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Correlating archaeological finds with their associated stratigraphic context is elementary to modern excavation methods. Although micro-contextual approaches can provide invaluable perspectives, ascribing primary depositional status and associative context has traditionally been a qualitative exercise. To improve the empirical nature of this process as part of new excavations at the Cooper’s Ferry site in western Idaho, we established a chemostratigraphic framework that enables us to quantitatively relate the elemental geochemistry of sediments associated with artifacts and other samples back to a master lithostratigraphic sequence. We subjected a total of 151 PXRF readings from six lithostratigraphic units to multiple discriminant function analysis, which led to the identification of characteristic elements. To test the site’s chemostratigraphic framework, we collected PXRF readings from an infilled rodent burrow, which visually appeared to contain mixed sediments from multiple lithostratigraphic units. Statistical analysis could not relate the rodent burrow’s sedimentary geochemistry well to any of the known lithostratigraphic units, thus marking it as potentially disturbed. This methodological approach allows us to make quantitative correlations between stratigraphic units across the site and most importantly, enables us to independently evaluate whether objects from any part of the site are in direct association with “anomalous” or “regular” sediments.  相似文献   
中国传统教育向近代转型,经历了一个从理论到实践的过程。在理论转型中最核心的是严复资产阶级自由国民的近代教育目标的确立,围绕这一目标,从教育对象、教育原则到教育内容和方法,严复提出了一系列的适应近代社会发展的理论,形成了一个较为完整的近代教育体系,开启了中国教育近代化的大门。  相似文献   

This article sets out to explain how four British progressive thinkers—G.D.H. Cole, Henry Noel Brailsford, Kingsley Martin and Leonard Woolf—came to believe that European unity, and regional integration more broadly, could provide a solution to the economic and political crisis of the 1930s–1940s. Having become increasingly disenchanted with the League of Nations, these authors maintained that only the abandonment of the principle of absolute sovereignty and the establishment of a supranational framework binding countries with similar political and economic institutions could lay foundations for a lasting peace. In retrospect, their work significantly contributed to a more nuanced understanding of economic factors in IR theory and to shift discourses on Britain as a world power away from the centrality of Empire.  相似文献   
文章就儒学的性质、基本特征和根本精神等答记者问。指出传统儒学要经过批判性继承和创造性重建,同时接纳和融合西方文化的民主、博爱价值观,才能实现面向现代化、全球化的思想转型,获得广阔的发展空间并立足于世界多元文化之林。  相似文献   
Immigrant integration is currently a prominent issue in virtually all contemporary democracies, but countries in which the historic population itself is deeply divided – particularly those with substate nations and multiple political identities – present some interesting questions where integration is concerned. The existence of multiple and potentially competing political identities may complicate the integration process, particularly if the central government and the substate nation promote different conceptions of citizenship and different nation‐building projects. What, then, are the implications of minority nationalism for immigrant integration? Are the added complexities a barrier to integration? Or do overlapping identities generate more points of contact between immigrants and their new home? This article addresses this question by probing immigrant and non‐immigrant ‘sense of belonging’ in Canada, both inside and outside Quebec. Data come from Statistics Canada's Ethnic Diversity Study. Our results suggest that competing nation‐building projects make the integration of newcomers more, rather than less, challenging.  相似文献   
John Searle's most recent effort to account for human social institutions claims to provide a synthesis of the explanatory and the normative while simultaneously dismissing as confused and wrongheaded theorists who held otherwise. Searle, although doubtless alert to the usual considerations for separating the normative and the explanatory projects, announces at the outset that he conceives of matters quite differently. Searle's reason for reconceiving the field rests on his claim that both ends can be achieved by a single “underlying principle of social ontology” (7). This principle, he maintains, proves basic both to any explanation of how the social arises and sustains itself as well as to all justifications of core common norms, for example, human rights. His approach transforms what previously appeared to be ontological/explanatory questions (and so prima facie empirical/causal matters) completely into semantic/conceptual issues. By situating language as constitutive of the social, and intentionality as a necessary conceptual precursor to language, Searle claims to join by semantic necessity philosophical projects that the philosophical tradition that he rejects held distinct. Searle's notion of the social comes for free once one has language as a conventional cloak for prelinguistic, semantically well‐formed intentional contents, individual and collective. But upon examination, Searle's key argument for displacement of the tradition depends upon the viability of his linguistic mechanism, and that in turn requires prelinguistic necessity for all forms of intentionality. But he can produce no compelling connection, conceptual or empirical, to establish the role that collective intentionality supposedly must play.  相似文献   
从文化功能学而论顾恺之《洛神赋》中的“树”具有审美的情感表达功能,而砖画《竹林七贤》中的“树”具有祭祀的崇拜功能,二者处于不同的文化功能系统。魏晋南北朝时期绘画中“树”的文化功能的扩展是文人士大夫追求自我价值实现和生命意义的结果。  相似文献   
郑州商城房基最早发现于20世纪50年代,主要发现地点位于内城东北角的白家庄、外郭城西部的人民公园和内城北部的紫荆山铸铜作坊遗址内。目前发现的商城房基可以分为地面式、半地穴式和窖穴式三类。房基的形状有长方形、方形、圆形、不规则形等。但最常见的形状是长方形,有的房基在建造过程中或建造之后有举行祭祀礼仪的习俗。此外,本文还对郑州商城小型房基发现较少的原因进行了探讨。  相似文献   
沧州铁狮子健康监测数据管理及集成系统是沧州铁狮子结构健康监测系统CILSS的一部分,,并成为该系统的核心组成部分之一。针对沧州铁狮子结构的数据类型及特点,运用SQL Server建立了中心数据库;运用Delphi开发了便于数据处理分析的人机交互界面;通过Delphi软件建立系统集成平台,统一协调沧州铁狮子健康监测各子系统共同运行,编制了包括结构分析软件ANSYS、MATLAB等在内的所有相应接口程序;本研究大部分成果已成功应用于沧州铁狮子结构健康监测系统现场试验,为将来沧州铁狮子结构的长期健康监测提供了重要支撑条件。  相似文献   
The origins of the European Union are especially connected to its so-called founding fathers. One of them was Polish politician Joseph Retinger, who represented a functionalist point of view. This article aims to throw light on Retinger's contribution to uniting the Old Continent. The method applied in this article is a comparative analysis of Retinger's ideas with the early phases of integration. Many significant initiatives taken with a view to the future integration of Europe, such as the founding of the European League for Economic Co-operation (1946), the Congress of Europe held in The Hague (1948), the founding of the European Movement (1948), or the establishment of the Council of Europe (1949) to give just a few examples can all be associated with Retinger's activity. The author concludes that the importance of Retinger's European activities (concerning the early period after the Second World War) were so huge that he should be ranked among the pioneers of the modern European Union.  相似文献   
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