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This article situates New Zealand in the Varieties of Capitalism literature and then uses this theoretical framework to provide a critical analysis of the country’s recent economic under-performance. It argues that while New Zealand is rightly assumed to reflect a near pure example of a free-market Liberal Market Economy, its historical trajectory has been rather more mixed. This has led some analysts to assume that a shift from a ‘Coordinated’ to a ‘Liberal’ Market Economy has occurred, yet the state played a much heavier-handed role in creating and overseeing such apparently cooperative mechanisms than is the case in true coordinated market economies. When the state removed such support structures as the results of pro-market reforms in the 1980s and 1990s, there was a lack of ‘coordination’ altogether in the New Zealand political economy. Businesses, either on a collective or an individual basis, did not step in to perform functions previously delivered by the state. This analysis is applied specifically to the fields of skills formation, or vocational education and training, and research and development, as illustrative examples of this broader critical line of argument.  相似文献   
《百苗图》是清代绘画记录当时各地苗族的生产、生活、娱乐和习俗等风情的历史图册,是珍贵的历史民族志。“百”是概数,含多之意,并不是指有百幅苗族画图,也不是指有百支苗族。《百苗图》形象再现了苗族支系的繁多和丰富多彩的历史文化,具有重要的历史、艺术和科学价值。《百苗图》原本已佚,后世转抄临摩者众多,据初步查寻,目前在国内外收藏尚存的《百苗图》抄本、印本估计不下100种。主要收藏在中国大陆和台湾各图书馆现藏,在海外如德国、英国、日本等国家的图书馆也有收藏。  相似文献   
日本帝国主义在伪满洲国实行“以总务厅为中心”的统治方式,以达到严密控制伪满政权的目的,通过总务制把伪满政府完全变成了傀儡。伪满洲国政权的行政运作,就是通过总务厅、次长制来实现的。在日本政府的殖民侵略下,经关东军司令官到伪国务院总务长官,总务长官到各部总务司长(次长),各部总务司长(次长)到各省总务厅长(省次长),由省总务厅长(省次长)再到各县参事官(副县长),形成由上至下的殖民统治体系。  相似文献   
This article presents data and analysis, summarizing the materials of the general censuses, mainly of 1989 and 2002. Special attention is paid to the dynamics of demographic composition and linguistic processes among the indigenous peoples of Western Siberia. The size and the distribution of 38 ethnic groups belonging to the multinational environment of the former USSR (with a size of not less than one thousand people) are presented for every region of Western Siberia (from the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District to the Altai Republic). Different patterns of distribution, clusters of territories with similar ethnic composition, shares of indigenous, migrant non-Russian, and ethnic Russian population in each region are reported. At the end of the 20th century, the most remote territories of the Far North (Yamal) and the mountainous region of the Altai show the greatest specifi city.  相似文献   
华耀军 《神州》2011,(12):54-54
论述高职院校会计课程改革的方案和目标,课程的实施,实验课的建设,教学方法的改革等,高等职业教育要注重提高学生的能力,培养操作实用型的会计人材。  相似文献   
1901年9月,清廷应两广总督陶模奏请,谕令各省设大学堂,前因虽是戊戌变法期间康有为倡言在省会改书院为高等中学,却是混淆专门学的高等学与大学,令疆臣们进退维谷。袁世凯率先想出挂羊头卖狗肉之策,以大学的名义办中小学的正斋、备斋,化两难为两便。各省争相跟进,纷纷效法,上演了一出君臣之间心照不宣的闹剧。壬寅、癸卯学制拨乱反正,重回各省高等学堂的轨道。不过,作为普通学向专门学的过渡,来自日本特有的高等学堂究竟应该是一省教育的最高学府,还是大学堂的预科,直到民初仍然聚讼纷纭,摇摆不定。而各方就此展开的争论,对于时下平衡基础教育与高等教育的衔接,仍有借鉴作用。  相似文献   
1953-1954年举行的第一次全国普选是人民代表大会制度建立的重要前提。作为全国普选的一个缩影,江苏基层普选是人民民主制度的重要实践。在试点阶段,江苏基层普选的选举权审查曾发生“左”的偏向,对此,江苏各级选举组织机构展开了有针对性的政策改进和纠偏,最终顺利完成普选。江苏对基层选举权的严格审查,既实现了人民内部最大范围的民主选举,彰显了党和政府实施民主选举的决心和能力,也进一步增强了人民群众的民主意识,推进了基层民主政治建设,具有重要的历史意义。  相似文献   
Combining psychological and anthropological work indicates that sleep, dreaming, and the imagination are involved in regulating mood and updating individual and collective knowledge. Psychologists often implicitly assume that all dreamers share their naturalistic model of dreaming while ethnographers often emphasize the spiritual explanations of dreaming inherent in the worldviews of their hosts. Applying cognitive and evolutionary theories of religion to the ethnography of dreaming and the imagination suggests that these capacities have adaptive value for learning, emotional adjustment, and the flow, revivification, and recalibration of knowledge traditions. A general anthropological approach to sleep, dreaming, and the imagination can surmount oversights that result from disciplinary and subfield foci and emphases.  相似文献   
陈晨  修春亮 《人文地理》2014,29(5):81-87
交通网络中心性是测度交通网络及社会经济活动可达性的有效手段。从交通网络中心性视角,结合可达时间研究长春市中心城区大型综合医院空间可达性。大型综合医院邻近度和中间性与距离(到人民广场路网距离)均呈负相关,在距人民广场最近处二者大致相等且最高,随着距离的增加,邻近度超过中间性。距人民广场4740-5799米处中间性超过邻近度并形成高值分布区,7862-8400米处二者均降到最低。约33.3%的大型综合医院空间可达性最好,其集中分布于以人民广场为中心的城市中心。空间可达性最差的大型综合医院约占总数的24.1%,多分布于城市边缘。空间可达性较差的大型综合医院为数不多,且多分布于城市周边。但高邻近度、高中间性、可达时间较长的大型综合医院主要分布于安达街沿线。高邻近度、低中间性,可达时间较短的大型综合医院则多分布于火车站前与新民大街沿线等城市中心位置。  相似文献   
新中国成立初期的第一次普选运动是中国共产党领导的民主下乡的集中实践。针对乡村民众对普选的认知,政府在普选的每一个环节都进行了相应的宣传和动员。普选动员在贯彻国家意志中培养了民众的民主意识,在新旧政权的对比中引发了民众的民主参与热情,在彰显人民民主的意图中加深了民众对民主意涵的理解,在男女平等的宣传中激活了妇女对民主权利的主张。普选的政治动员推动了民主下乡的进程,成为后来农村基层民主勃兴的历史因子。  相似文献   
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