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The changing status of moxibustion therapy in folk medicine from the Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty is a reflection of the distribution situation of popular medical resources during these periods. As a feasible therapy with a large popularity, moxibustion played a crucial role in the Tang Dynasty. The Song Dynasty saw some social development as well, because it was an active state power and social force in medical activities. Therefore, people at the lower class gradually benefited from decoction and acupuncture treatments, and the status of the moxibustion therapy began to decline. The changing status of moxibustion therapy in different dynasties embodies the changes in technology and the quality of life. Translated by Chen Cheng from Tsinghua daxue xuebao 清华大学学报 (Journal of Tsinghua University), 2006, (1): 62–74  相似文献   
刘淼 《史学集刊》2004,(1):28-33
晚清时期是中国民间资本重新组合的重要历史时期。在这一时期 ,集中于城镇的各种手工业组织对资本的需求增大 ,而拥有资金的商人又缺乏投资渠道。因此 ,在经济相对富裕的苏沪地区 ,民间资本开始通过招股与认股的方式组合成为股份公司。各股份公司成立后 ,在股金管理、红利分配和组织机构等方面均形成了新的体制。同时 ,随着股份公司的建立 ,传统的生产和销售等经营方式也开始发生转变  相似文献   
王乔传说最早出现在南方,在被河洛王子晋传说取代多年以后,复归于越地,天台山遂为王子晋信仰的发祥地,并与台州白鹤大帝信仰融合为鹤仙信仰,广泛流传于东瓯地区,衍化为多种信仰民俗,远及日本。  相似文献   
段继业 《攀登》2009,28(2):43-48
宗教与社会工作都具有“助人”的功能。从中国社会的实际来看,无论是制度化宗教还是分散性宗教,都具有许多值得社会工作学习和借鉴的地方。其主要体现在以行善和奉献为特点的价值观、本土化的助人方法、教内互助和社会慈善相结合的制度以及宗教场所接近社区的空间分布形式等方面。宗教在中国民间社会长期而有效的“助人”经验,是中国社会工作本土化值得利用的资源。  相似文献   
Although the relationship between music and nationalism has been at the centre of recent cross‐disciplinary research, many areas remain unexplored. Among them are forms of ‘national music’ that nest overlapping identities, functioning simultaneously as vehicles of regional, ethnic, urban, global and diasporic belongings. This article focuses on the national dimension of these multilevel identities, concentrating on the swings and transmigrations between the national and the regional. It compares two Mediterranean traditions which, particularly between the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, have served as multilevel identifiers of national and regional belongings: flamenco and canzone napoletana (Neapolitan song). I argue that, besides geographically bounded identities, both genres were constructed as ‘national’ primarily abroad, rather than in their home countries, thus contributing to a theory of the ‘international’ dimension of ‘national’ music. In the case of flamenco, I focus on the irradiation centre of the time, Paris, although the modern notion of musical Spanishness was first associated with national identity in Russia. The canzone consolidated its international position mostly through the Italian diaspora, achieving a much wider reach than is ordinarily thought, both nationally and globally.  相似文献   
谶纬,是中国古代文化中的一种现象,有着悠久的历史。即:把自然界中发生的偶然事件而神秘化,并用诡秘的隐语、预言作为神的启示,将其视为预示社会安危的决定因素,以告人政事,或昭示国运的兴衰。亦是方士或巫师假借神明来说吉凶祸福的征兆。其中,表现在对钱币的运用上尤为突出,足见其产生的影响。  相似文献   
周全明 《民俗研究》2022,(1):119-130
民间小戏是中国戏曲的构成部分之一,也是中国民间文艺的重要组成部分。民间小戏研究长期滞后于传统大戏研究。在以民间文学为研究对象的民间文艺学领域,神话、故事、史诗研究巍巍壮观,民间小戏研究有待进一步加强。民间小戏研究自民国以来经历了从文本层面的小戏转变为语境层面的小戏和生活实践层面的小戏的认知过程,形成了文本作品研究范式、文化语境研究范式和艺人实践研究范式。民间小戏研究范式的转换与演进受到社会文化思潮、学科建设发展、代表性学术论著和研究方法应用等因素的影响。乡村振兴战略的实施为民间小戏振兴及民间小戏研究提供了机遇,在乡村振兴的文化实践中,民间小戏的艺人实践研究范式仍然是民间小戏研究的未来趋向。  相似文献   
海门通东地区的民间美术具有质朴、敦厚的特色,富有乡土情味。通东的民间绘画、雕刻、建筑装饰、刻纸、彩灯、竹编等民间美术融汇于人们日常生活、生产的各个领域,具有实用和审美的双重特点。  相似文献   
在徽州民间的日用类书中,人们根据需要,将随时所见的应酬文字抄录下来,汇录成册,这些杂抄往往就被称作"碎锦"或"杂锦".本文以<新旧碎锦杂录>抄本两种为中心,通过整理、分析,对抄本所见晚清徽州民间的社会生活作了初步的勾勒.  相似文献   
诗、乐同源,合而不同;诗与乐府,并存不悖。汉乐府曲辞分为二途,一者采诗被乐,率多闾巷风谣;一者文人之辞,其中郊庙之辞,大半《诗》颂四言,故称诗而已矣。而文人五言虽杂乐府之中,然与民谣殊类,又异郊庙之辞,后世遂称古诗,姑且以为分别;魏晋以下文士所拟,大率其辞之流,于是概称古诗,且与乐府对举,以专后者之名,竟以汉世为宗。究之古诗、乐府,初则其义相即,并无截然分界,唯以后人所见,方有判然之别,而其对举互异,要归民间采诗与文人所作,二者分途,卒成两体。  相似文献   
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