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The specialization of city-centres towards more advanced service activities has mostly been studied in the largest city-regions, the case of smaller urban centres being less well documented. In that context, the objective of this article is to analyse the role of sectoral and regional factors in employment growth in Luxembourg between 1994 and 2005. Using statistical data from the Luxembourg General Inspection of Social Security, this contribution distinguishes 12 categories of manufacturing industries and services according to an OECD-Eurostat knowledge-based classification. Five intra-regional areas are distinguished based on morphological and functional criteria in the Luxembourg Metropolitan Area. Using several indexes, this article first analyses the sectoral specialization and geographical concentration of employment. A model of intra-regional employment growth, initially developed by Marimon and Zilibotti and applied at the European level, is then shown to account for 40 per cent of employment growth. An estimation of the contributions of sectoral and geographical factors highlights the primacy of the latter over the former. Finally, the construction of virtual economies confirms the City's overall lower performance as compared to its close periphery. Results underscore a process of functional integration in the Luxembourg metropolitan area: as the core of the city undergoes a specialization process, the urban area benefits from a relocation of activities less sensitive to distance and transaction costs, while the periphery becomes increasingly diversified, notably in the South where traditional industrial activities are being replaced by service activities. These results suggest that the evolution pattern of employment growth in Luxembourg is very similar to that of some larger metropolitan centres, owing to its exceptional financial service activities.  相似文献   
20世纪上半叶,日本企业为了缓和劳资矛盾和强化企业内部秩序,纷纷推行以构建家族主义式的劳资关系、劳资沟通协调制度、企业内部培训制度、企业内福利制度、年功主义工资制等为基本内容的家族主义经营模式。这一新型雇佣制度在一定程度上稳定了劳资关系,提高了企业生产效率。  相似文献   
徐州自古为兵家必争之地,其战略地位的形成由古代政治斗争的格局所决定。先秦秦汉为东西之争,最重要的战略要地在函谷关—洛阳—成皋一线,魏晋南北朝进入南北相争的时代,徐州成为全国性战略要地。徐州傍靠泗水,泗水水系为徐州提供了便捷的交通,造就了徐州固若金汤的城防,使徐州成为进可攻退可守的坚强堡垒。构成徐州战略要地的首要因素是泗水,而不是山。  相似文献   
博物馆学是一个涉及到多个学科门类的综合知识体系。对于这样一门新兴的学科,学界关于它的定位、于研究方法和理论体系的界定,目前还存在一些认识上的问题,因而阻滞了博物馆学科的发展。基于中国博物馆事业的发展现状,博物馆学的研究重点应该放在博物馆工作与实践上,在实践中不断丰富、发展、完善博物馆学。  相似文献   
汉番禺城故址新考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关于两汉时期岭南地区经济都会番禺城故址所在历来多有争议,本文通过细致的考证分析,否定了今广州旧城区说这一学术界的主流观点以及番禺沙湾说、顺德简岸说等异说,并通过历史文献资料、历史地名遗存、地貌状况、汉墓葬点分布、历史水道交通条件、历史城市生态环境等多重证据,认为秦及南越国时期的番禺城在今广州旧城区,但汉武帝元鼎六年(前111年)则将南海郡治与番禺县治并置于旧番禺城之南,并考订两汉新番禺城的具体方位当在今广州市番禺区市桥北一带,论文相应还探讨了东汉末年番禺县城迁回旧址的时间、原因和意义。  相似文献   
In 2000, the Research Center for Arts and Culture at Columbia University’s Teachers College was approached by a board of persons knowledgeable about dance and the International Organization for the Transition of Professional Dancers (IOTPD) to provide data about the challenges and realities of dancers’ career transition. This first study of its kind became a coordinated inquiry into the career transition of professional dancers in eleven different countries, culminating in a report written by William Baumol, Joan Jeffri, and David Throsby. The major areas of concern are: information that confirms what the field has always known about career transition, but did not have the numbers to support; and data that surprised the researchers. Our findings show that, in many instances, expectations of current dancers and realities of former dancers sometimes differ widely, providing important information for policy makers, funders and supporters interested in furthering continued employment of artists.  相似文献   
女性内部差异性已成为西方女性主义地理学的重要研究领域。本文以广州市下渡村餐饮业和芳村茶叶市场茶艺表演业两个典型行业为例,研究不同行业女性非正规就业者的行为空间差异性及其产生的不同影响。研究发现,餐饮业和茶艺表演业女性非正规就业者具有总体上相类似的行为空间结构,但由于其所从事的工作性质和经济收入不同,该结构在尺度构成、出行活动的距离分布和出行频率等方面存在明显差异。这种差异性进一步对上述两类女性非正规就业者的职业发展分别产生了限制和促进的不同作用。女性非正规就业者所属行业特征、行为空间与职业发展处于一种相互作用的关系。  相似文献   
何颖怡  麻学锋 《人文地理》2013,28(5):153-159
界定旅游产业生成及其周期模型,划分内部就业层次,并分析演变过程。以就业弹性系数和旅游人次为观测指标,分析了生成周期对就业层次的影响。结果显示:①投资、旅游规模、旅游收入内部构成和就业人数有相关性。②出现期,以旅行社业和宾馆酒店业为主;成长期,以交通运输业、旅游商品服务和其他行业为主;发展期,以行业行政服务与管理为主。③就业弹性总体上呈相对平缓的演变态势;④从分层弹性看,因突发事件呈"二凸二凹"特点,其它时点较为平稳。  相似文献   
论重建后工业化对美国黑人社会的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张立新 《史学月刊》2003,5(3):109-115
重建后,工业化对美国黑人的社会、政治、经济学各方面都产生了深远的影响。工业化和城市化改变了黑人在美国的人口分布,刺激了黑人人口的流动与黑人人口结构、劳动就业结构和家庭结构的变化,并促进了黑人新型的社会、经济和家庭结构的形成。工业化为黑人在20世纪的崛起准备了条件。  相似文献   
以芜湖市失地农民为研究对象,利用2014年的实地调研数据,运用GIS空间分析、地理集中指数和空间使用曲线等方法,探讨芜湖市失地农民就业空间特征、行为模式及影响因素。研究表明,芜湖市失地农民就业以本地就业为主,空间呈大集中、小分散的格局,为单中心的社区圈层模式。在市域尺度上本地就业在空间上呈现郊区为就业热区,城区相对较少;社区尺度上,就业地主要集中在社区范围内,短距离就业为主,主要集中在1-5km距离段,其中2km处出现就业人数高峰。就业空间行为模式类型多样,本地-就业型占主导地位。失地农民的自身属性特征及思维定式影响和制约着其对就业空间行为的决策;城市化过程中制度转型与空间重构实现了郊区产业集聚格局以及社区周边的城市就业环境,为失地农民就近就业创造机会。  相似文献   
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