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以德修身、以德齐家、以德治国是中国古代家训化中德治思想的重要内容,而修身进德、养育人的道德良心与高尚品质则是齐家治国的基础。家训化中的德治思想作为历史传统的一部分,对中国现代化进程中的思想化建设有着重要的启迪意义,主要表现在加强道德建设、注重“德”“刑”并用,顾全大局、协调人我、振兴礼仪之邦,强调家庭教育、注重家风熏染等方面。  相似文献   
关于隋文帝民族政策与开皇之治关系的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何根海 《安徽史学》2003,(5):107-109
该认为隋初“开皇之治”的迅速形成除政治、经济原因外,还与隋帝推行的民族政策有重要关系。作认为,帝根据各少数民族的实际情况,采取了不尽相同的民族政策,对威胁较大的突厥采取“离强合弱”、恩威并用的政策;对西域、吐谷浑采取以和为主的政策;对东北、长江流域和关中以北诸族采取“以德御之”的怀抚政策。这些政策为隋初的政治稳定、经济的恢复与发展创造了条件。  相似文献   
I argue that Augustine’s message in City of God, Book 19, has been consistently misinterpreted and hence a vital part of his argument in City of God has been misunderstood. The received reading of Book 19, as found in the work of Mary Clark, Rowan Williams, John Milbank, Oliver O’Donovan and Robert Dodaro, is that in Book 19 Augustine rejected the possibility of finding social and political justice among pagans. I argue that Augustine reached no such conclusion in Book 19. On the contrary, I find that the only justice that Augustine denied to pagans in Book 19 was justice as righteousness, that is, the justice of worshipping and serving the true God. He found that pagans claimed justice as righteousness for themselves and on this basis claimed that Rome had been a republic. Augustine denied that pagans could ever possess justice as righteousness, and hence denied that pagan Rome had ever been a republic.  相似文献   
通常而言,客观性是客体的属性和特征,与主观性相对立。以此为对照,历史知识的客观性问题就展现为历史实在论与历史相对主义之间的辩难,难分仲伯。换一种思路而言,当代新实用主义历史哲学家则认为客观性与主观性是可区分但不可分离的整体,在横向结构上,历史知识的客观性是"自我、他者与世界"共在的语义三角,在纵向历程上,历史知识的客观性也是一个不断辩证发展的过程。在社会认识论或史学社会学的视野下,在自我与他者所组成的学术共同体之中,历史知识的客观性就具有了规范性的涵义。历史知识作为一种公共性的知识,历史知识的客观性就是历史学家群体之间所签订的"真之契约",是历史学家群体不断协商和试错出来的学科共识,同时也需要史家的认知美德和学者角色提供担保。  相似文献   
The city of Oslo, Norway, was affected by a magnitude 5.4 earthquake in 1904 causing widespread minor damage. The earthquake occurred around 100 km south of Oslo within the Permean rift structure that runs North-South along the Oslofjord, and deep clay deposits under the city contributed to the damages. A seismic risk scenario including soil amplification and buildings classifications has been conducted with two earthquake sources, one very close to the city and one near the 1904 epicenter. Both scenarios exhibit strong dependencies on the soft clays underlying large parts of Oslo. The results confirm the 1904 effects, but also show a strong dependency on the applied attenuation functions. All computations are based on the capacity-spectrum method, and the predefined pushover curves and vulnerability functions were adopted from the HAZUS code. With this basis, the computational scheme was developed independent from the GIS framework, and a weighted logic tree formulation was implemented for appropriate treatment of epistemic uncertainties.  相似文献   
In this article, I explore the complex and unappreciated relationship between the moral and political thought of Cicero and Adam Smith. Cicero’s views about justice, propriety, and the selfish love of praise find new expression in Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments. I illustrate the important ways in which Smith adopts – often without attribution – Cicero’s precepts and moral judgments. I then go on to demonstrate how Smith strips those Ciceronian conclusions from their original justifying grounds in teleology and natural law. In their place, Smith injects his own psychology based in sentiments as a new account of why it is that we prefer virtue and justice to their opposites. By exploring this relationship, I hope to shed light on an important dynamic whereby modern thought has creatively adapted classical moral and political concepts.  相似文献   

In I Am Charlotte Simmons, Tom Wolfe explores how precarious the pursuit of happiness is in our liberal society, which provides insufficient moral support for individuals to resist following popular opinion in their pursuit of happiness. For Wolfe, the first step of the pursuit of happiness requires the courage to resist popular opinion and to seek an answer to what happiness is for oneself. As Wolfe shows, our universities are neglecting their task to prepare individuals with a liberal education to guide them on how to live as politically and morally free beings who are responsible for pursuing happiness. Despite appearing to be proud and independent, Charlotte Simmons's education fails to provide her with the moral courage to resist peer pressure. At her university, she adopts scientific viewpoints that undermine political and moral liberty and teach her that her superior intelligence and education are tools of domination. Charlotte puts them in service of gaining popularity. Instead of bringing her happiness, her pursuit of popularity leads to discontentment. Since liberalism provides incomplete moral guidance, Wolfe turns to ancient thinkers to find support for the courage to use political liberty to think about what happiness is and how it is to be pursued. In contrast to Charlotte, Jojo, a star basketball player, turns toward the pursuit of a liberal education to live as a free being and to seek happiness.  相似文献   

Liberty was once praiseworthy because it enabled a free choice for the good. Technology recasts the classical link between liberty and virtue by making human well-being depend on technological advance. Till recently, technology signified human mastery over nature. But now virtual reality offers itself as a substitute for nature. Unlike machines which hold us at a distance, it draws us in with images. It no longer shapes the soul indirectly through the effects of using machines, but involves the soul directly. The modern attempt to bracket the soul has brought it back virtually. The argument between fight and flight is at a standstill. Instead, the irony which many lament as a feature of postmodernity can provide a distance from the technologies which have made themselves necessary.  相似文献   
上博简《诗论》“天保”是讨论“德”与分封制关系的新材料,《诗论》所言“顺颁惠”在周代的具体政治表现就是分封制度。从《天保》诗文和诗旨及周代青铜器铭文中的“顺颁惠”情况,得见“顺颁惠”实为周人分封的理论依据。  相似文献   
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