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嘉靖八年(1529),北京城中一位妇女被杀。东厂、锦衣卫采纳死者之子张福的说法,判定其邻居张柱为凶手。但张福之姐及邻居都证明,张福自杀其母而诬陷张柱,法司据此改罪张福。不料改判引起明世宗的极大愤怒,他强力地加以干预,最后不但张柱被诛杀,出面作证的张福之姐及邻居,甚至包括都御史熊浃在内的主张改判的官员们也都受到严厉惩罚。综合各种资料判断,这是明世宗出于对明孝宗、明武宗外家的怨恨心理而制造的一起大冤案。在北京社会中,外戚是影响最大的地方势力之一,但具体到个案性的外戚家族,则常随帝位更替而出现兴衰变化。明世宗对张福案的强力干预,只有放在这一背景上,才能看得更加清楚。  相似文献   
恤刑制度是指我国古代封建国家在诉讼中给予老、幼、残、鳏、寡、孤、独等社会弱势群体特殊保护的法律制度。恤刑的对象主要是70岁以上的老人、未满10岁的未成年人、妇女、残疾人等。恤刑制度体现了统治者的仁政思想,其内容主要包括定罪量刑、诉讼程序、刑罚执行等方面。我国已出土的《王杖十简》和《王杖诏书令》记载了汉律对于老年人、残疾人及其他社会弱势群体的特殊保护的法律规定和部分案例。  相似文献   
宾阳中洞帝后礼佛图中共有五位供养人画像,其中,两位男性为孝文帝和太子形象的宣武帝;三位女性分别为孝文昭皇太后高照容、幽皇后冯氏和太子妃形象的宣武皇后高英。这是一幅以表现出行礼佛为内容的家族式画像,融合了佛事活动、孝文帝改制后的宫廷礼仪制度,体现了以仁孝为核心的儒家观念。  相似文献   
The Gengshi emperor’s two-year-long reign (23–25) has posed a problem to historians of the Later Han dynasty (25–220). As the member of the Liu family who defeated Wang Mang (r. 9–23) became emperor and was, for some time, the superior of the later dynastic founder Guangwu (r. 25–57), Gengshi and his role in the transferal of the Mandate of Heaven needed to be explained. The official history of the Later Han, the Dongguan Hanji, painted a picture of an illegitimate puppet emperor who never possessed the Mandate of Heaven. However, the establishment of a state-sanctioned narrative did not completely stop the controversy surrounding Gengshi’s legitimacy. Our sources indicate that the discussion was not settled until the Tang dynasty and that the controversy only vanished with the rise to prominence of Fan Ye’s Hou Hanshu, which closely followed the Dongguan Hanji version and portrayed Gengshi as an illegitimate ruler and a puppet of his generals. This article is an attempt to retrace the reception of the Gengshi emperor and to analyse Fan Ye’s narrative.  相似文献   
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