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于瑞峰  刘彩惠 《神州》2011,(4X):46-47,49
本文以体育专业网球专项学生为主体,创建课外网球俱乐部,使喜欢网球的在校生在课外活动中技术有指导性的提高,体育专业的学生在做教练的过程中,专业知识和技能得到了发挥和展示。在创建过程中不仅为体育专业学生的未来发展培养创新精神和实践能力,也为体育专业的发展提供一些可借鉴的经验。在掌握课外活动网球俱乐部创建的步骤及开展优势的同时,也为高校体育项目俱乐部的创建及开展提供参考性得意见。  相似文献   
The geomorphological evolution of the upper Chienti river basin, during the late Pleistocene and the Holocene, was characterized mainly by numerous landslides, strongly affecting the river dynamics, that produced falls, deviations and in some cases total obstructions with the formation of lakes sometimes extending for some kilometres. Moreover, particularly during the Holocene, phytoclastic and phytohermal travertine deposits were deposited in correspondence of steps along the river bed; one of these deposits, by means of radiocarbon dating, has been dated between 8260 ± 100 yr BP and 7740 ± 80 yr BP. Stromatolithic travertine is also present at the base of Holocene channels, slightly incised on the top of the upper Pleistocene alluvial plain.  相似文献   
李丹慧 《史学集刊》2006,14(6):51-67
1961年后期,为了将中苏关系缓和的局面继续维持下去,中共中央对苏共二十二大采取了暗中斗争的方略,对定性为是集修正主义之大成的苏共新党纲不做公开直接的批判。其后,随着中国国内经济状况的好转,中共从维护阿尔巴尼亚党人手,开始着手与苏共进行新一轮意识形态斗争。中苏关系缓和的局面结束。1962年新疆中国边民外逃苏联的伊塔事件、中苏在加勒比海危机和中印边界战争期间的外交较量,不同程度地影响了中共中央对中苏关系性质的认识,影响了两党继续务实地寻求共同利益,求同存异,保持关系的基本稳定。特别是毛泽东把中共党内反省三年来政策失误时显露的否:毫“大跃进”、人民公社、总路线的倾向,当作是对赫鲁晓夫关于中共国内政策批评的呼应,进而:重新检讨与苏关系问题,警惕国内外修正主义分子勾结起来进行颠覆活动。与此同时,国际左派队伍的形成使中共领导人认为,中共作为共运领导中心的条件已具备、时机也已成熟。中共做出了中苏两党矛盾已成为敌我性质、赫鲁晓夫已成为资产阶级代言人的判断。毛泽东最终调整对苏方针的基调,改以妥协、让步、缓和关系为主为以主动进攻、做针锋相对的斗争为主。中共开始与苏共进行关于国际共运总路线的大论战。中苏两党关系的破裂成为定局。  相似文献   
Monitoring of the archaeological deposits at the World Heritage Site Bryggen in Bergen has been ongoing since 2001. In latter years a large-scale project of mitigation works has been carried out, resulting in the creation of a water-management system aimed at raising groundwater-levels and increasing soil moisture content in areas with poor preservation conditions. Oxygen is a key parameter in the decay of archaeological material in the unsaturated zone, and the monitoring at Bryggen includes in situ monitoring of oxygen concentrations and comparison to soil moisture content, temperature, groundwater-level, precipitation and soil reactivity. This is used to document where and when decay takes place and to estimate “how wet is wet enough” in order to reduce the oxygen diffusion and the decay rate to an acceptable level. The results show that even small changes in the soil moisture can have a large impact on the oxygen dynamics in the ground.  相似文献   
Elastic dynamic earth pressures induced by earthquakes are computed by analyzing a wall-foundation-backfill system. Both foundation and backfill are considered viscoelastic; the foundation is a semi-infinite space and the backfill, a uniform layer of constant thickness. A simple analytical solution is developed by assuming an approximate backfill-foundation interface condition and adopting the least squares method. The response functions computed indicate the large influence of the various system parameters on earth pressure, including the foundation characteristics,as well as wall geometry and mass. The transient response of the system is also studied by obtaining spectra for base shear. A large number of seismic records are analyzed to obtain average spectra and a total of three correction functions are used to take into account the foundation stiffness and density as well as wall inertia. A simple design method is proposed to estimate the maximum base shear.  相似文献   
Consumer behavior has become an important topic in historical archaeology, and patterns of domestic acquisition, use, and discard are often directly expressed in the archaeological record. Consumption patterns are influenced by factors such as household morphology, life cycle, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status, therefore analysis of domestic site formation processes should take these factors into account. The formation processes exhibited on historic domestic sites may be quite complex, but there is a broad range of analytical methods available for examination of these processes.  相似文献   
This article presents the identification of dynamic properties of a stone masonry building, followed by numerical simulation of its dynamic response accounting for soil-foundation-structure interaction. The first part regards numerical simulations of the earthquake response of a two-story building prototype with timber floors, made of three-leaf stone masonry without laces. This 1:2 scale prototype was tested on a shaking table in its as-built state and after strengthening, at the National Technical University of Athens. Afterward, the building prototype was modeled with flat shell elements and equivalent frames (common frames and macro-elements), for an investigation of its linear and nonlinear seismic response, assuming base fixity. Numerical results were compared to the experimental ones, which yielded conclusions on the considerations of each employed modeling strategy, as well as its efficiency and applicability. The second part considers the effect of soil-structure interaction using appropriately modified foundation stiffness values to account for the foundation soil flexibility. Comparison of the numerical results with and without SSI effects showed how the flexibility of the soil-foundation system and the soil-structure interaction modified the system’s modal characteristics and response within the elastic range, in terms of both seismic loads and deformations, and produced conclusions about its consequences on the overall structural stability.  相似文献   
T. K. KYSER 《Geofluids》2007,7(2):238-257
Sedimentary basins are the largest structures on the surface of our planet and the most significant sources of energy‐related commodities. With time, sedimentary successions in basins normally are subjected to increasingly intense diagenesis that results in differential evolution of basin hydrology. This hydrologic structure is in turn vitally important in determining how and where deposition of metals may occur. Fluids in all basins originate and flow as a result of sedimentological and tectonic events, so that fluid histories should reflect the control of both lithology and tectonism on ore deposition. Sandstone lithologies, in particular, reflect fluid‐flow events because they are normally the major aquifers in basins. However, early cementation results in occlusion of primary permeability in some facies (diagenetic aquitards) whereas in others, permeability develops due to the dissolution of unstable grains (diagenetic aquifers). Particularly for ore deposits in Precambrian basins, identification of paleohydrologic systems during basin evolution requires the integration of data derived from tectonics, sedimentology, stratigraphy, diagenesis, geochemistry and geology. Assessment of all these data is a prerequisite for the ‘holistic basin analysis’ needed to guide the search for basin‐hosted ores. Recent results from the Paleoproterozoic Mt Isa and McArthur basins in northern Australia serve as a template for exploring for mineral deposits in basins. Basinal fluids were saline, 200–300°C and evolved primarily from meteoric water in the Mt Isa Basin and from seawater in the McArthur Basin during burial to depths of 4–12 km. The δDfluid and δ18Ofluid values in these brines were isotopically identical to those in the Zn‐Pb, Cu and U deposits. Geochemical changes of various lithologies during alteration support detrital minerals as the major source of the U, and volcanic units proximal to diagenetic aquifers as a source for the transition metals. Ages of diagenetic phases extracted from aquifer lithologies reveal that fluid migration from the diagenetic aquifers effectively covers the period of formation for U, Zn‐Pb and Cu mineralization, and that the deposits formed in response to tectonic events reflected in the apparent polar wandering path for the area. Sequence stratigraphic analysis and models of fluid flow also indicate that basinal reservoirs were likely sources for the mineralizing fluids. Thus, diagenetic aquifer lithologies were being drained of fluids at the same time as the deposits were forming from fluids that were chemically and isotopically similar, linking diagenesis and fluid events within the basin to the formation of the deposits.  相似文献   
偃师商城建筑概论--1983年~1999年建筑遗迹考古   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
偃师商城是1983年春季中国社会科学院考古研究所洛阳汉魏故城工作队发现的①。偃师商城位于洛阳盆地东侧,北依邙山,南临洛河,背靠黑石关,东行连结商人故有活动基地,面对二里头夏都,便于监视夏之顽民,形势十分险要。城址分小、大两座城。小城临洛河,平面呈长方形,南北长1100米,东西宽 740米,城墙现厚 6米~ 7米,面积约80万平方米,在东、西城墙上各发现一道城门。大城是在小城基础上建立起来的,南部城墙与小城南城墙相重合,并以此为依据,北延东扩而成,北依邙山,平面呈“菜刀”形,南北最长1700米,东西…  相似文献   
为了配合基本建设,做好抢救性的文物保护工作,对考古发掘的河曲坪头遗址房址进行保护,采取了千斤顶升降、滚动轴使切割块发生位移等先进的方法,最大限度地减少了因切割而造成的文物破坏,最终顺利完成了出土房址的搬迁保护工作。同时对搬迁过程中的一些细节进行了讨论,所用的方法可为今后同类性质的文物保护提供经验。  相似文献   
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