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K. Bucher  I. Stober 《Geofluids》2016,16(5):813-825
The Urach 3 research borehole in SW Germany has been drilled through a sedimentary cover sequence and reached gneisses of the Variscan crystalline basement at 1604 m below surface. An additional 2840 m has been drilled through fractured basement rocks. The borehole has been used for hydraulic tests in the context of a ‘hot dry rock’ (HDR) project. The sedimentary cover ranges from the Carboniferous to the Middle Jurassic (Dogger) in age and comprises mostly clastic sediments in the Paleozoic and limestone and shale in the Mesozoic. Water composition data from 10 different depths include samples from all major lithological units. The total dissolved solids (TDS) increases from the surface to about 650 m where it reaches 4.1 g l?1 in Triassic limestone. In lower Triassic sandstones, TDS increases very sharply to 28.5 g l?1 and the water is saturated with pure CO2 gas. With increasing depth, TDS does not change much in the clastic sediments of the Permian and Carboniferous. The crystalline basement is marked by a very sharp increase in TDS to 55.5 g l?1 at about 1770 m depth. TDS increases within the basement to more than 78.5 g l?1 at about 3500 m depth. The data suggest that there is limited vertical chemical communication over long periods of time. The CO2 gas cap in the lower Triassic sandstones requires a gastight cover. The chemical stratification of the fluids relates to the permeability structure of the crust at the Urach site and fits well with hydraulic and thermal data from the site.  相似文献   
It is well known from nature and experiments that the presence of brine strongly affects the microstructural evolution and the mechanical and transport properties of halite. Existing interpretations of the grain boundary structure in deformed, wet, salt samples annealed statically at room temperature are based on indirect evidence from reflected light microscopy and conventional scanning electron microscopy. This paper presents direct observations of fluid‐filled grain boundaries using the cryogenic‐scanning electron microscope (cryo‐SEM) in which the grain boundary fluids were frozen before breaking the samples. The rapid cooling transforms the brine into two phases, i.e. ice and hydrohalite, which are easily recognized from characteristic segregation patterns. We studied samples of wet, synthetic, polycrystalline halite annealed under static conditions at room temperature. In coarse‐grained samples, fine‐scale segregation patterns were observed at the boundaries of the primary recrystallizing grains. These points indicate the existence of fluid films with a thickness in the range of 30 nm, but the finer scale structure of the fluid remains unknown. In fine‐grained samples, the distribution and reorganization of fluids with annealing time is recorded by the combination of contact healing and successive accumulation of fluids in triple junction tubes. The contact healing is attributed to the small initial grain size, such that the fluid film necks down by accumulating the fluids into previously existing triple junctions via neck growth. Electron backscatter diffraction measurements of both primary and secondary recrystallized grains indicate that they are euhedral, i.e. the grain growth morphology is controlled by the anisotropy of the grain boundary energy of the growing grain, which results in planar growth faces.  相似文献   
Mineralised vein systems have been investigated at nine localities at the southern margin of the Anglo‐Brabant fold belt in Belgium. During the late Silurian to early Middle Devonian Caledonian orogeny, shear zones formed, inferred to be associated with granitoid basement blocks in the subsurface. The circulation of a metamorphic fluid, possibly originating in the Cambrian core of the fold belt, along these shear zones resulted in the formation of mesozonal orogenic mineralisation at the southern margin of the Anglo‐Brabant fold belt. The fluid had a composition dominated by H2O–CO2–X–NaCl–KCl. The shear zones form part of a greater fault zone, the Nieuwpoort–Asquempont fault zone, which is characterised by normal faulting that started before the Givetian and by the reactivation of the shear zones. Two fluid generations are associated with this normal faulting. First, a low salinity H2O–NaCl(–KCl) fluid migrated through the Palaeozoic rocks after the Silurian. Based on the isotopic composition, this fluid could be a late‐metamorphic Caledonian fluid or a younger fluid that originated from the Rhenohercynian basin and interacted with Lower Devonian rocks along its migration path. Second, a high salinity H2O–NaCl–CaCl2 fluid was identified in the fault systems. Similar fluids have been found in southern and eastern Belgium, where they produced Mississippi Valley‐type Zn–Pb deposits. These fluids are interpreted as evaporative brines that infiltrated the Lower Palaeozoic basement, from where they were expelled during extensional tectonism in the Mesozoic.  相似文献   
The North European Basin hosts mineral deposits like the Kupferschiefer and the Mississippi Valley Type deposits in the Silesian sub‐basin in Poland. The basement to this basin, exposed in the Harz Mts and in the Flechtingen and Calvörde Blocks, contains Mesozoic Pb–Zn vein mineralization and barite–fluorite deposits as well as massive hematite veins in the Rotliegend volcanics. A comparison of the mineralizing models of these deposits with results from a basin‐wide petrographic, fluid inclusion and stable isotope study shows that the genesis of the mineral deposits can be explained by fluid systems that were active during different stages of basin evolution. These comprise syn‐ to post‐magmatic fluids derived from or mobilized in the course of the Rotliegend magmatism, fluids convecting in the Rotliegend units during the extensional basin subsidence in the Permo‐Triassic and originating from progressive devolatilization of the basin sequence and fluids derived from the overlying Zechstein evaporites. Deep‐reaching fault systems developing during the Cretaceous tectonic reactivation enhanced fluid percolation from the surface to the deep sections of the basin sequence. Identification and correlation of these fluids across the basin and in the mineralizations provide the base for a basin‐wide metallogenetic model.  相似文献   
We present here 129I/I and 36Cl/Cl ratios, together with halogen concentrations in crustal fluids from the continental deep drill site (KTB‐VB) in Germany, where fluids were collected from 4000 m depth during a pump test carried out in 2002 and 2003. Compared with seawater, the fluids are enriched by factors of 2, 8 and 40 for Cl?, Br and I, respectively, and show little variation over the test period. The 129I/I ratios are between 1700 and 4100 × 10?15; the 36Cl/Cl ratios are below 10 × 10?15. Co‐variation between 129I and 36Cl concentrations in the fluids indicates that anthropogenic components are absent and that the ratios reflect an addition from crustal sources. The results suggest residence times of 10 Ma or more for the fluids in formations with uranium concentrations of 1 ppm. A minimum age of 30 Ma for the iodine source was derived from the correlation between 129I and 36Cl concentrations in the fluids. The results demonstrate that the halogen characteristics of the KTB fluids are very similar to those of other deep crustal fluids and that the combination of 129I and 36Cl systematics allows determination of residence times and source ages of such fluids.  相似文献   
Any hypervelocity impact generates a hydrothermal circulation system in resulting craters. Common characteristics of hydrothermal fluids mobilized within impact structures are considered, based on mineralogical and geochemical investigations, to date. There is similarity between the hydrothermal mineral associations in the majority of terrestrial craters; an assemblage of clay minerals–zeolites–calcite–pyrite is predominant. Combining mineralogical, geochemical, fluid inclusion, and stable isotope data, the distinctive characteristics of impact‐generated hydrothermal fluids can be distinguished as follows: (i) superficial, meteoric and ground water and, possibly, products of dehydration and degassing of minerals under shock are the sources of hot water solutions; (ii) shocked target rocks are sources of the mineral components of the solutions; (iii) flow of fluids occurs mainly in the liquid state; (iv) high rates of flow are likely (10?4 to 10?3 m s?1); (v) fluids are predominantly aqueous and of low salinity; (vi) fluids are weakly alkaline to near‐neutral (pH 6–8) and are supersaturated in silica during the entire hydrothermal process because of the strong predominance of shock‐disordered aluminosilicates and fusion glasses in the host rocks; and (vii) variations in the properties of the circulating solutions, as well as the spatial distribution of secondary mineral assemblages are controlled by temperature gradients within the circulation cell and by a progressive cooling of the impact crater. Products of impact‐generated hydrothermal processes are similar to the hydrothermal mineralization in volcanic areas, as well as in modern geothermal systems, but impacts are always characterized by a retrograde sequence of alteration minerals.  相似文献   
In a geochemical and petrological analysis of overprinting episodes of fluid–rock interaction in a well‐studied metabasaltic sill in the SW Scottish Highlands, we show that syn‐deformational access of metamorphic fluids and consequent fluid–rock interaction is at least in part controlled by preexisting mineralogical variations. Lithological and structural channelling of metamorphic fluids along the axis of the Ardrishaig Anticline, SW Scottish Highlands, caused carbonation of metabasaltic sills hosted by metasedimentary rocks of the Argyll Group in the Dalradian Supergroup. Analysis of chemical and mineralogical variability across a metabasaltic sill at Port Cill Maluaig shows that carbonation at greenschist to epidote–amphibolites facies conditions caused by infiltration of H2O‐CO2 fluids was controlled by mineralogical variations, which were present before carbonation occurred. This variability probably reflects chemical and mineralogical changes imparted on the sill during premetamorphic spilitization. Calculation of precarbonation mineral modes reveals heterogeneous spatial distributions of epidote, amphibole, chlorite and epidote. This reflects both premetamorphic spilitization and prograde greenschist facies metamorphism prior to fluid flow. Spilitization caused albitization of primary plagioclase and spatially heterogeneous growth of epidote ± calcic amphibole ± chlorite ± quartz ± calcite. Greenschist facies metamorphism caused breakdown of primary pyroxene and continued, but spatially more homogeneous, growth of amphibole + chlorite ± quartz. These processes formed diffuse epidote‐rich patches or semi‐continuous layers. These might represent precursors of epidote segregations, which are better developed elsewhere in the SW Scottish Highlands. Chemical and field analyses of epidote reveal the evidence of local volume fluctuations associated with these concentrations of epidote. Transient permeability enhancement associated with these changes may have permitted higher fluid fluxes and therefore more extensive carbonation. This deflected metamorphic fluid such that its flow direction became more layer parallel, limiting propagation of the reaction front into the sill interior.  相似文献   
T. K. KYSER 《Geofluids》2007,7(2):238-257
Sedimentary basins are the largest structures on the surface of our planet and the most significant sources of energy‐related commodities. With time, sedimentary successions in basins normally are subjected to increasingly intense diagenesis that results in differential evolution of basin hydrology. This hydrologic structure is in turn vitally important in determining how and where deposition of metals may occur. Fluids in all basins originate and flow as a result of sedimentological and tectonic events, so that fluid histories should reflect the control of both lithology and tectonism on ore deposition. Sandstone lithologies, in particular, reflect fluid‐flow events because they are normally the major aquifers in basins. However, early cementation results in occlusion of primary permeability in some facies (diagenetic aquitards) whereas in others, permeability develops due to the dissolution of unstable grains (diagenetic aquifers). Particularly for ore deposits in Precambrian basins, identification of paleohydrologic systems during basin evolution requires the integration of data derived from tectonics, sedimentology, stratigraphy, diagenesis, geochemistry and geology. Assessment of all these data is a prerequisite for the ‘holistic basin analysis’ needed to guide the search for basin‐hosted ores. Recent results from the Paleoproterozoic Mt Isa and McArthur basins in northern Australia serve as a template for exploring for mineral deposits in basins. Basinal fluids were saline, 200–300°C and evolved primarily from meteoric water in the Mt Isa Basin and from seawater in the McArthur Basin during burial to depths of 4–12 km. The δDfluid and δ18Ofluid values in these brines were isotopically identical to those in the Zn‐Pb, Cu and U deposits. Geochemical changes of various lithologies during alteration support detrital minerals as the major source of the U, and volcanic units proximal to diagenetic aquifers as a source for the transition metals. Ages of diagenetic phases extracted from aquifer lithologies reveal that fluid migration from the diagenetic aquifers effectively covers the period of formation for U, Zn‐Pb and Cu mineralization, and that the deposits formed in response to tectonic events reflected in the apparent polar wandering path for the area. Sequence stratigraphic analysis and models of fluid flow also indicate that basinal reservoirs were likely sources for the mineralizing fluids. Thus, diagenetic aquifer lithologies were being drained of fluids at the same time as the deposits were forming from fluids that were chemically and isotopically similar, linking diagenesis and fluid events within the basin to the formation of the deposits.  相似文献   
The Ixtacamaxtitlán hydrothermal deposit is made up of a succession, from bottom to top, of: (1) a porphyritic subvolcanic body, crosscut by quartz veins, and a stockwork with subordinate sulfides (pyrite and chalcopyrite), showing propylitic alteration haloes overprinting a previous potassic alteration event (biotitization); (2) an overlying, kaolinized lithic‐rich rhyolitic tuff; and (3) a layered opal deposit with preserved sedimentary structures. This vertical zonation, coupled with the distribution of the alteration assemblages, lead us to the interpretation of the whole as a porphyry‐type deposit grading upwards to a barren, steam‐heated, acid‐leached, kaolinite blanket with a partially preserved silica sinter on top. Both the fluid inclusion study carried out on the veins and stockwork, and the stable isotopic analyses of the kaolinized bodies, suggest the presence of two major hydrothermal events. The older event is characterized by the occurrence of hot hypersaline fluids (up to 320°C and 36 wt% NaCl equivalents), likely of magmatic origin, closely associated with the emplacement of the underlying early Miocene porphyry‐type deposit. The later event is characterized by the presence of cooler and dilute fluids (up to 140°C and 4 wt% NaCl equivalents) and by advanced argillic alteration close to the paleosurface. The calculated isotopic composition of water in equilibrium with the kaolinitic sequence plots close to and underneath the meteoric water line, partially overlapping the Los Humeros present‐day geothermal fluids. This evidence coupled with the petrographic observations suggests that steam‐heated phreatic waters altered the lithic‐rich rhyolitic tuff. This would have occurred when acid vapors, exsolved from deeper hydrothermal fluids by boiling, reached the local paleowater table and condensed, after a sector collapse that changed the system from lithostatic to hydrostatic conditions.  相似文献   
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