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云南剑川兴教寺的大殿和中殿为明永乐十三年(1415年)之遗构,作为全国现存唯一的阿吒力密宗寺院,兴教寺建筑群具有特殊的历史地位和社会文化价值。本文通过剖析兴教寺大殿及中殿的构件尺度及其构架结构特征,可见其木构技术所表达的"滞后"现象,既带有技术的独创性、体现云南木构殿堂建筑的地域特色,又保留了一些古老的中原木结构建筑技术手法,是研究云南现存早期殿堂建筑营造技艺的珍贵遗存。  相似文献   
汉代黄河流域麦作发展的环境因素与技术影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汉代冬小麦的推广与普及,具有自东向西的时空特点。麦作发展是区域自然环境与技术条件交互作用的结果,其中自然环境条件是影响汉代黄河流域冬麦普及过程的基本因素。不论是黄河下游地区冬麦种植的较早普及还是关中地区冬麦推广的迟滞,均首先与当地的自然环境有关。在黄河下游地区,人们利用冬麦的生长特性趋利避害,减少和防止河汛水患的影响,保障粮食生产,麦子得以广泛种植。在关中地区,干旱的困扰一度制约了冬麦的推广和普及。在自然因素推动下的汉代麦作推广与普及,促进了黄河流域抗旱耕作及粮食加工技术的发展,影响深远。  相似文献   
民国时期大学的中国通史讲授,有一个从模仿西洋史上古、中古、近古、近世的分期体系,向断代体系逐步演变的过程,最通行的断代方法为先秦、秦汉、魏晋南北朝、隋唐五代、宋辽金元、明清六段。在前一种讲授体系下,由于分期标准难以确定,造成时期划分极端混乱,中西历史对照讲授的目的难以达到,而且由于受西方中心史观的影响,还出现了强分时代乃至割裂历史的弊端。因此,这种讲授体系逐渐被各大学所抛弃,而代之以后者。后一种讲授体系的最终确立,是在分段问题上充分考虑中国自身历史发展特点的结果。其问题主要在于各段历史在实际讲授过程当中,常常不能衔接,造成通史事实上不通。与通史讲授体系的演变相呼应,通史教科书的编撰,也大体经历了一个从模仿西洋史分期,到依据本国历史发展特点构建本国通史著作体系的演变。这是中国史研究逐渐深入的一个表现。  相似文献   
We report here on a study of 57 fragments of wall painting excavated from the Temple of Venus (Pompeii). These samples were characterised by a wide range of analytical methods. Data showed that the palette is varied, although not so broad as that found in other buildings in Pompeii, and is consistent with pigments used elsewhere in Pompeii and in the Roman Empire. It is composed of: natural earths, minerals and rare artificial pigments. Paintings are made up of thin paint layers (0.01–0.10 mm thick) strongly adhering to the underlying preparation layer. Nonetheless, in some cases thicker layers (up to 0.40 mm) were recognised, often spread on other previous painting layers. Samples were also compared with the microstratigraphic criteria developed in Piovesan (2009) to distinguish wall painting techniques. This comparison demonstrated that both fresco and lime painting techniques were adopted.  相似文献   
论文针对《中华人民共和国归侨侨眷权益保护法》(简称《归侨法》)"法律责任条款"的制定及实施情况进行全面考察,认为法律责任条款设置与法律文本中的"义务性条款"设置应相对应,并且还要考虑与相关法律的协调。《归侨法》的法律责任条款设置存在一些技术缺陷,如与《归侨法》中义务性条款不对称、设置的重复性、与相关部门法脱节以及其他相关问题,在此基础上,对法律责任条款的修改与完善提出了具体的建议。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. In order to bolster sustainable peace building in violently divided societies, a normative suggestion is that efforts should be made to construct a shared public identity that overarches ethnic divisions. A number of different centripetal/transformationist processes are identified as engineering a shared identity in comparison to consociational arrangements, which are accused of institutionalising ethnic differences and perpetuating conflict. These transformationist approaches essentially rest on the premise that because ethnicity is constructed it can be reconstructed into new, shared forms. Looking at Northern Ireland, we argue that there are limits to the extent that ethnicity can be reconstructed into shared identities. By analysing consociational and centripetalist/transformationist approaches to division, we conclude that although consociationalism will probably not deliver a common identity, it does provide a robust form of conflict regulation.  相似文献   
The recent re‐analysis of the Maglemosian faunal assemblages from Mullerup and Lundby Mose (Sjælland) has led to the discovery of new hunting injuries in the Danish Early Mesolithic. In total, including the two cases already published, two examples come from the Lundby Mose site, and seven from Mullerup, including embedded flint fragments and perforations. Such new data emphasise the need for meticulous re‐analysis of bone assemblages, relying on experimental work on projectile impacts, in order to increase the number of such discoveries. The link with weapons and hunting techniques and the question of the frequency of projectile impacts during the Danish Mesolithic are discussed, as well as their significance in terms of mobility of human groups, particularly in the case of healed wounds. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This article aims to challenge the widespread consensus that Rio de Janeiro is a divided city by deploying two concepts in critical cartography: cartographic silences and cartographic calculations. As a kind of unconquered territory, a terrae incognitae, favelas were silenced on many of Rio de Janerio's maps over the last century. When these places began to be mapped, and converted to terrae cognitae, power relations often become even more apparent because of the intention to make it legible for purposes of intervention. By analyzing maps published in the mainstream Brazilian press throughout the last century, this article explores how national press often portrays Rio de Janeiro as a city divided between formal neighborhoods, where the state apparatus can ensure the rule of law, and favelas, where parallel politics enforce local forms of governance. In order to disseminate this image of the city, maps can play an important role, locating different urban zones and reinforcing old stereotypes. Despite many studies that focused on both material and embodied forms of state presence within favelas, maps can be an important source of information to understand persistant representations of favelas as excluded and divided places.  相似文献   
Prehistoric reduction sequences of proboscidean ivory have been described and discussed within the Russian and European Upper Paleolithic archaeological literature. A culturally modified proboscidean tusk (Mammuthus sp.) in Seward Peninsula, northwestern Alaska, displays longitudinal grooving, providing an insight into a reduction technique rarely described within North American archaeological literature. Similar reduction sequences have been described for the production of bone, antler and walrus ivory artifacts in the North American prehistoric record; however, examples on proboscidean ivory are extremely rare.  相似文献   
本文对纸质文献的干式清洁方法进行了系统梳理,介绍了十种常用的方法,并说明其工具、材料及操作过程,对存在的问题和优缺点做出简要评价。除此之外,还介绍了三种较前沿的方法,并对其原理和研究现状进行了总结及评价。  相似文献   
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