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中国经济史学者研究地方经济史始于20世纪30年代。50年代之后,研究本地特色经济史已逐渐形成一股热潮。在当前阶段,经济史中的同地研究已占主要地位,成为研究的主流。这种现象可以称之为地方经济史研究的本土化或本地化,有利于研究者发挥优势,有利于中国经济史学科的深入发展,有利于发挥经济史学的社会功能。地方经济史研究的本地化,既是中国经济史学发展到当前阶段的必然结果,也是它进一步发展的要求与动力。地方经济史研究本地化的发展为中国经济史学科的建设奠定了坚实基础,促进经济史学研究的内容更加丰富和学风更趋朴实,但在研究中也要避免由乡土情感带来的感情和理智平衡问题造成的陷阱。  相似文献   
This paper poses the question: what is the role of cultural capital at the interface of environment, economy and society, and what other factors affect this role? A review of Pierre Bourdieu's concept of cultural capital and later developments of this concept by ecological economists serves to establish the values that comprise cultural capital, and its relationship to natural capital and economic capital. These relationships are investigated through a case study of a small coastal community, Coles Bay and the Freycinet Peninsula, in Tasmania. Three study groups are identified which comprise the communities associated with this place; long‐term residents, repeat visitors and tourists making a single visit. The complexity of the relationships of people with place are revealed through an examination of the different forms of capital (social, cultural and economic) relating to the different study groups. The dynamics of the social, economic and environmental realities of Coles Bay and the Freycinet Peninsula are seen to be complex and interlinked, with the potential to provide a model for action in communities of similar character and location.  相似文献   
The concept of social capital is widely perceived as a promising tool for explaining differences in economic development between countries and regions. According to this theory, weak links (bridging social capital) and social trust in an area favour its better access to other forms of capital, that is, economic and human capital. However, strong links (bonding social capital) may stifle creativity and entrepreneurship. Since the vast majority of research on the impact of social capital on economic development focuses on highly developed Western European countries, it seems particularly interesting to evaluate the usefulness of this approach when applied to post‐communist countries with their different experiences. The objective of this article is to identify the spatial variation of different forms of social capital in regions of Poland and then to test a hypothesis on the impact of this capital on regional economic development. The results demonstrate that despite the existing differences between regions there are no significant relationships between levels of social capital and economic development. This may be explained either by low social capital levels or by the overall degree of Polish economic development.  相似文献   
In this article, we analyze the role of the economic rationale in modern cultural policy decision communication and ask why it remains such an important factor, even though research has argued against it. Based on Luhmann’s system theory, we show how the economic rationale manifests itself in the cultural political communication as parasitic and complementary couplings, and how different communication forms are in play: the indirect, direct, and the both-and form. The point is to construct communicative positions in cultural policy. The positions involve the economic rationale in their own particular way and each of them offers themselves as a communicative platform which the culture politician can optionally step into and out of. The arts system stands out from other systems by not distinguishing itself in one single distinction and coding. In exactly this issue lies the communicative complexity which the communicating cultural politician faces and must handle. As our analysis shows, this complexity is handled by communicating within the economic rationale and coding, with the result that complexity is reduced.  相似文献   
The impending demise of passenger motor vehicle manufacturing in Australia provides a good opportunity to view the trajectory of industry policy since the Whitlam government commenced the process of tariff cuts in 1973. It is argued that industry policy over this period demonstrates the effects of path dependence and a lack of policy learning. In the industry policy context, the path dependence perspective suggests three key factors in explaining policy effects: the importance of initial conditions; the role of cumulative causation in the interaction between policy settings, actors and firms; and the shaping role of networks. While political or electoral factors could, on occasion, generate support for threatened industries, overall, neo-liberal policy ideas guided decision-making. An examination of Australian defence industry, and a comparison of the Australian and New Zealand dairy and milk processing industries reinforces the importance of institutionally shaped path dependency.  相似文献   
乌兰察布农业企业发展迟缓的原因及其解决对策   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
孟祥林 《人文地理》1999,14(4):63-67
初级农产品经过二次转化后,可以使其价值倍增,很多的农民企业家和当地的政府机关都看重了这块风水宝地,纷纷建起了乡镇企业,对本地的农产品进行消化,以求增值、创税。但是,在乡镇企业发展的过程中,由于流动资金短缺、原材料不足、重复建设等原因,使得众多的乡镇企业发展迟缓,甚至不得不被其他企业兼并或者宣布破产。本文的重点就是要对上述问题存在的原因进行挖掘,并力求给出相应的解决对策。  相似文献   
CONTEXT方法浅谈   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
CONTEXT方法所体现的考古遗存只能在其特定的环境中被解释的原则、从遗存中尽量获取更多信息的种种手段、以广阔的思路去判断材料的价值以及规范化的记录体系都对当前中国考古学的研究有很大的启示。  相似文献   
论文以葫芦岛经济技术开发区为例,重点对开发区的功能定位进行了研究。提出要以临港经济和临海产业为突破口,加速推动再工业化,将开发区打造成为以造船、冶金、医药化工为主,兼顾休闲旅游渡假的生态型工业开发园区和港口工业综合体。  相似文献   
深圳工业化过程中同全国各省区建立起了资金、技术、市场以及人才(包括劳动力)方面的广泛联系。本文基于外来人口指标,构建了深圳户籍人口迁移模型,并加以测度及分析,从人口迁移角度得出以下结论:首先,深圳同全国各省区经济联系强度与两地的人口规模成正比;其次,与两地的交通距离成反比;第三,深圳与全国的经济联系呈辐射状的圈层结构;第四,外来户籍人口数与两地收入差距相关性不明显。进而分析了形成这种联系格局的其他影响因素,并对深圳加强与全国区域经济联系提出政策建议。  相似文献   
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