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The columns of monumental buildings in ancient Greece were provided with a pair of timber “empolia” (plugs) and a “pole” (pin), at interfaces between stone members (drums, capital). In order to reinstate this connection system, in columns capitals that were repaired, during the ongoing restoration of the classical temple of Apollo Epikourios (Greece), new poles and empolia made of titanium were installed. The titanium elements were designed to have similar shape and shear strength to the estimated respective characteristics of the ancient poles and empolia. Moreover, their effect on the seismic behaviour of the temple columns was numerically investigated. The investigation showed that, within the range of strong earthquakes which are anticipated in the area of the monument, the installation of a single pole at the interface between the capital and the uppermost drum leads to limited reduction of the expected maximum and residual deformations of the column, without altering significantly the main characteristics of its rocking response. Furthermore, poles located at every column interface ensures significant limitation of the column residual deformations. Prior to implementation of the titanium poles and empolia, the main aspects of their design were verified through specially designed experiments.  相似文献   
Roy L. Heller’s Narrative Structure and Discourse Constellations has proven to be a useful tool in the hands of the discourse linguist. His work in discourse linguistics has advanced the state of scholarship previously developed Robert E. Longacre and Alviero Niccacci. With specific interest in Heller’s work, this paper explores his argument for the form and function of discourse linguistics and its application to biblical Hebrew (BH). To accomplish this task, this paper, first, will provide a summarizing presentation of Heller’s working model of discourse linguistics as seen in Narrative Structure and Discourse Constellations. Second, I will take Heller’s working model and apply it to the tower of Babel narrative (Gen 11,1-9). Third, stemming from the application of Heller’s model, I will enter into a discussion with his discourse linguistic theory to critique its value for those interested in discourse linguistics.  相似文献   
双核结构模式与福建区域发展战略   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
福建三面环山一面临海,地域单元的完整性非常突出。境内散布的山地丘陵进一步将福建分割成相对独立的大大小小的流域。这样的自然地理背景赋予福建特有的人文地理特征。综合对福建自然人文地域分异的综合分析,我们认为,福建省存在着以下2个双核结构,即南平-福州、龙岩-厦门,分别以福建省的两大流域,即闽江流域和九龙江流域为产生、发展的区域背景。应当以沿海为一级轴线,以2个双核结构为二级轴线,以"π"形空间格局作为福建省区域开发的基本框架。原因在于,南平、龙岩为核心的福建内陆地区,分别是福建古文化和客家文化的发源地,重点开发的必要性非常突出。更重要的是,通过南平、龙岩这2个区域中心城市的规模壮大,可以此为桥头堡,进一步增强福建以福州、厦门为端点的港口的吸引腹地,强化福建对江西等内陆省份的影响。  相似文献   
The evaluation of seismic risk of masonry monuments requires to study the combination of vulnerability and hazard. In the present work, the global seismic response of slender masonry towers has been studied by means of a specific 3-D fibre model. Accounting for the particular behaviour of such structures, the hazard should also be described by a suitable measure of intensity of the seismic action. A variety of different parameters relating with the ground acceleration recordings have been investigated for what regards their correlation with the damage indicators of the model. The combination of the peak ground velocity of the horizontal component and of the significant duration is an effective measure of intensity. This measure can be improved by considering the accord of the frequency content of the ground motion with the dynamical characteristics of the tower. Since in some cases the effect of the vertical component proved to be important, a further improvement can be obtained by taking into account also the vertical ground motion intensity.  相似文献   
旅游吸引物符号的双层表意结构与体验真实性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈岗 《人文地理》2012,27(2):50-55
把罗兰·巴特关于语言符号的双层表意结构运用到旅游研究中来,可以发现旅游吸引物符号实际上也包含一个双层表意结构。不同形式的能指和所指搭配形成了旅游吸引物符号系统。符号的双层表意结构揭示了旅游体验过程中旅游者对不同类型旅游吸引物符号的能指(旅游客体)和所指(旅游者心理或行为模式)的不同真实性期待。本文在对不同类型旅游吸引物符号的结构特征进行分析的基础上,尝试性地构建了旅游体验真实性的概念体系:"客观主义"的真实性、"文化附会"的真实性、"主题文本"的真实性、"行为模式"的真实性、"享乐主义"的真实性以及"主客一体"的真实性。  相似文献   
本文以建国初期知识分子命运的跌宕起伏为线索,重点考察了从1956年知识分子问题会议到1957年反右派运动的历史过程.大致包括以下几个方面的内容:一、知识分子问题会议的召开和"向科学技术进军"的掀起;二、"百花齐放,百家争鸣"方针的提出;三、波、匈事件尤其是匈牙利事件,对知识分子政策的消极影响;四、右派错误言论与整风运动的转向;五、反右派运动的梗概;六、反右派运动严重扩大化错误及其成因.  相似文献   
阿育王塔作为一种极具浙江地域特色的佛教文物,是五代十国时期末代吴越国王钱俶毕生崇佛的集中体现。由塔上铸铭可知,钱俶在乙卯岁(955)和乙丑岁(965)两次范金铸成八万四千宝塔,瘗藏舍利、佛经。阿育王塔实物,多出土于吴越国境内的佛塔,河北定州、河南邓州北宋地宫发现的铁阿育王塔应与钱俶两次进京有关。历代民间仿造的阿育王塔实物,时代以五代至宋为主,塔上多有纪年铭刻。五代时期民间造阿育王塔均分布在吴越国境内,宋代的出土地点仍以五代吴越国故境为多。  相似文献   
A wide program of structural assessment has been carried out by Politecnico di Milano on the historic bell tower of the church Chiesa Collegiata in Arcisate (Varese, northern Italy). Within this context, the first part of the article summarizes the results obtained from the application of the stochastic subspace identification method to ambient response data collected in two dynamic tests, carried out in June 2007 and June 2008. Next presented is the vibration-based methodology developed for the calibration of a three-dimensional finite element model of the tower, consisting in the successive application of systematic manual tuning, sensitivity analysis, and simple system identification algorithm.  相似文献   
辛龙 《文博》2022,(1):3-7
隋唐长安城东北角夹城及十王宅遗址位于隋唐长安城遗址东北部,位置十分重要。2021年对遗址整体向西发掘10米,清理了隋唐长安城东郭夹城墙所在区域。该段夹城墙是兴庆宫通往大明宫的夹城墙仅存的一段,为唐玄宗开元年间修筑。本文即是对2021年度发掘工作主要收获的简报。  相似文献   
杏花文化的侧装双鋬手陶鬲   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
侧装双手陶鬲是龙山时代分布于太行山脉两侧的杏花文化最具特征的标识性器物。据侧装双手陶鬲的形态变异及其层位关系,可排出其形态的演变序列。侧装双手陶鬲的制作工艺也相应地基本上经历了两个相继发展的阶段:前一阶段是受陶影响而产生的“式鬲”,由分制的鬲足和鬲身整合成全器,因鬲足的接法不同而形成宽弧裆和平裆;后一阶段才是真正意义的鬲,即抛弃鬲身靠鬲足的联接形成全器主体,并形成尖角裆。此型鬲工艺演变表明:工艺革命只是工艺演进的量的积累到一定程度出现的质变。它虽是变革传统,但它的发展速度、方向,又受传统以及传统中的矛盾逻辑地向前展现的轨迹或定式所影响乃至制约。没有革新与革命,就不能打破传统,然而传统确是伴随革新或革命的影子。这在纯粹的工艺中,则仅是惯性或为惰性思维,但工艺却是社会中的工艺,则又不能不涉及社会中不同人们的不同观念乃至利害矛盾以至冲突,甚至激起一部分人站出来捍卫祖法、保持传统的说教与斗争。这种陶鬲的排序,分别适用于岔沟、双务都、乔家沟和游邀、临水与杏花村诸遗址的杏花文化分期或文化阶段划分。这种陶鬲的谱系研究表明,杏花文化是一自具特征、演变清晰、源流有自,并对其周边地区产生了重要文化影响和起了重要作用的考古学文化。  相似文献   
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