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The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) used suku (speaking bitterness) in ideological education movements to teach subaltern women to give voice to their personal narratives of oppression in accordance with Maoist political doctrine. Suku is thus a historically specific practice and a culturally specific form of women’s narrative practice. By listening to and observing the post-Mao suku narrative performance of my grandmother, a retired State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) worker, I show that her suku is a gendered performance, a form of labor that blurs production and reproduction, and a form of embedded personhood; and that suku as a form of narrative persisted through the period of economic reforms, even though its intent and audience became transformed. My kin relationship with this particular suku performance allows an analysis of the impact of suku on cross-generational relationships—those between first-generation SOE workers and laid-off SOE workers in former SOE families. Furthermore, I argue that suku can be seen as a form of labor and self-valorization of Chinese women workers discarded in the new economy, and contrary to its original disciplinary purposes, as a form of resistance.  相似文献   
近十年来,我国学者对日本企业终身雇佣制展开了广泛的研究。本文就终身雇佣制概念的界定、上世纪90年代后终身雇佣制变化的原因、日本企业终身雇佣制未来走势的研究成果进行综述,并加以评论。  相似文献   
资源委员会接管台湾工矿企业略论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛毅 《史学月刊》2004,5685(10):71-75
二次世界大战结束后,资源委员会负责从日本人手中接管台湾省的工矿企业。面对战争带来的严重破坏和接管期间的种种困难,该会举全会的物力、财力和人力,先是监理,继而接管了台湾重要的工矿企业,掌握了台湾的经济命脉,为日后台湾经济的起飞做出了重要的贡献。  相似文献   
企业合作在我国区域发展中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贾若祥  刘毅 《人文地理》2004,19(3):31-35
改革开放以来,随着社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立和完善,我国区域发展取得很大成就。但区域发展差异也不断加大,这在一定程度上违背了区域发展的公平性原则。为了实现区域协调发展和全国共同繁荣,我国开始实施均衡发展战略,希望通过加强东西部之间的区域合作来推动欠发达地区的经济发展,在市场经济体制下,企业成为区域经济活动的主体,区域合作主要通过企业合作来完成。本分析了企业合作形成的动因,并总结出四种不同的企业合作模式,认为企业合作对于地区创新网络形成、区域产业结构转移、区域投资扩散和缩小区域发展差异具有重要意义。  相似文献   
近代慈善事业与中国东南社会变迁(1895-1949)   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
周秋光  曾桂林 《史学月刊》2002,11(11):84-94
1895-1949年,近代慈善事业的兴起与发展促使了中国东南社会的沧桑变迁及其慈善事业的近代化,其历程大致可以分为两个时期:清末十余年是初步兴起时期,近代色彩的慈善理念得以萌生,慈善公益活动有了初步扩展,传统的善堂善会纷纷向近代慈善团体转变。民国是兴盛发展时期,东南地区出现了众多的慈善团体和慈善家群体,对于民国社会的维系有着举足轻重的作用。近代慈善事业实际上扮演着调节社会的重要角色,成为推动近代社会前进的一种不可缺少的动力。  相似文献   
This special issue brings together creativity and enterprise through the geographies of the creative industries. In recent years the focus of academic debate has privileged business and corporate economies, and so this issue seeks to contribute both empirically and theoretically to the burgeoning literature of creative industries. Economic geography offers a rich domain through which to engage with these debates, exploring the nuances of creativity and enterprise. Our aim, as well as bringing together a set of interesting papers, is to contribute critically to understanding the organization and spatial structure of creative industries and the broader creative economy.  相似文献   
In this article, we apply global value chain (GVC) analysisto recent trends in the global automotive industry, with specialattention paid to the case of North America. We use the threemain elements of the GVC framework—firm-level chain governance,power and institutions—to highlight some of the definingcharacteristics of this important industry. First, nationalpolitical institutions create pressure for local content, whichdrives production close to end markets, where it tends to beorganized nationally or regionally. Second, in terms of GVCgovernance, rising product complexity combined with low codifiabilityand a paucity of industry-level standards has driven buyer–supplierlinkages toward the relational form, a governance mode thatis more compatible with Japanese than American supplier relations.The outsourcing boom of the 1990s exacerbated this situation.As work shifted to the supply base, lead firms and supplierswere forced to develop relational linkages to support the exchangeof complex uncodified information and tacit knowledge. Finally,the small number of hugely powerful lead firms that drive theautomotive industry helps to explain why it has been so difficultto develop and set the industry-level standards that could underpina more loosely articulated spatial architecture. This case studyunderlines the need for an open, scalable approach to the studyof global industries.  相似文献   
京津生产一体化与企业集团化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
闫二旺 《人文地理》2003,18(3):68-72
本运用区位商方法,对比分析了京津第二产业和第三产业的构成,并详细对照了两市的主导产品。对比分析的结果显示:北京和天津在产业结构、行业结构及工业产品结构等方面有明显的同构现象。两市企业间的经济关系表现为松散和无序特征,没有形成分工协作、优势互补的区域生产体系及合作氛围,因而难以获得区域整体效益。针对上述问题,章遵循区域经济一体化理论与方法,提出京津一体化京津经济协调发展的思路及策略,并在产业协调、行业协作及企业集团化等不同层面论述了京津联合的模式及方案。  相似文献   
进入21世纪,中国企业的海外投资出现跳跃式增长,海外投资已经成为中国维持经济可持续增长和国际化的关键。中国企业的对日投资在经历了从无到有、由小渐大的缓慢增长历程后,随着中日经贸关系的好转,开始出现新的发展势头。本文将以中国企业海外投资的大环境为背景,以中国企业对日投资的战略推移和演变为方向,结合近几年投资现状和具体案例,探讨中国企业对日投资的最新进展及态势。  相似文献   
张卫东  李新海 《攀登》2007,26(1):102-103
构建和谐社会离不开人才强有力的支持,企业人力资源工作者要站在构建和谐企业的高度来重视人才资源开发工作,充分挖掘和发挥人才的潜能,调动人才的积极性、创造性,不断创新工作思路,发挥人才的基础性、决定性、战略性作用,并结合企业的特点及生产经营目标,制定人才开发战略,加大企业人才资源开发力度,为和谐企业的构建提供充分的人才保证。  相似文献   
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