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Ten years after the creation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the so-called Mansholt Plan was the first attempt at radically transforming European agriculture and modernising agricultural structures. Drawing upon archives of national and Community-level farm interest groups as well as records of the European Commission, this article analyses the reactions of farm interest groups to the Mansholt Plan and their strategies to oppose it between 1968 and 1972. It explores the resistance of farmers and their professional organisations to agricultural change. In particular, the article sheds new light on the reasons behind the spectacular failure of the plan and examines the long-term consequences of that failure for farm interest groups, the Commission and the member-states. It scrutinises initial reactions from farm organisations, examines the debates over the family farm (a core economic and cultural element of European agriculture), and discusses the national and transnational lobbying and protest strategies used by farmers to oppose the plan. The article contributes to a deeper understanding of the origins of transnational societal mobilisation in post-war Western Europe and highlights the impact of national and European interest groups in EC-level policy-making.  相似文献   
清末,各地纷纷筹建各级审判厅,为避免司法机构重叠同时又能筹集所需经费,从江苏省开始裁并同城州县始,即用所节约经费和旧衙署建立审判厅。在实际操作中,有些省并不存在同城州县,就裁并与之相仿的同城府县。辛亥革命后,南方各省延续了清末裁并同城治所的措施,但裁并模式不一。《划一令》颁布后,各省实行裁府留县或改府为县,治所同城现象也基本不存在了。清末延续到民国初年的同城政区治所裁并不仅由原来同城州县扩展到同城府县,而且范围也从江苏省扩展到全国。  相似文献   
郭丛 《史学月刊》2020,(3):17-25
献费是西汉初年的一项财赋,其征纳范围应包括王国、侯国以及除內史外中央直辖的郡。与之相应,献费的献纳者是诸侯王、彻侯(通侯)以及直辖郡的郡守。献费是一项独立的贡赋,并非是汉代的"口赋钱""算赋",亦非宗庙祭祀的献金或土贡贡献的费用。献费属于皇室财政的范畴,通过地方行政机构征收,上缴中央后划拨少府管理。考虑到汉初的货币及经济的状况,献费每人63钱的赋额并不过高。  相似文献   
This essay has two objectives. First, it seeks to engage critically with contemporary scholarship on the origins of racism through the lens of an older debate centered around the history of ideas. Specifically, it argues that Quentin Skinner's influential critique of the history of ideas can help identify the pitfalls of our current fascination with the origins of racism—most particularly when such origins are traced back to antiquity and the European pre- and early modern periods. In pursuing its second objective, the essay turns from histories cataloguing ancient, medieval, and early modern racisms to objections leveled, in these same literatures, against scholarship defending the modernity of race. The defense of a premodern origin to race is, I argue, not just a historical argument but a contemporary politics embedded in a narrative of continuity that insists on the relevance of the medieval past to the racial configurations of our current moment. Rather than demonstrating continuity and sameness, this essay seeks to draw attention to alternative modes of historicizing that are more attentive to the alterity of the past.  相似文献   
谢良 《中国边疆史地研究》2020,(1):35-43,213,214
西汉时期夷夏关系的嬗变是从汉初迫于军事劣势所形成的政治上的“夷夏并尊”到汉武帝时期凭借国力主动“纳四夷于华夏”。汉初,在“并尊”格局下,汉廷想要通过“用夏变夷”和使匈奴“渐染华风”来改变当时的政治困境,并未成功。汉武帝即位后,通过对夷夏关系的反思,采取了“纳之华夏”与“夷夏之防”两种政策。进而认为我国古代的政策一直是南北不同,但总的趋势是在夷夏一体的大格局不变之下,南边逐渐华夏化,北边保持华夷秩序。  相似文献   
大河口墓地M1034是一座东西向长方形土坑竖穴墓,葬具为一棺一椁,椁下有两根垫木,墓底中部有一腰坑,坑内殉狗一只。墓主头向西,仰身直肢,男性,年龄为18~19岁。随葬品共计691件套,种类有青铜器、陶器、玉器、石器、蚌贝器、骨牙器和漆木器等。其中青铜礼器有鼎3件,簋2件,青铜兵器有戈、矛、剑、镞等,陶器仅有陶鬲1件。墓葬年代为西周中期早段,墓主为霸国中等贵族。  相似文献   
This short article report about the new findings of finely made dentate-stamped and lime infilled potteries from the Goa Topogaro site in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Most of them are red-slipped pottery decorated with dentate-stamped, lime infilled, and can be identified as burial potteries as they are excavated with secondly burials of the Early Metal Age possibly dated around 2000-1800 years ago. When comparing these finds with common decorative patterns seen in early dentate-stamped pottery assemblages in the Philippines, Mariana Islands, and early Lapita sites, the Topogaro dentate-stamped pots lack some common early patterns, but exhibit a wider variety of designs. It is now argued that dentate-stamped decorations at Lapita sites mainly disappeared by around 2800 BP or at least by 2000 BP in the Pacific, but the Topogaro dentate-stamped sherds may indicate that this pottery tradition continued and further developed in Island Southeast Asia or Sulawesi at least until the Early Metal Age. The detailed analysis of these new finds and further comparative study on production technique, variety of design, forms, and styles of both dentate-stamped ceramics in Southeast Asia and Oceania is required.  相似文献   
“北军”是汉朝十分重要的武装力量,但其并非始于高帝朝,而是惠帝后期随着长安城的修筑所设的城防部队。因西汉初期长安城南部主要为两宫,防务由卫尉执掌,城卫军只能驻扎在城北,所以宫卫军称南军,城卫军即北军。从张家山汉简《二年律令·秩律》来看,卫将军应是北军的最高长官,其建置还有卫将军长史、候(候丞)、校长、士吏等。当时卫将军是整个汉朝官僚体系中唯一常设的将军。文帝即位,卫将军权力扩大,在本部北军之外亦兼领南军,后北军一度旋罢旋置,再后来卫将军被裁撤,北军遂转属中尉。  相似文献   
This article presents an analysis of certain erotic strategies employed by shamans of the early Chinese state of Chu that were intended to attract and seduce an array of spirits thought to inhabit the world of nature. These strategies are analyzed from a collection of songs gathered together under the title of the Jiu ge from the Chuci anthology, and they provide some of the clearest evidences for a tradition of early Chinese southern Chu shamanism. After setting forth certain elements of the religious, historical, and theoretical background of this shamanism, this article approaches and analyzes it in terms of the eroticized gender relations between humans and spirits upon which this shamanism is centrally based. Because the present author understands shamanism in terms of face to face communication between human beings and bodiless beings in a séance event, and because these communications are represented as taking place by way of either the shaman journeying to the spirit or the spirit coming to take possession of the shaman, the final sections of this article analyze each type of séance event separately.  相似文献   

The Dampier Archipelago (Murujuga) in northwestern Australia is a rich rock art province located in an arid-maritime cultural landscape. The archipelago juts into the Indian Ocean just north of the Tropic of Capricorn. When people started inscribing this rugged granophyre landscape it was an inland range more than 100 km from the coast. Murujuga rock art is contextualized by a 47,000-year-old occupation sequence from the Pilbara, a model for stylistic change, and a predictive model that envisages how people may have adapted to this eventual seascape. Initial testing of an outer island suggests that highly mobile coastal foragers took advantage of interior ranges across the Abydos Plain as sea levels rose after the Last Glacial Maximum. This article describes for the first time evidence for Australia's earliest domestic stone structures (dated to between 8063 and 7355 cal BP) and tests the predictive model. Rosemary Island is an inscribed landscape that reveals the emergence of an arid island and provides insights into the dynamics of mobile arid hunter-fisher-gatherers in the early Holocene. It adds to the body of Australian evidence for island abandonment with insulation, but with minimal evidence for subsequent (re)colonization.  相似文献   
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