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帛画是楚汉时期楚文化流行地区及受楚文化影响较大地区丧葬礼仪过程中使用的一种画幡,文献中未见有对其名称的明确记载,马王堆汉墓遣策中所称的非衣只是帛画在特定历史环境下的称谓。楚地帛画与中原地区的铭旌从图像形式上来说是源于各自文化系统所固有的信仰意识,由于两地在不同时期死亡观念的不同,因此帛画在丧葬礼仪中所起的功能也不相同,帛画的主题在不同阶段也有不同的内容表达方式。  相似文献   
本文运用非参数的环境生产前沿方法,通过构建产出端既包括行业产出增长,又包括污染物排放的方向性环境技术效率评价模型,以规模以上制造业28个行业为研究对象,采用线性规划求解方法,研究资源环境约束下制造业的增长模式,探讨制造业增长模式转变的可行性。认为,中国制造业环境技术效率提高明显;考察期内,烟草制品业、皮革毛皮羽毛(绒)及其制品业、通信设备计算机及其他电子设备制造业三个行业环境技术均达到了效率前沿面;2003年成为制造业和轻、重工业环境技术效率发生变化的转折点。在现有技术下,转变制造业高能耗、高污染的粗放型增长模式,使制造业向"低投入-高产出-低排放"的集约型增长模式转变具有一定的可行性。  相似文献   
李并成 《人文地理》2005,20(5):118-121,55
本文采用个案研究“解剖麻雀”的办法,以历史上沙漠化过程发生的典型地区甘肃省民勘县为例.就其清代以来的人口变动状况及其与土地沙漠化的关系,作了系统的剖析,从中可以得出若干具有规律性的科学认识。  相似文献   
本文从世俗艺术与宗教艺术的礼仪功能角度,讨论了宣化辽墓壁画散乐图和备茶图两种题材在墓葬当中的关系及其意义。这一讨论大体确认:与同时期的许多宋金墓葬装饰相类似,宣化辽墓壁画散乐图和备茶图以及它们在墓葬中的结构,与民间祠庙中的赛神供盏仪式有密切关系,两种题材共同组成了墓葬中娱悦和祭供死者的礼仪性虚拟空间。进而推断:当时的散乐与饮茶文化,已经以一种“礼”的方式进入了辽代普通富庶汉人的墓葬,成为死者来世享乐生活的永久象征。  相似文献   
简牍所见汉代乡部的建制与职能   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
简牍资料表明,汉代的乡因辖区和人口分为不同级别,其性质是县政权的分支机构;乡佐、游徼与乡有秩、啬夫并非是一一对应的辅吏与主吏的关系,而是同属县吏序列,受命县廷行使民政、司法、社会治安、生产管理诸权,征缴赋税,征发徭役,是县政府行使其统治权力的基础,乡官部吏的行为直接关系到地方政治运作质量和社会秩序的稳定与否。  相似文献   
Bone tools from early hominin sites in southern Africa continue to intrigue researchers interested in the development of early human technology and cognition. Sterkfontein, Swartkrans and Drimolen have all yielded bone tools dated to between 1 and 2 Mya associated with numerous Paranthropus robustus and few early Homo remains. The bone tools are described by different authors as implements used to excavate tubers from the ground and termites from their nests, work hides and strip bark from trees. The purpose of this research was to develop a more powerful analytical tool for the study and interpretation of bone surface modifications in general, and early hominin bone tool function(s) in particular. We used an optical interferometer to scan the worn areas of a sample of bone tools from Swartkrans and Drimolen, an ethnographic collection of implements used for defleshing marula fruits, and a set used experimentally to excavate in the ground and in termite mounds. The 3D rendering of archaeological and experimental wear patterns better highlights previously described differences between these patterns, and demonstrates the pertinence of this analytical tool to visually discriminating between different bone modifications. Analysis of selected 2D and 3D roughness variables indicates that the wear pattern on the early hominin bone tools from Drimolen is significantly different from that of tuber digging, very similar to termite foraging, and not unlike marula fruit processing. Marked differences are detected between the Swartkrans and Drimolen wear patterns, which suggests that the tools from these sites may have been used with different motions, in contact with abrasive particles of different size, or in different tasks. Principal component analyses conducted on 2D and 3D variables suggest that early hominin bone tools from southern Africa may have been used to forage for termites, extract tubers in a motion parallel to the tool main axis, process fruits and conduct other, as yet unidentified, tasks.  相似文献   
刘玲 《攀登》2008,27(2):122-123
本文结合新闻热点报道中广泛运用新闻合力的实际,提出新闻报道合力是新闻报道发展的内在需要和外在受众群的客观要求。文章对新闻报道合力的主要方式和特点进行了深入分析,并对如何发挥好新闻报道的舍力作用,使媒体合作报道真正达到最佳的合力效果提出了建议。  相似文献   
20世纪30年代,在全国性的城市规划浪潮中,青岛市政府制定了《青岛市暂行建筑计划》、《青岛市施行都市计划方案初稿》等一系列详细的市政计划,明确将青岛定位为“工商、居住、游览城市”,并把崂山开发列入规划范围。在此规划基础上,进行的市政建设和崂山旅游资源开发等一系列的现代化建设,使青岛城市旅游功能突出地显现出来。随着以崂山为重点的旅游资源的开发,青岛这一时期的旅游活动快速发展起来,成为其建国前的鼎盛时期。  相似文献   
上海市主城区公共服务设施网点分布的空间异质性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城市内部格局与过程空间异质性的复杂性规律成为当前人文地理研究的难点和热点。以上海市主城区为例,从结构与功能视角刻画公共服务设施的空间异质性并发现有趣现象:上海市公共服务网点呈典型“核心-边缘”圈层特点;由于占地面积、租金、服务性质等因素五大设施形成类似金融类网点的强邻近性群集聚与类似科教类网点的弱向心集聚(逆增长点)两种模式;弱向心集聚呈现空间差异扩大、空间集聚增强的新特征,与多中心空间结构会促进设施均衡化布局的构想相反;主城区边缘地带交通发展未受重视导致其运输功能空间差异增强。  相似文献   
Since the 1980s, neoliberal globalisation has shaped the fate of local and national cultural productions, from movies to music, from entertainment to food. How did French intellectual and political elites respond to this unprecedented challenge? What were the implications for the politics of nationalism and national identity? Two books respond to these questions, although in very different ways – the first directly and the second indirectly. Vincent Martigny's Dire la France explains how a new way of narrating French national identity emerged in the 1980s within an internationally oriented French Left, attentive of the coming challenges of cultural pluralism. Patrick Boucheron's (ed.) Histoire mondiale de la France advances into a more challenging direction by skilfully unsettling the ‘our ancestors the Gauls’ clichéd narrative. French history is thus redefined by moving away from the Frankish/Gallic myth of descent, thereby reconfiguring national identity along new lines. This article identifies how crucial debates on the cultural nation and cultural identity emerged in the wake of the May 1968 uprising, asking how much they contributed to the current shape and meaning of French national identity. It thus reviews what can be described as a new historiographical turn in French history.  相似文献   
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