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学界一般将金代诸府分为京府、总管府和散府三等。研究认为,从行政区划的角度,上述划分混淆了路级行政机构总管府与总管府路治府之间的差别,也掩盖了《金史》等文献中“京府”通常不指诸京路治府的事实。根据入驻上级机构的行政地位,可将金府分为京路治府、总管府路治府和散府(即非总管府路治府)三等。该阶序与以人口因素为主构成的上、中、下等第体系无直接关联,彼此具有独立性。深入认识金代诸府的分等问题,有助于理解元代府路分等的实践逻辑,并揭示元路分等现象所反映金元路制发展的重要转折。  相似文献   
张力欣 《攀登》2008,27(4):227-228
图书馆工作在现实社会工作中有着极其重要的地位和作用,图书馆员是图书馆事业的基本要素之一,是图书情报事业稳步向前发展的关键。图书馆员的素质决定着图书馆职业活动的成效。只有全面提高图书馆员的整体素质,使其具有良好的职业道德和业务技能,才能更好地为读者服务,把图书馆的工作做好。  相似文献   
解丽娜 《攀登》2008,27(5):158-159
新闻从业者在其职业活动中所表现出来的关于新闻传播的一系列职业观念、职业态度、职业情感、职业作风等道德现象,是新闻职业精神的一种外在表现。近些年来,由于各种主客观的原因,特别是在新闻传播引入市场因素之后,频频出现丧失职业精神和违反职业道德的现象,新闻机构和新闻工作者的社会形象也因此受到很大影响。建立和完善的新闻职业道德监督机制,是当前执行新闻行业规范中应当重点解决的问题。  相似文献   
Sir Oswald Mosley established his New Party in early 1931. It proposed to cut across the party and class divides, with the objective of providing a ‘national’ solution to the economic crisis of the time. According to Mosley, the ‘old parties’– meaning the Labour, Conservative and Liberal Parties – had revealed themselves unable to adapt to the post‐war age. In their place, he argued, a modern organisation, based on youth, vitality and a scientifically reasoned economic plan, was needed to save Britain from terminal decline. Few heeded his call, and the party ultimately paved the way for the British Union of Fascists to emerge in 1932. Nevertheless, the New Party fought the general election of 1931, offering an unsuccessful but suitably intriguing challenge to the National coalition and Labour Party. This article will assess the New Party's election campaign, concentrating on those who briefly rallied to Mosley's appeal only to fall foul of the ballot box. In other words, it provides a case study of those who contributed to a dramatic electoral failure, and traces a significant stage along Mosley's journey to fascism.  相似文献   
20世纪中期起,西方学术界围绕着"17世纪普遍危机"问题进行了一场论争,促进了对近代早期欧洲史的理解.透过其研究历程,我们从中可得到诸多启示.  相似文献   
文献法与口述法的结合运用,能够更大程度地赋予普通民众阐释自身历史的权力,推进宏观论证与微观调研、量化研究与质性分析的同步进行,不仅有助于挖掘新史料,还能够拓宽研究视野、提供新的研究方法。对“文革”史研究具有突破性的意义。  相似文献   
清末中学教育是随着中国教育近代化的进程不断深入发展的。现代中学产生于资本主义发展最早的欧洲,清末中学教育是在学习和借鉴西方的基础上发展起来的。本文力求在全面搜集史料和理论分析的基础上,全面展示清末中学教育是如何在中国这片古老的大地上出现的。  相似文献   
韩小玲 《攀登》2011,30(5):129-131
做好党报校对工作,对提高党报质量,充分发挥党报的宣传作用至关重要。本文对如何做好新形势下的党报校对工作进行了分析,并就做好校对工作提出了一些建议。  相似文献   
汉末动乱,朝廷重设四征、镇等将军以统辖一方军事,并重置都督以督管诸军。曹氏执政,为统一事权,督军渐向都督诸州军事发展,并与四征、镇将军之辖区形成二级军区制。及曹魏中后期,司马氏执政,鉴于四征、镇将军事权过大,且与都督事权不一,乃分割诸征、镇将军辖区,令四征、镇并置,并另置四安、平将军及诸杂号将军分辖各区。这使得四征、镇等将军辖区渐渐向都督区靠拢。将军号的滥置使得其位阶性日强,事权性日弱。在晋代魏禅时,都督最终正式取代了四征、镇等将军,成为地方最高军事长官,而都督区制度也就此趋于定型。  相似文献   
The US–Republic of Korea (ROK) alliance had significantly developed asset specificities and common social identities attached to it during the cold war period. If institutional features and ideational factors originating from the cold war threat can account for alliance resilience in the post-cold war period, the US–ROK alliance should be a ‘most likely case’ to support those causal links. This article shows that such is not the case. This article, instead, argues that the US–ROK alliance went beyond being an instrument of threat response to becoming a more complicated mechanism for serving ‘general interests’ in relation to North-East Asian regional order maintenance and order-building, which drove the US–ROK alliance between 1998 and 2008.  相似文献   
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