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在长期的计划经济体制下,我国的国有农场形成了政企合一、企业办社会的管理体制。随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的建立与完善,农场这种管理体制中长期存在的矛盾不断深化,已经严重制约了农场社会经济的发展,农场实行属地化管理已是大势所趋。本文以上海市郊区部分农场为例,从分析其现状特征和属地化的必要性出发,在归纳总结我国各地农场属地化的三种经验模式,以及上海市郊两个农场属地化实践经验的基础上,对特大城市郊区农场属地化与行政区划调整模式进行了深入探讨。  相似文献   
汉代豪民研究论纲   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王彦辉 《史学月刊》2001,(4):128-133
汉代豪民在类型上可划分为工商豪民和乡里豪民。汉武帝官营工商以前,工商豪民是豪民阶层的主体,在其发展过程中尽管伴生了兼并土地、骄横不法等问题,但对社会经济发展起到的推动作用是主要的。官营工商之后,豪民经济结构发生逆转,乡里豪民成为豪民阶层的主体,田宅逾制、豪民役使、豪民私债等社会问题日益严重。随着豪民经济实力的增强,也开始不断以自身的存在影响国家政策、法令的调整,逐渐改善自己的地位,进而踏上仕途,上升为公卿士大夫,演变为门阀士族。  相似文献   
杜勇  李玲玲 《史学集刊》2021,(2):86-92,105
商代自成汤始,三十帝十七世,弟及王位者十四人,其中九世为兄终弟及。殷王室在婚姻形态上虽有嫡庶之分,但并不彻底也不完备,未能进一步对继承王位的嫡子再分嫡庶,故无法形成具有区别大小宗的宗法制度。而子继作为弟及的中介和桥梁,起初主要是长兄之子,至小乙时转变为季弟之子,武乙以后又变为嫡长之子。子继者的亲属关系虽有变化,但在武乙之前基本上是兄终弟及的格局,从而显现出商代王位继承制的特质。周初承继了殷商末季的政治遗产,确立了更为严格的嫡长子继统法,遂成为后来百世不易的重要政治制度之一。  相似文献   
Regnal succession in early medieval Ireland has been the centre of scholarly debate for the past eighty-five years. This paper contributes to the debate with an investigation of the early Irish law texts. It is argued that these law texts, especially the tracts on inheritance, reveal a certain pattern of regnal succession, which can be divided into an early and a later phase. Moreover, they allow us to define necessary criteria for eligibility for Irish kingship. The results of this examination are illustrated in the summary by the historical example of the early Síl nÁedo Sláine.  相似文献   
This article contributes to knowledge of children's geographies by considering the micro-geographies and associated identities of children on family farms. Through focussing on farm practices, and drawing on evidence from the Peak District (UK) it examines how farm children are placed within, and ostensibly adhere to, discourses of the family farm. It moves on to investigate how such identities are far from static and explores the discursive strategies taken by children in shaping their own identities and forging new trajectories as the often pivotal ‘next link in the chain’ on these farms.  相似文献   
The Second World War had a profound impact on British Agriculture, with state intervention at an unprecedented level cementing the idea of a ‘National Farm’ in both the popular and the governmental psyche. Critical attention has recently begun to refocus on this period, adding to the somewhat celebratory meta-narratives written in the official histories. Drawing from the practice of micro-historical research and recent work in geography that seeks to understand the production of the landscape ‘from within’, this paper explores how ‘small stories’ can afford an appreciation of the ‘complications of everyday existence’ and bring greater depth, nuance and understanding to these ‘larger’ historical events and their influence on the British countryside. Utilising oral histories from farms in Devon (UK), the paper explores the micro-geographies which shaped as well as destabilised the national farm message as it was translated into the local context.  相似文献   
论文探讨了20世纪30年代初的难侨问题及特点、侨乐村的筹办与运作模式、侨乐村推广之困境等问题;对侨乐村与华侨农场这两种难侨安置模式进行了比较分析。面对30年代初出现的大批难侨问题,以往常规的救助政策已经不能应对新情况。南京国民政府试图通过建立、推广侨乐村,从根本上实现对归国难侨的救济。侨乐村的创办具有救助难侨、开垦荒地繁荣经济的双重目的,然而在实际管理、运行中,却过度注重国家利益而忽视垦民诉求;加之其他外部环境的影响,侨乐村最终未能得到广泛推广。但通过垦荒安置难民的思路和举措被社会各界认同。侨乐村模式对抗战时期难侨、难民救助及后世华侨农场的建设都有着重要意义。  相似文献   
Coutts, F.J., Gehling, J.G. & García-Bellido, D.C., August 2016. How diverse were early animal communities? An example from Ediacara Conservation Park, Flinders Ranges, South Australia. Alcheringa 40, xxx–xxx. ISSN 0311-5518

Fossils of the Ediacara biota record the earliest evidence of animal communities and, as such, provide an invaluable glimpse into the abiotic and biotic processes that helped shape the evolution of complex life on Earth. A diverse community of Ediacaran macro-organisms is preserved with high resolution in a fossil bed recently excavated from north Ediacara Conservation Park (NECP) in the Flinders Ranges, South Australia. Many of the commonly described Ediacaran taxa from the Flinders Ranges are represented on the bed surface and include: Parvancorina, Rugoconites, Spriggina, Dickinsonia, Tribrachidium, Kimberella, Charniodiscus and Yorgia, including two new taxa. Numerous additional fossil-bed fragments from the same locality were analysed that preserve a similar suite of taxa and shared sedimentology. On all surfaces, preserved microbial mat appeared complex, both in topography and in texture, and the unique combination of fine grainsize, high diversity and trace fossils provide insights into the palaeoecology of the ancient organisms that lived during the Ediacaran Period some 550 Ma. Several trace fossils are overlapped by body fossils, indicative of successive events, and complex organismal behaviour. The complexity of this fossil surface suggests that the primordial community was relatively mature and possibly at late-stage succession.

Felicity J Coutts [], School of Biological Sciences, University of Adelaide, Adelaide 5000, South Australia, Australia. James G Gehling [], South Australian Museum, North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia 5000, Australia. Diego C. García-Bellido [], South Australian Museum, North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia 5000, Australia.  相似文献   
Alternative food networks face both challenges and opportunities in rethinking the role of precarious employment in food system transformation. We explore how alternative food networks in British Columbia, Canada have engaged with flexible and precarious work regimes for farmworkers, including both temporary migrant workers and un(der)paid agricultural interns. Based on in‐depth interviews, participant observation and document analysis, we find that alternative food actors often normalize a precarious work regime using a moral economy frame. This framing describes precarious farm employment as either a necessary challenge in the transition to sustainability, or merely involving a few individual “bad apple” farmers. Further, this framing involves an aversion to “one‐size‐fits‐all” regulation by the state in favor of consumer‐driven regulation of labor standards. Our analysis suggests that a moral economy framing can obscure systemic inequities in precarious farm employment and dampen the impetus for structural change through collective food movement organizing.  相似文献   
This article examines the nuances of the ‘farming ladder’ through a case study of the Duffin farming family. It explores the circumstances in which they flourished and faltered; the internal and external determinants affecting their ability to maintain a grip on the ‘farming ladder’; and the fluidity of the ladder. Drawing upon the personal archive of the family and complementary sources, the variable position of the family on the ‘farming ladder’ as they progress from agricultural labourers to farmers and then back to labourers is charted within wider historical and geographical frameworks. The social and spatial relationships forged are identified as being particularly important in the operation of the ‘farming ladder’.  相似文献   
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