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近十年来生态环境变迁史研究综述   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
佳宏伟 《史学月刊》2004,(6):112-119
近十余年来,环境变迁史研究取得丰硕成果。人们从不同学科、不同视角展开广泛探讨,涉及到区域经济发展与环境变迁之关系、古代都城与生态环境之关系、动植物变迁与区域沙漠化、灾害与疾疫问题、气候变迁等方面,有力地推动了与环境变迁密切相关的中国生态环境史学研究在中国的形成和发展。  相似文献   
刘亮 《东南文化》2004,(5):93-94
通过药物熏蒸,采用冷冻除氧封存,再用化学毒物涂刷,对竹雕的杀虫处理具有较好的效果。  相似文献   
日本经济的迅速崛起以及持续的高速增长,令世人刮目相看。然而,长期持续的增长也掩饰了企业内部的诸多积弊。这些积弊,在经济环境骤然变化之时,常常令一些企业手足无措。进入20世纪90年代,如雪片般飞落的企业丑闻就可以证实这一点。但是,经历了高速增长,也同样面对经济环境的变化莫测,有的企业却能较好地适应,并保持稳步增长,其中的道理何在?本文仅以世界500强京瓷公司为例,对这一问题,略示己见。  相似文献   
钟放 《日本学论坛》2004,3(3):55-59
稻盛和夫的哲学立足于企业经营,但又不局限于此。他的哲学还涉及到环境保护、技术开发、发达国家与发展中国家的关系等。稻盛和夫的共生循环思想回答了企业发展与环境保护的关系问题。这一思想付诸实践,就形成了京瓷公司的环保战略和日本的循环经济。  相似文献   
我国实践区际生态补偿机制的困境与措施研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生态补偿机制作为社会各种群体利益博弈的均衡结果,将对经济和环境不协调的现状进行调整,从而成为构建和谐社会的重要实现机制。我国是世界上开展生态补偿工作较早的国家之一。近年来,中央政府及部分省(市)区对于生态补偿机制进行了积极的探索与实践,取得了一定的经验,形成了许多行之有效的管理手段和工具,体现了生态补偿理论的特征和要求。但在具体的实践中,区域性生态服务的各受益地区往往隶属于不同的行政区划,分属于不同级次的财政,因此,协调处理好区际之间的生态补偿问题实际上要复杂得多。生态补偿作为一种新型环境管理制度,在我国推行还面临着许多困难和制约因素。本文针对目前我国实践区际生态补偿机制中可能面临的困境和问题进行了梳理与分析。并在此基础上,就如何完善我国区际生态补偿机制从制度建设角度提供了相应的对策与措施。  相似文献   
The restoration of urban estuaries is challenging due to the complexity of prioritizing sites in a context of social and biophysical unevenness. Site prioritization and selection are crucial components of ecological success and equity in restoration. In many cases, site prioritization is conducted according to simple opportunity or political expediency, but this needs to be investigated further in local contexts, with accompanying analysis of the impacts on urban environmental equity. Using a critical physical geography framework, I explore site selection processes in the restoration of Biscayne Bay through case studies of two urban streams. I use multiple data types to present an integrated perspective on urban restoration priority and the social context that produces restoration siting decisions. I find that the logics of restoration site selection in the Biscayne Bay watershed have produced ecologically questionable decisions and inequitable outcomes. Therefore, I argue that restoration decision making needs to include environmental justice criteria.  相似文献   
This article introduces the distinction between substance (questions of policy design) and process (questions of power in the policy process) to the Narrative Policy Framework (NPF). While both occur in existing NPF research, so far, they are not separated analytically. We conceptualize them as categories of the “policy dimension,” a new aspect of narrative content. Applying this dimension to an exploratory case, we show that such an analysis leads to useful insights for NPF scholars. Substance policy narrative elements show a debate about a policy's implementation model, whereas process policy narrative elements reveal that this debate is permeated by power conflicts. Furthermore, we find that the two categories' occurrence in narratives is influenced by the debate venue, whereas political parties as narrators do not seem to be relevant. The policy dimension allows for new research avenues and provides practitioners with a new tool to understand and intervene in policy debates.  相似文献   
Arthur Rempel 《对极》2023,55(1):243-267
The reign of the fossil fuel empire must come to an end if the average global temperature rise is to be meaningfully capped. Accordingly, a myriad of financial and non-financial stranded assets will be generated in the process. Ample research has explored the implications for a South African fossil transition from a domestic perspective, but a lacuna persists in linking South Africa’s fossil regime to broader international finance flows, and particularly the role that actors from the “global North” should play in phasing out South African fossil fuels. This research finds that such institutions have exacerbated South Africa’s prospective stranded asset exposure, and by doing so, have accrued a Stranded Asset Debt (SAD)—as a supply-side counterpart to the demand-side climate debt, which they have also accumulated—perhaps to the tune of at least several dozens of billions of dollars. Although the Paris Agreement is flawed, it embodies language that can be leveraged to settle the SAD “bill”.  相似文献   
This article explores the relations between infrastructures, labour, and internal colonialism in Lerma, Mexico. Drawing on archival and ethnographic research of two hydraulic projects there, the article argues that infrastructures are productive of the racial, environmental, and political relations that constitute internal colonialism both historically and contemporarily. I show how these infrastructural projects imagined and produced colonial relations between the environment, racialised workers, and the nation-state, and how these colonial logics endure today through infrastructures and the forms of racialised labour that maintain them. In doing so, this article contributes to literature that interrogates the relations between infrastructure and coloniality by focusing on how infrastructural labour makes internal colonialism enduring. The article concludes by reflecting on how the labour practices that make internal colonialism enduring also point to ways of producing infrastructures otherwise.  相似文献   
许堞  马丽 《人文地理》2023,38(1):20-27+35
随着人类活动对自然环境影响与改造的日益加深,人文与经济地理学者把经济地理学研究范式与环境要素相结合,形成环境经济地理学研究方向,并随着经济地理学研究范式的转变其研究主题和研究视角也随之变化。通过对1970—2020年经济—环境相关文献的计量分析和总结归纳,发现环境经济地理相关研究不断融入新内容和新思路,研究主题逐步多元;在研究范式上,区别于传统耦合研究过度注重经济—环境交互作用的结果,环境经济地理研究逐渐出现关注经济—环境互动的社会、制度要素的制度转向,关注经济—环境互动中主体的关联和网络构建的关系转向,和关注经济—环境互动的动态过程和调和机制的演化转向。集成现有的理论基础,综合多元的研究范式,环境经济地理研究仍有较大的深化空间。  相似文献   
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