement forms on social processes. The author challenges the view that spatial forms have no bearing on social processes. The point is made by tabulating types of social contacts at various spatial levels and for different forms of settlement, from household to large urban agglomeration. The significance of information flows at different spatial levels is discussed. Large cities are found to have potential for the development of material and spiritual benefits that are lacking in smaller places. But since an integrated economy also requires smaller forms of settlement, ways must be found to provide a minimum set of material and cultural services at the lower level as well. Recommendations for raising the level of living in smaller Soviet populated places are offered.  相似文献   
Ongoing human–long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) conflicts in Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, Singapore, have seen native macaques significantly affected, as residential development encroaches into animals' habitat, destroying important wildlife corridors. The search for a more humane treatment of these transgressive animals can be seen as an attempt to extend and include non-human animals within humanistic notions of ethics and care, in the process destabilizing the assumed divide between human/animal. Yet, a feasible solution is difficult to reach as National Parks Board (NParks), the state agency overseeing the conservation of reserves and wildlife, has to negotiate constantly between their goal of maintaining biodiversity and appeasing the complaining residents. The paper seek to understand urban–wilderness conflicts between human–macaque, showing that the divide between tamed/wild is multi-sited, ambiguous and constantly shifting. In this regard, we are especially interested in the role of intermediaries in initiating actions to ‘make discursive as well as material space’ for macaques in the reserve. Intermediaries, here referring to NParks and animal activists, are actors who do not reside near the reserve thus having no frequent encounters with wildlife, yet are enrolled as mitigators during instances of human–animal conflicts.  相似文献   
城镇化是人类社会由传统农村、农业社会向现代非农社会的全面转型过程。改革开放以来,我国城镇化进程明显加快、城镇化水平显著提高。城乡发展差距却越来越大,城乡二元结构特征愈发突出。面对城镇化需求压力巨大和城乡发展失衡严重的两难境地,新世纪中国必须改变重数量、轻质量的传统城镇化发展模式,以科学发展观为指导思想,走城乡协调型的城镇化道路。  相似文献   
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