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《吴雁南评传》以大量翔实、可靠的文献资料及口述史料为基础,通过纵向的、横向的、历史的、现实的比较研究,力图就吴雁南由一个普通的专科学生成长为我国著名的历史学家的人生轨迹进行描述、探讨,并就其在太平天国史、辛亥革命史、中国近代社会思潮史、儒学与传统文化等诸多领域内取得的具有国内领先水平的重大的突破性学术成就与治学经验及其教育成就与思想做出全面、系统、深入的介绍、总结、探究,就其学术成就的地位、价值与意义做出深刻、公允的剖析、评价。该《评传》是关于吴雁南研究的开拓性、创新性成果。  相似文献   
敬海新 《攀登》2011,30(4):64-68
改善民生,建立健全基本公共服务体系是中国特色社会主义中具有战略意义的组成部分,是十七届五中全会最大的亮点,更是完成“十二五”规划的关键所在。我国当前基本公共服务体系建设方面存在公共服务支出比例偏低、区域之间公共服务支出的人均差异过大、歧视性供给以及公共服务提供过程中的效率低下等问题,必须从提高政府保障能力、推进体制改革、创新社会管理、推进公共服务均等化等方面积极探索推进基本公共服务体系建设的对策。  相似文献   
闻黎明 《史学月刊》2007,6(7):49-54
抗日战争期间,日军曾数百次对昆明狂轰乱炸,造成了重大的人员和财产损失,给当地民众的战时生活秩序产生了严重的影响.在对昆明的大轰炸中,当时中国的最高学府--西南联合大学也屡次遭袭,造成多名教职工伤亡,大量校舍和图书、仪器损毁.然而,敌人的轰炸并没有从精神上吓倒联大师生,大家积极采取措施防范空袭,在"跑警报"的过程中,人们的心态逐渐乐观起来.  相似文献   
松尾芭蕉的俳句,体现了日本民族一种熔融的自然观,同时也表现了一种东方式的生命意识。庞德的意象诗,继承了19世纪象征主义的“感应论”,寻求与万物生命的对话;同时与20世纪象征诗人的“客观对应物”也有共同之处,都努力使生命的本真呈现出来。但是,庞德意象诗的主要灵感来自于东方的生命意识。中国诗歌的生命融合观,日本俳句的生命瞬间呈现的意识,使庞德最大限度地走出西方理性主义观念,捕捉生命瞬间本真的呈现。  相似文献   
残雪在她的大部分作品中,习惯和擅长于向我们展示家庭场景、邻里故事和群体关系,从中我们可以获知或捕捉到日常生活中无所不在的微观政治及权力、迫害的多重图景。  相似文献   
Everyday knowledge – body knowledge – knowledge of experience – specialized knowledge: Acquisition, assessment and the orientation of logic concerning cultures of knowledge. – The essay explores changes in the understanding, legitimisation, and practice of midwifery. It was one of the earliest professional activities for women. During the eighteenth century a new culture of expertise emphasized theoretical knowledge and adherence to medical disciplines over the empirical practice gained by women. This early phase of professionalisation, with its hierarchies and preferred use of medically accredited knowledge, was not, however, solely divided along gender lines. Female professionalism was not just supplanted by male academic medicalisation. New ways of attaining and assessing knowledge, a different perception of how it is organised, and above all, social change created new patterns of understanding. This process achieved a new professional ethos. In pursuing the issue of gender, various examples are chosen to illustrate how changes in scientific knowledge and its relevant application are mediated. The construct of scientific knowledge and how it is used reflects gender relations and power structures. There is not only competition between female and male perceptions of knowledge, but also male stereotyping of female knowledge, in particular male notions of what kind of knowledge is necessary and how this is perceived by women. Karen Offen used the term ‘knowledge wars’ to describe how a monopoly of scientific expertise and relevant knowledge works within the professions.  相似文献   
The body of work on children’s participation has been valuable in asserting its importance. Nonetheless, participation is a contested concept and key challenges arise relating to its emphasis on age and voice, its focus on socialising the participative responsible citizen, and its failure to sufficiently recognise the range of participatory activities of children in their everyday lives. This article presents findings of a study on children’s experiences of participation in their homes, schools, and communities including the importance of the relational context, how everyday interactions rather than ‘performative’ formal structures for participation are valued by children and how their participation is limited by adult processes based on notions of competence and voice. It concludes with an argument for recognising and facilitating children’s informal and social participation as well as new forms of democratic processes being developed by children to address the possibility of governance and over-responsibilisation of children.  相似文献   
A common narrative in welfare state research is that Sweden exemplifies a specific model of welfare, ‘the Swedish model’, or ‘the Social democratic welfare regime’. From this perspective the emerging welfare state left little room for private initiatives – the stage was set for the development of an encompassing welfare state in the 1950s. In this article I argue that this, virtually hegemonic, perspective has hindered an analysis of how private insurance co-existed and thrived within the emerging Swedish welfare state. As an alternative approach to ‘modelling’ – the concept of welfare-formation is developed to analyse mutually sustaining practices of welfare. I show how the insurance business and its protagonists influenced the settings of public pension schemes in a way that underpinned their own interests. A close cooperation with the state apparatus was fundamental for creating a trustworthy insurance market and legitimizing the business claim of fulfilling a social mission. The business adaptability in the shifting landscape of social policy also influenced perceptions of security and welfare in general. Commercial ideals became an essential dimension of the welfare state. By exploring this marginalized history – the business of welfare – the study deepens our understanding of modern welfare societies.  相似文献   
In this article, we reflect on the need for, and geography of, embodied cross-racial talk in the current political context. We reflect on our 2015 article ‘Kitchen Table Reflexivity: Negotiating Positionality through Everyday Talk’ to question whether we were too optimistic in our advocacy of the kitchen table as a space for racial reconciliation through interracial dialogue. We draw on our own experiences to explore multiple tables at which we may or may not both be present. In conclusion, we encourage everyone to do the hard work of determining which tables are the right ones for them to be present at to have the hard, but necessary, conversations about race and racialization in our contemporary society.  相似文献   
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