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The issue which I wish to address in this paper is the widespread tendency in Anglophone philosophy to insist on a separation between the history of philosophy and the history of ideas or intellectual history. This separation reflects an anxiety on the part of philosophers lest the special character of philosophy will be dissolved into something else in the hands of historians. And it is borne of a fundamental tension between those who think of philosophy's past as a source of ideas and arguments of interest to the present, and those who hold that the philosophy of the past should be studied on its own terms, in relation to its immediate context, without reference to the present. The challenge, then, is to re-historicise the history of philosophy, and to keep the philosophers onside.  相似文献   
茑屋重三郎是日本江户时代中后期的著名出版商。他从书店经营开始逐渐涉足书籍出版,在激变的时代浪潮中虽几经大起大落,但凭借着高瞻远瞩的策划能力和敏捷的才思,终于成长为屈指可数的出版界巨子。既是商人,同时又有很好的文学修养,两相结合使之具备了卓越的识人辨才的能力。他一生中发掘并培养了诸多浮世绘画师和通俗文学作家,出版发行了数目众多的浮世绘作品和文学作品,在江户中后期的文学史、艺术史上留下了浓墨重彩的印迹。  相似文献   
The Changsha Street Corps originated in the local militia during the period of the Taiping Rebellion, and it played an important part in Changsha’s urban social management at the grassroots level. However, the role and influence of the street corps underwent changes during the process of modernization and the building of the modern nation–state. By 1920, although the street corps of Changsha still worked as the agent of the state at the grassroots level, its autonomy had been curtailed, and its social influence weakened. In the new social environment, even the maintenance of neighborhood interests became a challenge for the street corps. This article illustrates the readjustments in geopolitical and industrial relations during the process of urban modernization. It also illustrates how a new form of state power, namely the police, infiltrated the social management system, affected the traditional social structure, and complicated the interaction between modern state and society.  相似文献   
The African origin of modern humans is the center of a large debate. Discoveries of anatomically modern human fossils in Sub-Saharan Africa correlated to lithic and faunal artifacts show that a “modern Behavior” is associated with the emergence of Homo sapiens. Even though the traits to define this modernity are sometimes difficult to apprehend, the study of the Middle Stone Age cultural phase is important for understanding the origin and evolution of the cognitive capacity of modern humans. Porc-Epic Cave in Ethiopia has a long sequence of Upper Pleistocene occupation. Several thousand bone and lithic artifacts were excavated during three major field excavations (1933, 1974, 1975–76). The lithic assemblage reveals that the relationship between humans and their environment is well organized and that the African terminology is sometimes difficult to apply. This paper proposes a synthesis of all the data, studies and conclusions I have made from the analysis of lithic materials from the 1933 and 1975–76 excavations in order to integrate Porc-Epic into the current debate of MSA and modern human Behavior.L'origine de l'Homme moderne en Afrique fait l'objet actuellement d'un large débat. Les décourvertes de fossiles d'Homo sapiens en Afrique sub-saharienne associés à des industries lithiques montrent que, en parallèle à l'émergence de cette nouvelle espèce humaine, un comportement dit moderne s'est développé. Le Middle Stone Age est donc une période culturelle charnière dans l'évolution comportementale de l'homme. La grotte du Porc-épic, en éthiopie, est un témoignage de cette ère avec un remplissage pléistocène supérieur contenant des dizaines de milliers de restes fauniques et lithiques. L'étude de son important assemblage lithique révèle que le rapport de l'homme à la matière et à son environnement est très organisé et que le terminologie culturelle africaine est parfois difficile à utiliser.  相似文献   
黄虚峰 《史学月刊》2006,(6):109-113
随着收成制在战后美国南方的确立,乡村商店成为南方转型初期经济生活的重要部分。它的特点是“靠男性消费者为生,以农作物借贷制为杠杆,商品综合经营”。但是,世纪之交,由于工业化力量的推动和现代消费观念的冲击,乡村商店从南方经济生活中逐渐淡出,“以吸引女性消费者为主,采用现金支付或分期付款形式”的百货商店取而代之,并且广告在经济生活中起越来越重要的作用,南方经济生活逐步走向现代化。  相似文献   
黄帝族的发祥地及其时代   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本论文对关于黄帝族的发祥地及其所处时代的各家之说,进行比较考辨后,据古文献的记载与考古学的研究成果,得出:黄帝族发祥于今西北陕甘黄土高原,其时代约相当于考古学上的仰韶文化中、晚期,年代大致为公元前4000-3000年之间。  相似文献   
唐代前期都督府探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有鉴于前人对唐代都督府认识的分歧,本文从文献的角度论证了今人观念下的都督府自唐代建立至安史之乱的不同职能,即军政职能、民政职能、监察职能。并重点阐述了前两种职能所依据的社会背景,二者之间的相互转化,以及三种职能下都督府与常州之关系,力图解决困扰都督府研究的一些问题。  相似文献   
马克思、恩格斯文明理论与中国"早期文明"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国文明发展史上,夏、商、西周文明是一个特殊阶段,这个阶段的文明,从国家形态的角度看,与西方文明具有明显的不同。  相似文献   
吴简中所见孙权时期户等制度的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高敏 《史学月刊》2006,(5):31-35
所谓户等制度,是指官府按居民家庭财产多少而划分户口等级的制度。关于秦汉时期如何征收家庭财产税、确定户等、评估家财等一系列作法,由于史料不足,还处于若隐若现之间。但是从西晋到南北朝,户分九品之制已经定型化。如果我们能找到从西汉的户分三等到南北朝的户分九品之间的过渡环节,则中国古代户等制度的发展变化过程就将更加明朗化。吴简的出土恰恰证明在孙权时期的长沙郡与临湘侯国境内,已经确立了三等九级的户等划分制度。但由于吴简的残缺,孙权时期户等制度还存在着许多难于通释的问题。  相似文献   
世界历史在18世纪出现了罕见的“共时现象”,其中最明显的就是政府职能的扩展。但在中国,相比之下这段历史却不太为人注意。本文力图展示乾隆初年清代政府在劝农、兴修水利和开矿几个方面的所作所为。如果说,在18 世纪的西欧,政府职能扩展已属于一种“现代现象”,那么我们又应如何看待中国的这段历史?  相似文献   
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