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朱熹理学与元初的正统论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正统论的讨论与社会现实政治状况和时代思潮是紧密相连的。南宋遗民作为元初的一个特殊群体,他们的正统论,既与史学发展的内在理路有一定关系,但更是社会现实对他们影响的结果。他们对魏蜀正统的讨论、正统标准的界定和元朝的正统的态度,都体现了夷夏观念在他们思想中的地位,反映了南宋以朱熹为代表的理学思想对他们的影响。  相似文献   
从战争对平民伤害的角度来认识战争的本质,有助于理解国际间友好关系对于平民百姓所具有的社会意义。抗战时期,作为普通劳动者的旅日闽侨,因其“敌对国民”身份顿然成为特殊的群体,陷入极端困境,其生命、财产难以保全,身心遭受了双重伤害。他们传统的“一家两地”的生存模式因为战争而被扭曲、中断,承受了巨大的生存压力。本文运用日本警保局编撰的《外事月报》记载的战时旅日闽侨真实生活的若干史料,本着人道主义精神,考察战时旅日闽侨的生存状况,分析其特定条件下的行为与心态,从而为相关的华侨研究提供一些资讯。  相似文献   
The economic status of men and women in urban Sub-Saharan Africa has been a central research theme by anthropologists, sociologists, and political scientists over the last two decades. Most of this research, although of high quality, has not paid attention to direct comparisons of the economic status of the two genders in urban places in the region. Added to this, only the active or market-oriented population in towns of the region have been studied. Most research on urban gender economic status has been on limited areal scales, and has been couched within the formal-informal-sector framework, resulting in a piecemeal understanding of the total urban economy in the region. This paper provides a geographical and historical framework for interpreting and assessing research on gender economic status in Sub-Saharan Africa, using the Ghanaian urban system as a case study. Au cours des deux dernières décennies, dans les domaines de l'anthropologie, de la sociologie et des sciences politiques, un grand nombre de recherches ont porté sur le statut économique des hommes et des femmes dans l'Afrique urbaine subsaharienne. Bien que ces recherches soient d'une très haute qualité, la majorité d'entre elles ne font aucune comparaison directe entre les différences entre le statut économique des hommes et celui des femmes dans les milieux urbains. De plus, ces études ne portent que sur les populations actives ou sur les personnes qui participent à l'économie de marché dans les villes de la région qu'on étudie. La plupart des recherches sur le statut économique des deux sexes dans les milieux urbains se rapportent à des espaces délimités et à des moments particuliers (sans considérer les changements qui surviennent pendant une période de temps plus étendue). De plus, ces études sont formulées dans un cadre sectoriel formel-informel, ce qui a abouti à une compréhension fragmentée de l'ensemble de l'économie urbaine de la région. Cet article se base sur l'étude de cas d'un système urbain ghanéen pour fournir un cadre géographique et historique qui servira de base d'interprétation et d'évaluation des recherches portant sur le statut économique des deux sexes en Afrique subsaharienne.  相似文献   
A mass grave of the soldiers of Napoleon's Great Army, containing no less than 3269 individuals who died during the retreat from Russia in December 1812, was uncovered during an archaeological rescue excavation in 2002 in Vilnius, Lithuania. General dental analysis, including that of dental wear, tooth loss, caries, calculus, and periodontal diseases and abscesses, was used to evaluate the oral health status and possible dietary patterns of individuals who represented recruits from almost all of Western and Central Europe. Growth conditions in childhood were studied by scoring of linear enamel hypoplasia. In all, 293 individuals (6528 teeth) were selected for the analysis; 20–30 year old males made up the majority of the sample. Their general dental status is characteristic of young individuals: low dental attrition and antemortem tooth loss, as well as low prevalence of calculus and abscesses. The caries rate was average compared with late Medieval/early industrial populations and typical for individuals with diverse diets. However, a considerable amount of pulp caries and a high number of carious teeth in some individuals indicate consumption of cariogenic products (e.g. sugar, sweet drinks) and poor oral hygiene. The frequency and severity of hypoplasia was lower compared with other populations of that time, suggesting the selection of the fittest individuals for military service; this correlates with the historically known selection criteria of that period. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Linear enamel hypoplasia (LEH) is a macroscopically detectable band‐like dental defect, which represents localized decrease in enamel thickness caused by some form of disruption to a child's health. Such dental deformations are utilized in osteoarchaeological research as permanent markers of childhood physiological stress and have been extensively studied in numerous ancient human populations. However, currently there is no such data for medieval populations from Canterbury, UK. Here, LEH is examined in the context of age‐at‐death in human burials from the medieval St. Gregory's Priory and adjacent cemetery (11th–16th centuries), Canterbury, UK. The cemetery and Priory burials represented lower (n = 30) and higher status (n = 19) social groups, respectively. Linear enamel hypoplastic defects were counted on mandibular and maxillary anterior permanent teeth (n = 374). The age and sex of each skeleton were estimated using standard methods. Differences in LEH counts, age‐at‐death, and LEH formation ages were sought between the two social groups. Results indicate significantly greater frequencies of LEH in the Cemetery (mean = 17.6) compared to the Priory (mean = 7.9; t = −3.03, df = 46, p = 0.002). Adult age‐at‐death was also significantly lower in the Cemetery (mean = 39.8 years) compared to the Priory burials (mean = 44.1 years; t = 2.275, df = 47, p = 0.013). Hypoplasia formation ages differed significantly between the Priory (mean = 2.49 years) and Cemetery (mean = 3.22 years; t = 2.076; df = 47; p = 0.034) individuals. Results indicate that childhood stress may reflect adult mortality in this sample, and that the wellbeing of individuals from diverse social backgrounds can be successfully assessed using LEH analyses. Results are discussed in terms of the multifactorial etiology of LEH, as well as weaning‐related LEH formation. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
胡晓 《安徽史学》2007,(5):31-37
陈抟是中国中古思想文化史上的重要人物,由于他的著述大多散佚,加上传记资料比较零散,过去的研究相对不足.本文在前人成果的基础上,从六个方面对陈抟的生平事迹加以探讨:一是陈抟的出生、里籍、姓名字号、童年生活、慕道原因、早期经历;二是陈抟隐居武当山的缘由和时间,在武当山的著述情况,出游时谒拜的两位重要老师何昌一和麻衣道者;三是陈抟迁居华山的时间和缘由,在华山与师友们的交游;四是陈抟在华山期间与周世宗、宋太祖、宋太宗的交往;五是陈抟在华山亲授的几位弟子;六是陈抟图书易、内丹学、睡功的成就和传承谱系,以及其诗、书、画成就.总体上认为,陈抟历经晚唐、五代、宋初之世,阅历丰富,思想深邃,胸怀博大,德行超群,不愧为独领风骚、别具一格的道门高隐和学术大师.  相似文献   
The changing status of moxibustion therapy in folk medicine from the Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty is a reflection of the distribution situation of popular medical resources during these periods. As a feasible therapy with a large popularity, moxibustion played a crucial role in the Tang Dynasty. The Song Dynasty saw some social development as well, because it was an active state power and social force in medical activities. Therefore, people at the lower class gradually benefited from decoction and acupuncture treatments, and the status of the moxibustion therapy began to decline. The changing status of moxibustion therapy in different dynasties embodies the changes in technology and the quality of life. Translated by Chen Cheng from Tsinghua daxue xuebao 清华大学学报 (Journal of Tsinghua University), 2006, (1): 62–74  相似文献   
Recent historical treatment of Anglo-Irish relations in the 1930s has overlooked the complex nature of the legal disagreements between the two countries during that period. This article provides an account of some of the fundamental points of legal disagreement between the countries. It explains how differences of opinion as to the structure of intra-commonwealth constitutional relations led to conflict between the British government and that of the Irish Free State, with particular reference to the oath of allegiance crisis. It considers how other commonwealth countries saw these points of conflict. It concludes with a re-appraisal of the roles of Lord Hailsham and de Valera in Anglo-Irish relations, as examples of differing attitudes towards the commonwealth relationship.  相似文献   
Much has been written about the history of the work of men and women in the premodern past. It is now generally acknowledged that early modern ideological assumptions about a strict division of work and space between men and productive work outside the house on the one hand, and women and reproduction and consumption inside the house, on the other, bore little relation to reality. Household work strategies, out of necessity, were diverse. Yet what this spatial complexity meant in particular households on a day‐to‐day basis and its consequences for gender relationships is less clear and has received relatively little historical attention. The aim of this paper is to add to our knowledge through a case study of the way that men and women used and organized space for work in the county of Essex during the “long seventeenth century”. Drawing on critiques of the concept of “separate spheres” and the models of economic change to which it relates, together with local/micro historical methods, it places evidence within an appropriate regional context to argue that spatial patterns were enormously varied in early modern England and a number of factors—time, place, occupation, and status, as well as gender—determined them. Understanding of the dynamic, complex, uneven purchase of patriarchy upon the organization, imagination, and experience of space has important implications for approaches to gender relations in early modern England. It raises additional doubts about the utility of the separate spheres analogy, and particularly the use of binary oppositions of male/female and public/private, to describe gender relations and their changes in this period and shows that a deeper understanding demands more research into the local contexts in which the gendered division and meaning of work was negotiated.  相似文献   
This study examined the craniometric traits of the Edo‐period (AD1603–1867) human skeletons from the Hitotsubashi site in Tokyo, compared them with temporally and socially various populations, and attempted to detect the morphological differentiation patterns that the Edo‐period Japanese exhibited over time and under those social/environmental conditions. The materials measured here were the townsmen's crania from the Hitotsubashi site, which were dated back to the early half of the Edo period. The observations revealed that the Hitotsubashi samples were more dolichocephalic than any other Edo series and were different from subsequent Edo series in terms of larger maximum cranial length and smaller maximum cranial breadth. The Hitotsubashi samples were definitely in contrast with those of Tentokuji and Shirogane, both of which included a samurai (warrior) class of the late to final Edo period and exhibited the most brachycephalic crania. It is reasonable to assume that the temporal and social situations were possibly related to the observed cranial variation and that the temporal changes in cranial dimensions in pre‐modern Japan might have reflected the nutritional and environmental conditions. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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