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郭辉  白杨洋 《安徽史学》2016,(3):159-168
新中国成立后,政务院即确定每年的9月3日为抗日战争胜利纪念日。改革开放后,每当抗战胜利纪念日,尤其"逢十"纪念之期,国家和社会均会举行各式各样的纪念活动。这些活动主要有召开纪念大会或座谈会,发表社论或纪念文章,开展文化艺术活动等。抗战胜利纪念的社会功能包括:第一,铭记历史事实,宣传国耻记忆、抗争历史、和平经验;第二,进行政治动员,动员全国人民参与社会主义建设、投身改革开放事业、献力中华民族伟大复兴梦想;第三,塑造国家形象,中国对世界反法西斯战争的贡献、中国共产党是抗日战争的中流砥柱、抗日战争形成的伟大精神财富;第四,协调各方关系,中国与世界、大陆与港澳台、共产党与国民党的关系。  相似文献   
Children's nature experiences are to an increasing degree organized by adults and involve adult's presence. A qualitative study of the Norwegian nationwide Children's Trekking Club explores how children interact with nature through organized events with varying degrees of adult management and planning. The study shows that free and spontaneous play functions as a key to more bodily, emotional and sensuous interaction with nature in contrast to when children are engaged in numerous planned activities. Spontaneous play arises at events where there are fewer participants, in which children are able to stay in one place, when adults take a more relaxed and less intrusive approach, and where there are fewer formally organized activities. To engage children with nature, and raise awareness of play as a spontaneous and child-initiated action would be a positive progression in further developing organized nature events, educational programs, as well as in parenting.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of a multidisciplinary study that combines archaeological and palaeoenvironmental research to examine the relationship between environment and human activities in Western Poland during the Late Glacial and Early Holocene. The study area lying within the young moraine landscape produced several Late Palaeolithic and Early Mesolithic sites, varied in terms of size and function. Analyses of pollen, plant macro-remains and molluscs accompanied by geomorphological investigations and supported by series of radiocarbon dates have enabled a detailed reconstruction of environment. It has shown that despite climatic fluctuations during the Allerød and Younger Dryas, the studied area provided favourable conditions for hunter-gatherer occupation. The presence of micro- and macroscopic charcoal, charred particles of herbaceous plants and charred mosses in peat deposits of former water bodies evidence various activities carried out by Federmesser and Swiderian groups, for example setting up camp-fires and deliberate burning of the local marsh vegetation. Usewear analyses of flint implements have revealed further traces of diversified human activities undertaken at examined sites. Most importantly, this article focuses on plant-based craft activities undertaken by hunter-gatherers, about which little has hitherto been known.  相似文献   
齐春风 《安徽史学》2007,7(6):85-89
抗战时期,驻扎在各地的国民党军队广泛地参与了大后方与沦陷区间的走私活动,造成了极为严重的后果.由于国民政府有意让军队以经商来解决经济困难、军队内部军系复杂、军人拥有武力以及腐败盛行等原因,使国民党当局难以制止军队卷入走私大潮中.  相似文献   
北宋元丰年间以前,乡是县以下一级“实体政务”区划,其数量和幅员随着人口的损益而变化,故边界尚不稳定。王安石变法之后,乡的行政职能被大大削弱,“乡系户口”的功能也随之消失,乡界逐渐稳固下来。保甲法、经界法等基层改革都是在乡内完成,并不跨乡编排,这种政策性的规定强化了乡的整体性,使乡界变得越来越清晰。依据乡所邻对象的差别,可将其边界细分为四类: 乡与乡的分界;乡与路州军县等政区的分界;乡与行政治所的分界;乡与市镇的分界。从现有材料分析,乡的划界大体上遵循“山川形便”原则,这既是为了基层官员管理的便利,又符合自然聚落形成的规律。  相似文献   
运用Arc GIS平均最近邻、核密度估计和波段集统计等方法,考察长春市中心城区银行网点空间特征和规律,以及银行网点与人口和主要经济活动的空间关系,发现:①银行网点呈明显集聚分布特征,这种集聚主要分布于商业和商务中心及新建中高档住宅小区密集地段;②银行网点核密度与其到CBD距离呈负相关,并随距离地增加呈对数衰减;③银行网点密度与人口-经济活动密度在街道甚至更小空间尺度上存在较显著的正相关;④银行网点核密度与大型商业网点和主要写字楼核密度均呈较强正相关,而与大型制造业企业核密度几乎不存在相关性,说明商业和楼宇经济空间特征对城市内部银行网点布局具有深刻影响,而制造业的微观区位对银行网点布局几乎无影响。  相似文献   
本文通过研究深圳华侨城社区居民日常活动特征及其差异,探讨城市居民的社区依赖性。因子分析界定了5种社区日常活动因子:低社区依赖性活动距离、低社区依赖性活动频率、高社区依赖性活动频率、工作的频率与距离以及高社区依赖性活动距离,累积解释率达63.597%。研究进一步表明:女性低社区依赖性活动的时间距离远于男性;居民对社区的依赖性随着年龄的增长而增强;居民对社区的依赖性随着学历的增长而降低;居民对社区的依赖性随着收入的增长而降低;居民对社区的依赖性随着家庭结构的扩大和老龄化而增强;居民高社区依赖性活动频率随着居住时长的增长而提高。  相似文献   
A pollen diagram was prepared from Lake Almalou, a volcanic crater wetland located on the eastern flanks of the Sahand Volcanic Complex in NW Iran. The core provides a 3700-year record of human activity and environmental change in an upland region. We attempt to relate vegetation changes to both climatic change and historical events. Variations of anthropogenic pollen indicators suggest several phases of intensified human activities. Two strongly expressed agricultural phases are dated at about 2450–2220 cal BP (Achaemenid Empire) and 230–30 cal BP (collapse of Safavid Dynasty to the modern period). Historical rather than climatic events appear to be the main controlling factors for upland land-use dynamics. Fruticulture has been practiced in the region at least since the Iron Age, reaching its maximum importance 1500–1250 cal BP during the reign of Sassanid Empire; it declined by the time of Islamic conquest of Iran (651 AD). The Little Ice Age is tangibly recorded by higher lake water levels most probably due to both lower summer temperatures and higher annual precipitations. Low values of cereal-type and cultivated tree pollen during this period may indicate a change in the lifestyle from the cultivation of fields and orchards to a more nomadic life dominated by summer pasture. The modern period (1850 AD onwards) is characterized by expansion of agricultural activities to upland areas and intensified pastoralism.  相似文献   
This paper explores the connective action mechanisms that underpin the rapid formation of online counter-publics in the wake of disruptive political events through a case study of crowd-sourced disability protest launched in response to Donald Trump’s election as U.S. President. Coverage of this protest in U.S. news media is reviewed also as a first step towards assessing the ability of this initiative to influence public discourse. Findings suggest that controversial election results can spur mobilisation, but by themselves do not appear to be sufficient for connective action to really flourish and succeed. Personal action frames that typically are central to connective action struggled to emerge in crowd-sourced contributions that focused on Trump and his politics. The reasons behind these outcomes and their implications for the potential effectiveness of crowd-sourced protest are discussed.  相似文献   

Why do university students participate in extra-curricular activities in China? What do they seek in a meaningful education? This paper explains the rising interest in extra-curricular activities by looking into students’ frustration about classroom-bounded education in China’s universities. A transforming socio-economic landscape and increasing imagination about global modernity have inspired new neoliberal demands for practical knowledge and personal meaning. And yet, China’s universities have failed to keep up with students’ changing visions of education, success, and productive personhood. This paper explores students’ agentive pursuit of sociability and emotional sensitivity through extra-curricular activities as a lens to examine the fluidity of meaning-making in contemporary China. In the process, I discuss why self-reported aspirations in skill cultivation cannot encompass the range of motivations that have driven students to extra-curricular participation, and explain how the ethnographic method can help to address gaps of knowledge in inquiries about youthful aspirations.  相似文献   
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