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本文介绍了2006年在盘龙城进行的田野考古物探工作的过程和新的发现。文章从投入田野考古物探的方法技术要求、野外数据资料采集的质量评价、数据资料的处理和图示进行了介绍·重点描述了对所发现的M1磁异常场源性质的认识、分析和探讨的过程,指出引起位于盘龙城府河河滩上的Ⅰ号磁异常的场源很可能是规模较大的地下人文构筑物。  相似文献   
Physical anthropology and bioarchaeology (one of the newer interdisciplinary sub‐disciplines) are alive and well in the U.A.E. Older analytical approaches that rely on subjective observations and non‐systematic study of human remains are being replaced with more biocultural and processual approaches that integrate biological data from human remains within a broader archaeological and cultural context. With the publication of a major synthetic work based on analysis of the human remains from Jebel al‐Buhais, a new era of skeletal analysis in the U.A.E. has been heralded. This short review examines the ways that skeletal analysis can be integrated within broader archaeological contexts.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the process of development rights allocation in Greece and the changes to that process which occurred from 2009 onward. It argues that the interaction of institutions which regulate the allocation of development rights, with social practices of formal and informal land development, gives rise to development pathways which demonstrate institutional persistence. In the case of Greece, these pathways range from ‘urban development by state organisations’, to development without planning permission on land that is not owned by the developer. The crisis was a shock to the Greek governance system, yet the analysis in this paper shows that the reforms of the development rights allocation process followed the pre-existing ‘mentality of rule’. The paper therefore argues that development pathways reflect a political arrangement between the ruling elites and other social strata. The technologies of governance and the associated institutions and practices which support elite rule, were sustained, if not reinforced, during the crisis. This analytical approach therefore offers insights of relevance to other countries in Europe and around the world which contemplate reforms to their development rights allocation system.  相似文献   
This essay explores the intersection of gender and class in the making of the new “high brow” culture of the late nineteenth century, represented by the matriarch of Bristol, Rhode Island, Theodora Goujaud DeWolf Colt. Through her poetry and salons, Theodora, like other wealthy women of the time, helped fashion a new bourgeois culture, which, though centered in New York and Boston, radiated outward to the smaller cities of the U.S., such as Bristol. Although the gendered norms and practices of the time excluded her from participation in much of public life, Theodora represented a new model of autonomy for upper-class women, for she was unmarried, not dependent on a man, and an independent intellectual. Her work also demonstrated the gendered tensions inherent in the formation of this new culture, as she developed a distinctive literary perspective that subtly criticized the paternalism and bourgeois values of that era.  相似文献   
I look at the process and speed of innovation spread, examining the economic aspects from the perspective of those who adopt the innovation. Defining innovation adoption as an investment which requires initial cost and risks, I argue that at the time of introduction of a new technology that is expected to have socioeconomic importance, elites of adopting societies try to avoid the initial cost and risks of adoption, actively intervening in the process of its spread. Thus, it is crucial to analyze the strategies and needs of elites, which strongly influence the speed of spread. One of these strategies is to change innovation's role by locating the innovation in a different realm of economy. Comparing the spread of iron technology in the Danish and southern Korean Bronze Ages, I demonstrate that differences in what elites needed to obtain through iron technology in different contexts critically affected the speed and process of iron spread into the two regions.  相似文献   
基于文献的东周女性史研究往往强调女性在东周时期社会地位逐渐式微。然而从考古学视角观察,女性贵族社会身份地位在东周时期却并非单向的跌落。春秋早期,女性贵族墓葬随葬器物延续西周以降的趋势,与男性贵族存在一个显著等差;春秋中期后,女性贵族墓葬随葬青铜器物组合层阶有了明显的提高,逐渐向异穴合葬男性配偶墓葬靠拢;春秋晚期,"夫妇同庖俎"(即合卺)逐渐成为一种稳定社会现象,女性贵族身份地位有了一个质的提高。这标志着贵族家庭婚姻制度及财产所有制发生了重大变化,显示社会基本构成由大家族向核心家庭转换。  相似文献   
George Holmes 《对极》2010,42(3):624-646
Abstract: This paper explores conservation as an elite process in the Dominican Republic. It begins by showing how conservation at a global level is an elite process, driven by a small powerful elite. Looking at the Dominican Republic, it demonstrates how the extraordinary levels of protection have been achieved by a small network of well connected individuals, who have been able to shape conservation as they like, while limiting the involvement by the large international conservation NGOs who are considered so dominant throughout Latin America. Despite this, conservation both globally and in the Dominican Republic is shown to share similar political structures and the same lack of critique of capitalism or its environmental impacts.  相似文献   
为配合国道主干线连霍高速宝鸡至牛背梁段高速公路建设,陕西省考古研究院与宝鸡市考古研究所对宝鸡市西郊的苟家岭村西汉墓葬进行了抢救性考古发掘。共发掘清理出10座墓葬,其中部分墓葬保存完整,随葬器物丰富。这也是首次在该地发掘的西汉时期墓葬,为进一步研究关中西部西汉时期聚落分布及丧葬制度增添了新的考古资料。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The fate of missing persons is a central issue in post‐conflict societies facing truth recovery and human rights dilemmas. Despite widespread public sympathy towards relatives, societies emerging from conflict often defer the recovery of missing for decades. More paradoxically, in post‐1974 Cyprus, the official authorities delayed unilateral exhumations of victims buried within cemeteries in their own jurisdiction. Analysis of official post‐1974 discourses reveals a Greek‐Cypriot consensus to emphasise the issue as one of Turkish aggression, thus downplaying in‐group responsibilities and the legacy of intra‐communal violence. We compare the experience of Cyprus with other post‐conflict societies such as Spain, Northern Ireland, and Mozambique and explore the linkages between institutions and beliefs about transitional justice. We argue that elite consensus initiates and facilitates the transition to democracy but often leads to the institutionalisation of groups opposing truth recovery even for in‐group members.  相似文献   
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