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2009年8月焦作市文物工作队在焦作白庄墓群发掘M121和M122两座汉墓。M121和M122两耳室相连。墓中各出土陶仓楼及其他陶器组合,对研究焦作地区汉墓分期和陶仓楼的排序具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
清末民初是天主教在陕北地区发展的重要阶段。在当时陕北23个县中有天主教传入的占19个,广大农村是传教士传教的主要地区,清光绪二十七年至宣统三年即1901至1911年是陕北天主教发展的高潮期。陕北地区在今内蒙古伊克昭盟与山西之间的37·5°N~38·5°N间呈东宽西窄的横楔形区域内,形成了一个天主教堂分布的相对集中区,其中又以西部靖边、怀远(今横山)和定边三县为天主教势力集中的重心所在。县域内天主教堂的空间分布也具有一定的规律。本文主要依据相关地方史志,简要说明清末民初天主教在陕北地区的传播过程并初步探讨其时空分布特征。  相似文献   
清前期"安南之役"略论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“安南之役”是清乾隆年间中、安之间发生的一场战争。文章从“安南之役”发生的背景、“安南之役”前期进军顺利和后期失败的原因、“安南之役”的性质和影响等三个方面对“安南之役”进行了较为全面的探讨,认为“安南之役”是清朝为维护中、安宗藩关系发动的战争,并非清朝对安南的侵略,它也未从根本上影响以后中、安关系的的正常发展。  相似文献   
试论20世纪六七十年代两次文化政策的调整   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在新中国的历史上,调整文化政策影响最大的是20世纪60年代初期和70年代中期这两次。60年代初的文化政策调整是一次全面、自觉的调整,调整从调查研究入手,以调整知识分子政策为关键,注意解决"红专关系"、"双百"方针问题,制定了《科学十四条》、《高教六十条》和《文艺八条》等科学、教育、文艺领域的一系列条例,这些条例的制定是调整取得成果的标志;1975年文化政策的调整是在特殊条件下进行的一场尖锐复杂的斗争,文艺、科技、教育三个领域的调整方式方法特殊,结果也有差异,调整的关键在于分清是非、划清界限,文艺领域的调整取得了一定的成效,科学、教育方面分别写出了汇报提纲,但由于"反击右倾翻案风"运动,整顿被迫中断。两次文化政策的调整,对先进文化的建设和发展提供了宝贵的经验。  相似文献   
An earlier study of how the archaeological data from the Khmer period in northeast Thailand confirm and augment the information from historical texts is expanded into an examination of the early historic pre-Khmer and the post-Khmer periods. For these, both the historical and the archaeological data are more limited and problematic. The archaeological record confirms generally the changes associated with the transition from prehistory to history but raises questions about the sources of external influence and the types of political and economic organization which characterized northeast Thailand societies. More robust archaeological data and more precise chronological control will be necessary to test historical models of pre-Angkorian and post-Angkorian political development.  相似文献   
本文通过统计明初南直隶、湖广、江西三省的城墙包砖情况,考察了明初城墙包砖的基本面貌,并根据明代各级城市所用城砖的烧造与征调情况,探讨包砖的相对成本,指出明初城市包砖与城市的等级、所处地区的军事战争形势密切相关。  相似文献   
Among a group of seven skeletons from the southern part of Lower Saxony, dating to the Single Grave Culture (ca. 2500BC ), was a double inhumation, which showed an unusual burial position for one of the individuals interred. Deviating from the typical squatted position, this male was supine. Having been badly injured by an arrow shot into the back, he suffered from post-traumatic paraplegia and, most probably died from bacterial meningitis caused by the flint tip that penetrated the spinal cord. This infection was also responsible for the burial position, clearly pointing to an opisthotonus, which is indicative of the final stage of bacterial meningitis. The other individual, also male, had an arrow wound and died from the complications of a severe wound to the intestines.  相似文献   
The possible factors involved in the generation of the p49a,f TaqI Y-chromosome spatial diversity in Egypt are explored. The object is to consider explanations beyond those that emphasize gene flow mediated via military campaigns within the Nile corridor during the dynastic period. Current patterns of the most common variants (V, XI, IV) have been suggested to relate to Middle Kingdom and New Kingdom political actions in Nubia, including sometimes settler colonization, and the conquest of Egypt by Napata (in upper Nubia, northern Sudan) that initiated Dynasty XXV. Other events or processes have not been presented. However, a synthesis of evidence from archaeology, historical linguistics, texts, the distribution of haplotypes outside of Egypt, and some demographic considerations, lends greater support to the establishment, before the Middle Kingdom, of the observed distributions of the most prevalent haplotypes: V, XI, and IV. It is suggested that the pattern of diversity for these variants in the Egyptian Nile Valley, was largely the product of population events that occurred in the late Pleistocene to mid-Holocene through Dynasty I, and was sustained by continuous smaller scale bi-directional migrations/interactions. The higher frequency of V in Ethiopia than in Nubia or upper (southern) Egypt, has to be taken into account in any discussion of variation in the Nile Valley, especially in the context of the findings of historical linguistics.Les facteurs possibles qui etaient parmi la generation de p49a,f TaqI Y-divers chromosome spatiale en Egypte, avaient ete explores. L’objectif etait de prendre en consideration les explications autour de celles qui mettaient l’accent sur le gene flow qui avait ete medie a partir des campagnes militaries dans le corridor du Nil, pendant la periode dynastique. Les modeles courants des varieties communes (V, XI, IV) avaient ete suggeres pour qu’ils soient en lien avec les actes politiques du Royaume Moyen et du Royaume Nouveau de Nubie, inclu quelques colonies, et la conquete de l’Egypte par Napta (en Haut Nubie, au Nord du Soudan), cela avait initie la 25eme dynastie. D’autres evenements ou procedures, n’avaient pas ete presentes. Ainsi, une synthese d’evidence de l’archeologie, de langues historiques, de textes, la distribution des haplotypes en dehors de l’Egypte, et quelques considerations demographiques avaient servi de grand support a l’etablissement, avant le Royaume Moyen, des distributions observees des varietes les plus prevalents: V, XI, and IV. Il est suggere que le modele de diversite pour ces varieties dans la Vallee du Nil Egyptien, etait largement le produit des evenements populaires qui s’etaient passes dans la derniere periode du Pleistocene au Moyen-Holocene jusqu’a la Premiere Dynastie, et etait soutenu par de petites echelles continue de demi-migrations/interactions directional. La plus grande frequence de V en Ethiopie qu’en Nubie ou plus haut, au Sud de l’Egypte, doit etre prise en considerartion dans n’importe quelle discussion de variation dans la Vallee du Nil, speciallement dans le contexte des decouvertes de langues historiques.  相似文献   
C. D. Reader 《Archaeometry》2001,43(1):149-165
There are a number of features of weathering and erosion within the enclosure surrounding the Great Sphinx of Giza that suggest the action of flowing water. That this erosion is not uniformly distributed is consistent not with erosion by rainfall per se but by rainfall run‐off—an erosive agent that is known to have been experienced at Giza until the late Fifth Dynasty. When the spatial relationship of various features within the Giza necropolis is considered, the extant erosion indicates that the Sphinx may pre‐date the reign of Khufu, the builder of the first Giza pyramid. The existence of pre‐Fourth Dynasty development at Giza can be inferred from this—support for which is provided by a number of archaeological finds excavated from the site.  相似文献   
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