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Henry Herbert Donaldson (1857–1938) was a leader in neurological research in the United States for several decades, beginning about 1890. A detailed account of three of his earliest publications shows the neuroanatomical procedures involved in the study of the relation of brain and intelligence during the late-nineteenth-century in America. Two of the articles, published in September 1890 and December 1891, were titled, “Anatomical Observations on the Brain and Several Sense-Organs of the Blind Deaf-Mute, Laura Dewy Bridgman (1829–1889)”; the third, published in August 1892, used the information from the first two to delimit the extent of the visual processing area of the human cortex. Donaldson’s procedures included brain cuttings and measures of macroscopic brain structures, histology of cellular structures, attempts to relate macroscopic brain structures with brain functions, data corrections, estimations, comparisons, and statistics. These procedures provide a view of the relative thoroughness, accuracy, and comparability of the various neuroanatomical techniques in use at that time and of Donaldson’s implementation of the techniques. Donaldson’s brain cutting techniques were much more comparable than his measurement techniques. The latter could be quite precise, but they were fraught with lack of standardized procedures that made corrections and estimations necessary when making data comparisons across studies. Donaldson emphasized these incompatibilities, implying a need for standardization. Statistical procedures were the least thorough and effective. His, and the field’s, total complement of statistical techniques consisted of mean and range, which severely limited his ability to make complicated assessments. This limitation was not necessarily supplemented by stringent control group comparisons.  相似文献   
基于消费者行为分析的区域旅游市场规划方法研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
舒伯阳 《人文地理》2003,18(4):16-18
本文尝试从旅游者消费需求分析角度入手,探讨区域旅游市场规划的方法论创新。本论文引入了动机--行为投射模型,通过对建立在专题旅游市场调查基础上的消费行为数据库的深度剖析,论文揭示了旅游目标市场群体常见的三类消费心理趋向模式(补偿型需求、均衡型需求、超越型需求)以及相对应的旅游产品选择偏好规律。在此基础上提出了区域旅游目标市场群体的心理定位策略,以及相对应的从结构性旅游功能规划到旅游产品、旅游服务供给链连续递进的规划流程体系。即"行为分析(Behavior)-定位(Postioning)-旅游供给(Supple)",简称旅游市场规划的BPS方案。  相似文献   
南京城市滨江带具有山、水、城、林、洲相融合的特色环境,以往滨江地段功能的主要是工业生产和港口运输。目前科学地进行滨江景观规划强调沿江的生态和旅游功能,这对于南京市的进一步发展有重要意义。本文通过对历史时期南京城市滨江带功能演变的分析,深入滨江带景观现状调查和研究,对各个区域景观要素探讨,提出景观规划的指导思想与原则,并依此进行南京城市滨江带景观规划,划分为六个特色区域:河西滨江段,下关滨江段,幕燕滨江段,江中洲地段,大厂滨江段,浦口珠江段。  相似文献   
论文化生态学的理论发展与新构架   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
江金波 《人文地理》2005,20(4):119-124
本文本着批判地吸收不同学科领域有关文化生态的理论和方法,在系统论与生态观的指导下,积极发挥地理学研究文化生态学的优势,对文化生态学从基本概念到核心理论进行了重构,阐发了以文化生态系统为其研究对象、现代文化生态学的宏观、中观、微观研究领域观点。试图籍此完善文化生态学的理论体系并进一步增强其实践性。  相似文献   
Drawing on a qualitative interview‐based study of English migrants in New Zealand, this article examines, if and how, overseas migration triggers national sentiments that were previously relatively amorphous in their country of origin. In those cases where this occurs, it analyses the diverse and contextual orientations migrants display, and discusses the empirical and analytic challenges posed when seeking to conceptualise a category of persons that have been described as ‘ambiguous immigrants’. The study concludes that research on this ambiguity contributes to debates about the relationship between dominant ethnicity and national identity while highlighting the simplicities of many concepts used to describe and analyse ‘the English’.  相似文献   
帛画是楚汉时期楚文化流行地区及受楚文化影响较大地区丧葬礼仪过程中使用的一种画幡,文献中未见有对其名称的明确记载,马王堆汉墓遣策中所称的非衣只是帛画在特定历史环境下的称谓。楚地帛画与中原地区的铭旌从图像形式上来说是源于各自文化系统所固有的信仰意识,由于两地在不同时期死亡观念的不同,因此帛画在丧葬礼仪中所起的功能也不相同,帛画的主题在不同阶段也有不同的内容表达方式。  相似文献   
本文运用非参数的环境生产前沿方法,通过构建产出端既包括行业产出增长,又包括污染物排放的方向性环境技术效率评价模型,以规模以上制造业28个行业为研究对象,采用线性规划求解方法,研究资源环境约束下制造业的增长模式,探讨制造业增长模式转变的可行性。认为,中国制造业环境技术效率提高明显;考察期内,烟草制品业、皮革毛皮羽毛(绒)及其制品业、通信设备计算机及其他电子设备制造业三个行业环境技术均达到了效率前沿面;2003年成为制造业和轻、重工业环境技术效率发生变化的转折点。在现有技术下,转变制造业高能耗、高污染的粗放型增长模式,使制造业向"低投入-高产出-低排放"的集约型增长模式转变具有一定的可行性。  相似文献   
李并成 《人文地理》2005,20(5):118-121,55
本文采用个案研究“解剖麻雀”的办法,以历史上沙漠化过程发生的典型地区甘肃省民勘县为例.就其清代以来的人口变动状况及其与土地沙漠化的关系,作了系统的剖析,从中可以得出若干具有规律性的科学认识。  相似文献   
本文从世俗艺术与宗教艺术的礼仪功能角度,讨论了宣化辽墓壁画散乐图和备茶图两种题材在墓葬当中的关系及其意义。这一讨论大体确认:与同时期的许多宋金墓葬装饰相类似,宣化辽墓壁画散乐图和备茶图以及它们在墓葬中的结构,与民间祠庙中的赛神供盏仪式有密切关系,两种题材共同组成了墓葬中娱悦和祭供死者的礼仪性虚拟空间。进而推断:当时的散乐与饮茶文化,已经以一种“礼”的方式进入了辽代普通富庶汉人的墓葬,成为死者来世享乐生活的永久象征。  相似文献   
简牍所见汉代乡部的建制与职能   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
简牍资料表明,汉代的乡因辖区和人口分为不同级别,其性质是县政权的分支机构;乡佐、游徼与乡有秩、啬夫并非是一一对应的辅吏与主吏的关系,而是同属县吏序列,受命县廷行使民政、司法、社会治安、生产管理诸权,征缴赋税,征发徭役,是县政府行使其统治权力的基础,乡官部吏的行为直接关系到地方政治运作质量和社会秩序的稳定与否。  相似文献   
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