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在分析汉代免老、新傅、罷癃等制度后,认为在南郡的人口结构中:新傅、免老人数均存在严重的不平衡现象,各侯国人口的发展存在较大差异,其原因有待进一步探讨。据木牍,《秩律》各县的排名隐约遵循口数原则。  相似文献   
薛红焰 《攀登》2010,29(5):93-97
西部民族地区面临着经济发展与社会稳定的两大任务,构建和谐劳动关系、保障劳动就业权利是二者的主要结合点。文章就工会组织在西部民族地区发展中具有重要的社会角色和责任担当进行了论述。  相似文献   
城头山遗址作为20世纪百项考古大发现之一,因发现屈家岭文化城址和大溪文化城墙及汤家岗文化水稻田而著名,号称"中国第一城"。城头山地区文明为本土文化发展起来的原生型文明。作为早期邦国文明,城头山地区文明起源经历了农耕聚落—中心聚落—邦国三个阶段。城市(包括礼仪建筑)、文字、服饰(包括玉佩饰)是城头山地区文明起源的要素和形成的标准。城头山地区文明向成熟文明发展最后融入多元一体的中华文明的历史长河之中。城头山地区邦国文明的产生是中国早期文明产生的一种模式,在长江中游乃至中国早期文明起源中有一定的典型意义。中国早期文明经历了一个小国寡民式的邦国文明阶段。  相似文献   
西域文化的影响是白瓷在华北初步发展的一个历史要素。早期白瓷从视觉形式上讲,具有模仿西域银器和玻璃器的特征;从技术上讲,得益于西域碱金属玻璃配方及碱釉技术的渗透。从北朝后期至隋代,粟特人和突厥人在中亚丝绸之路上的合作,极大地促进了西风东渐,这是早期白瓷的时代背景中最重要的因素。  相似文献   
中共主要领导人李大钊、陈独秀、毛泽东和周恩来等,早年在对日本民族和人民观察与思考的基础上,赞赏日本民族是一个伟大的民族,并将日本人民和日本军国主义政府区分开来,积极主张中日两国人民之间的真正友好,从而形成了中国共产党的早期中日友好思想。  相似文献   
Over the past decade social exclusion has increasingly been positioned at the forefront of political, academic and lay discourse as the cause of disadvantage. While the definition, measurement and solutions to social exclusion remain open to debate, housing has progressively been positioned as a central variable creating neighbourhoods of exclusion. Much of this debate has positioned areas of public housing as being the most disadvantaged and socially excluded neighbourhoods. However, the multidimensionality of social exclusion brings into question the simple identification of areas of public housing as being the most excluded. By exploring six dimensions of exclusion (neighbourhood, social and civic engagement, access, crime and security, community identity and economic disadvantage) we explore the differences between areas dominated by public housing and those characterised by private market housing in terms of their scores on each of these individual dimensions of exclusion. We find that it is the experience of households with multiple dimensions of exclusion, especially locational and economic disadvantage, that differentiate areas of public housing from private housing locations.  相似文献   
Labour shortages have become an increasingly significant barrier to economic development in regional Australia. Many firms and government agencies are operating below capacity as a result of their inability to fill jobs. In the mineral resources sector, this has been compounded by rapidly rising demand for commodities and the very remote locations of many mine sites. This paper explores the dynamics of labour shortages in the minerals sector of the Western Australian Goldfields. It demonstrates close linkages between commodity price, labour supply and demand, and resource output. Against the background of a state-wide ‘resources boom’, the paper also points to an increase in intra- and inter- regional competition for labour.  相似文献   
时空间行为研究为透视中国城市转型与发展提供了重要视角,但已有研究对中国西部城市关注较少、未能形成反映西部城市特色的结论。选取西宁市作为案例,基于2013年居民时空间行为调查数据及城市设施分布数据,分析居民时间利用、时空路径等时空行为特征及其与城市设施分布的匹配关系,以此补充微观行为视角下的中国西部城市研究,为中国城市时空行为方法论提供西部城市的验证。主要结论包括:①相比于东部城市,西宁市存在工作活动比例低、平均时长短,早通勤时间延后,午休返家,时间安排灵活等特点; ②西宁市与周边地区间存在具有高原地区特色的跨城市通勤和休闲行为; ③居民活动分布与城市设施布局存在一定的空间错位。  相似文献   
陆侃如先生<中古文学系年>将崔驷<大将军临洛观赋>系于永元四年四月初,认为崔驷<西征赋>系<北征颂>之误,值得商榷.通过对这两篇作品的探讨,还可对傅毅卒年、崔驷离开窦宪军幕返乡时间作出相对明确的断定.通过考察影日藏弘仁本<文馆词林>中所收崔驷<四巡颂>中<南巡颂>,可得出崔驷<南巡颂>与班固<南巡颂>的作年相同的结论.在此基础上,又可进一步推定班固丁忧去官的大致时间.  相似文献   
This paper examines the development of citizenship in Austria-Hungary between 1867 and the 1920s. At the beginning, the paper analyses the reform of citizenship laws in both Austria and Hungary after the Settlement of 1867. Whilst the Austrian citizenship law maintained legal traditions stretching back into the first half of the nineteenth century, the new Hungarian citizenship law of 1878 emulated the laws in effect in Wilhelmine Germany. The basis of Hungarian citizenship law was, however, much broader than German law, in order to allow for the effective integration of the non-Magyar population. An evaluation of applications for Austrian naturalisation illustrates the remarkable capacity of Austrian citizenship law to integrate and to uphold a concept of nationality independent from ethnicity, religious denomination, class or gender. Only during, and above all after, the First World War did the inclusive practice of the Cisleithanian bureaucracy give way to the more exclusive policy of the new German-Austrian Republic, as civil servants now introduced the vague notion of ‘race’ as a criterion for naturalisation. In contrast to Tsarist Russia and the Second German Empire, both of which introduced similar agendas for nationalisation in the latter part of the nineteenth century linking citizenship to ethnic and religious identity, the Habsburg Monarchy remained basically untouched by such tendencies and with the constitutionally guaranteed principle of ‘national equality’ upheld its early modern tradition of ethnic and religious tolerance well into the later Imperial period.  相似文献   
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