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我国教师资格制度的法制化进程   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
自 1 986年起 ,我国教师资格制度开始由以行政命令、政策规定的弱强制性程度阶段向法令规定的高强制性程度转向 ,即开始了法制化的进程。先后经历了教师资格制度法制规范初步建立阶段 ( 1 986— 1 993年 ) ,教师资格制度的法制规范完善阶段 ( 1 993— 2 0 0 0年 ) ,2 0 0 0年 9月 2 3日 ,我国颁发了《〈教师资格条例〉实施办法》 ,它的出台标志着我国建立起一整套教师资格制度的法制规范体系 ,标志着较为完备的教师资格制度的确立。通过对这一过程的考察 ,有助于增强对我国教师资格制度法制化进程的特点和精神实质的理解 ,从而增强我们依法治教、依法治师的自觉意识。  相似文献   
Human transport of bones with high food values, and destruction of bones with low density values are the traditionally invoked explanations of the frequencies of bones in archeological contexts. The manner in which these two explanations have been used suggests archaeologists assume the explanations to be independent of one another. The transport explanation is operationalized as the modified general utility index (MGUI) of Binford, and the destruction explanation is operationalized with measures of bone density. Statistical correlation of the MGUI with bone density, while weak, indicates that many high utility bones have low density values while many low utility bones have high density values. Because low density bones tend to be destroyed more readily than high density bones, inferences of human utility strategies derived from bone frequencies and based on the MGUI may be inaccurate. The utility strategies suggested by three archaeofaunas are compared to bone density, and two of these faunas are shown to potentially be the result of differential destruction and not human transport as measured by the MGUI.  相似文献   
孙谦 《安徽史学》2010,(5):26-31
新民主主义革命时期,马克思主义大众化的成功推进和采取有效的大众化策略密切相关,即要使马克思主义能够为人民大众听得到、听得懂、听得进,以及围绕着这"三听"所制定的一系列措施.  相似文献   
吴长庆是淮军名将、儒将,是1882年中国军队成功平定朝鲜壬午兵变、稳定朝鲜社会秩序的军事统帅.吴长庆与袁世凯叔祖袁甲三、嗣父袁保庆及袁世凯本人有着三代世交关系.青年袁世凯投军吴长庆部,受到吴长庆的特别关照和精心培养,脱颖而出,迅速成长为一名优秀青年将领.吴长庆与袁世凯关系密切,袁世凯对吴长庆的恩情铭记在心.  相似文献   
19世纪以来,随着工业革命的横空出世,英国社会中工业资产阶级与无产阶级的矛盾日益尖。这一社会状况真实而深刻的反映在众多当时的小说中,盖斯凯特夫人的小说《玛丽·巴顿》就是其中代表,本文通过分析小说情节安排,人物塑造,矛盾冲突等,发现作者内心复杂的矛盾与冲突:即对工人阶级悲惨遭遇的同情与对以激烈的手段变革社会以及由此导致的社会动荡的恐惧。本文以雷蒙威廉姆斯的情感结构为理论框架,对《玛丽·巴顿》进行分析,力图揭示出19世纪工业社会的普遍状况与时人的普遍社会心理。  相似文献   

A recent online article in The Daily Beast listed archaeology as one of the thirteen most useless undergraduate degrees. The article failed to identify transferable job skills gained while engaged in archaeological work. Further, archaeological field programmes and labs offer an alternative learning environment that benefits some students. This article reviews two archaeological projects that used archaeology as a form of social activism to provide employment and education to an under-served community as a fundamental aspect of its goals. The Hopedale Archaeology Project is an archaeology field project based in a north-east Canadian community that provides education and work opportunities for Inuit students. The Veterans Curation Program based in the United States provides temporary employment to recently discharged military veterans in an archaeological and archival curation lab. These programmes assist individuals to re-establish themselves within the workforce and add to their academic and professional growth, as well as incorporate a public outreach component that makes archaeology and history more accessible to the public.  相似文献   
Anthropology has long been a contested field with roots in both scientific and humanistic discourse. The “four-field” approach in American anthropology has been used by some as a means of suppressing conflict and enforcing a false sense of unity. While critiques of the four-field approach are warranted, in fact holism represents anthropology's greatest strength. Anthropology gains a competitive advantage over other disciplines in its ability to combine biological and cultural approaches. Moreover, the four-field model, while historically contingent, is well suited to the institutional and political realities of the American academy, especially the public research university.  相似文献   
Drawing on theories of space, gender, and participatory learning, central concepts in feminist pedagogy, the author designed a university-level general-education course that took the Twenty-Five Ladies Tomb in southern Taiwan as the focus of a field study and class discussion. This local gendered site, which commemorates a 1973 ferry accident that killed 25 unmarried young women working in Kaohsiung, raises issues about patriarchy in Taiwan, gender inequities in traditional Han customs, and women's labor. The course relied on guided class discussions and focus-group discussions, culminating in a visit to the site. Face to face with the researched, the author not only built an inclusive and supportive relationship with students in the classroom, but also put her researcher's reflexivity into teaching practice. Research results indicate that the freedom of the class discussion format succeeded in breaking down the logic of binary opposition that accompanies the traditional gender duality of male/female. Avoiding a top-down teaching style also minimized students' resistance to perspectives emphasizing gender equality.  相似文献   
陈峰 《史学集刊》2007,(3):26-30,44
北宋初确定了通过北伐收复燕云地区,以扭转被动局面的御辽战略思想。宋太宗在两次北伐失败后,放弃以往的主动战略,转而实施全面防御的部署。宋真宗朝继承了“守内虚外”的思想,因此最终与辽达成“澶渊之盟”。“澶渊之盟”的订立,固然维持了长期的北部和平局面,但却给宋朝的国防战略带来了极大的消极影响,使宋廷过分依赖议和的手段,轻视了武备建设,从而令边防陷入长期被动挨打的境地。  相似文献   
虚假新闻折射新闻职业道德——加强新闻职业道德之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘娜娜 《攀登》2008,27(4):203-204
新闻职业道德,是新闻工作者在长期的职业实践中形成的调整和处理新闻机构内外相互关系的行为规范或准则。当前,一些新闻工作者违背职业道德,给新闻事业造成了不良的影响。虚假新闻的出现,就是一些新闻工作者职业道德与操守缺失的表现。对此,笔者分析了产生虚假新闻的主要原因,认为要减少、杜绝虚假新闻现象,必须要加强新闻工作者的道德修养,树立正确的职业道德观。  相似文献   
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