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This paper explores the emotional geographies of State of the Heart and Larry's Kidney—two nonfiction narratives about medical tourism wherein American patients and their caregiver companions travel abroad for life-saving surgeries. The paper has two main goals: first, to illustrate the importance of emotional geographies in medical tourists' lived experiences of travel and tourism, as well as the giving and receiving of transnational health care and second, to generate empirical, theoretical, and methodological discussions between geographical, travel, tourism, and health studies on the relevance of emotional geographies. Medical tourists' experiences of travel and health care have been usually examined as spatially distinct rather than as entwined phenomena. We address the above goals by discussing how the narratives of traveling thousands of miles to a radically different socio-cultural milieu in order to receive essential medical care produce two interrelated emotional geographies: first, they demonstrate the existence of ‘emotional amplification’ (increase in the intensity of emotions) and ‘emotional extensivity’ (increase in the range of emotions) and second, they show how anxiety is underpinned by proximity to Otherness, uncertain boundaries, and isolated decision making. We conclude by briefly addressing how our examination of these narratives can be usefully expanded.  相似文献   

Mark Blitz has written an analysis of Plato’s political philosophy that engages with a large proportion of the Platonic corpus. His examination is orientated by Plato’s intention of expressing his views in dialogue form, and animated by Plato’s principle that political philosophy must emerge from the attentive critique of ordinary or political experience. This article raises the question whether Blitz has done justice to the “poetic” (constructed, historical, etc.) character of ordinary experience or doxa, and so of the radical nature of Plato’s political thought.  相似文献   
根据自己在国外求学的经历,介绍几位西方左派知识分子感人的作为。马若德、丹尼尔.贝尔、本.哈罗德都是全世界在他们那个领域里面最著名、有的甚至可称之为最伟大的学者。这些学者治学、为人的方方面面,可以让大家了解西方意义上的左派优秀知识分子。同时,以自己出生于中国三代贫民家庭的孩子,能够有机会在改革开放之初,通过教育扶贫的政策,一步一步走向世界最好的大学,有机会在全世界最伟大的思想家和大学者的身边学习的经历,说明最穷困的地区的孩子翻身,可以通过读书而不是造反去实现。期待通过教育扶贫的方式,改变贫困地区孩子的命运。  相似文献   
1976年,人本主义地理学之父段义孚在《美国地理学家协会会刊》发表的论文中首次使用了"人本主义地理学"这一称法。人本主义地理学的出现由20世纪60年代末的人本主义思潮所带动,其通过关注人类自身状况而反映出与地理学学科的其他分支息息相关的各种现象,因而从属于地理学。段义孚将融合了地理学与哲学的、曾被称为"地理知识学"的学科推向一个新的高度。段义孚认为,"对生命意义的探求"是人本主义地理学的实质性核心,也是一直以来推动其进行人本主义地理学研究的动力。正如人本主义研究以人类的经验、意识以及知识为出发点,本文从人本主义视角出发,对段义孚人本主义地理学思想的形成过程进行系统化梳理。通过追溯段义孚人生经历中对其有重大影响的人物和经典著作,指出时代背景与个人经历共同促成段义孚人本主义关怀的形成。  相似文献   
舒伯阳  黄猛 《人文地理》2013,28(4):108-113
旅游核心吸引物不仅具有某种特殊的客观属性,同时还具有人为主观建构的符号属性,它在旅游体验中的价值体现在多个方面。论文提出了旅游核心吸引物构建的一种新方法,其基本思路是:从市场空白与产品创新角度切入,通过二维矩阵定位方法萃取旅游主题;然后按照"真实性体验"原理进行旅游产品设计,以地方特色产业为纽带,构建由一系列游客参与体验活动串联而成的旅游体验链条。这种建立在旅游目的地本地产业化需求与外部旅游市场需求双向驱动基础上的新方法,突出旅游吸引物的体验价值性及其产业化生产组织过程,能有效解决少数民族地区旅游产业开发与地方优势传统产业的衔接问题,从根本上实现少数民族地区旅游业发展的立地性和可持续性。  相似文献   
日本世界工厂的发展及其经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上世纪50~60年代,重化学工业迅速发展初步奠定了日本世界工厂的基础.80年代中期前后,以汽车工业、电气机器工业、机械工业等加工组装型工业和半导体工业的高度发达为标志,日本继英国、美国和德国之后,终于成了名副其实的世界工厂.在日本世界工厂发展的过程中,产业政策、贸易立国战略、技术革新和设备投资、大批量生产与专业化分工、充分利用国内外有利条件等发挥了重要的作用.  相似文献   
Since the 1970s, studies on western women's ethnosexual tourist–local relationships have tended to focus on the beaches of the Caribbean and have come to one of two main conclusions – either they are no different from the overtly exploitative relationships of heterosexual male sex tourists or they are different because they involve a softer, caring element of romance. This article proposes that both positions have led to constrictive, circular research that highlights the racialised and economically disparate nature of these exchanges but mostly ignores the importance of imaginative and emotional geographies caught up in such relationships. Based on fieldwork interviews with men and women in the resorts of the South Sinai, Egypt, I argue that these encounters can be seen as examples of a modern subjectivity that are defined by and take place within imagined (fixed) constructions of landscapes, native third world masculinity (in this case Arab/Bedouin), femininity (white, heterosexual, western), freedom and love (spiritual and physical): all presented in some form of opposition to a particularist idea of modernity and viewed through a filter of selective (and spatially circumscribed) histories. By adding a geographical dimension, this article aims to open up the current debate on female sex tourism to a wider range of issues and reveal more of the conflicts, tensions and imaginations that make up these encounters.  相似文献   
建国60年来党内民主发展的历程、经验及前瞻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡国喜 《攀登》2009,28(4):11-15
发展党内民主不仅是党的建设的重要内容,而且是国家民主政治建设的路径选择。本文以党章的修改为历史视角,研究从其中折射出的新中国成立60年以来党内民主科学发展的历史进程,进而总结了党内民主实现科学发展的基本经验,并以此历史经验为理论依据,试对党内民主的未来发展走向做出学理性的前瞻。  相似文献   
明朝中叶以后,由于官员数量渐增,国家财政开支加大,裁革冗官成为此后政治生活中不断议行的内容。张居正之前,已有多起裁革冗官之事,张居正担任首辅后,更大力推行裁革冗官的活动。这场裁革冗官活动共经过了四个阶段:万历八年为开始阶段;九年正月为高潮阶段;九年二月至九月为继续发展阶段;九年十月至十年六月为收尾阶段。所裁冗官推测当在一万员左右。张居正去世后,由于政局的变化,其所裁冗官陆续被恢复。张居正裁革冗官失败的原因有:活动本身有过火之处;在裁革冗官时对官吏的利益考虑太少。  相似文献   
张羽  刘妮 《人文地理》2009,24(1):119
中国共产党在延安时期新闻传播事业所形成的纪念地、纪念物及其所承载的革命精神在红色旅游中具有重要地位。清凉山承载着中国革命战争和新闻传播事业的厚重历史,有着许许多多可歌可泣的动人故事。发展清凉山红色旅游,须建立"政府主导,各方参与、市场运作"机制,保持其核心竞争力;要以新闻传播行业及其高校为依托,开拓客源市场;活化清凉山红色旅游资源,强化游客精神体验等。  相似文献   
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