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穆晓燕  王扬 《人文地理》2013,28(5):24-30
本研究在两千余份问卷调查的基础上,对北京天通苑、回龙观、望京等三个近二十年发展起来的巨型社区进行了社区居民的构成特征、变化特征以及不同收入居民的迁移意愿及居民满意度的分析,描述了社区的演替趋势和重构过程。研究结果表明我国的新型社区在政策、市场的双重影响下,建设初期便具有一定的同质性,收入、职业的因素是造成初步同质的重要原因;在社区的演化发展的过程中,同质聚居和异质隔离现象进一步加剧,不同社区处于上升、下降及趋于稳定的同质化的三个阶段;适度的同质性有利于人际交往和邻里和谐,但过度同质容易造成社会资源占有的不平等。本文认为城市规划应在尊重这一规律的前提下,采用大混居、小聚居等方式实现空间资源的合理配置。  相似文献   
城市居住空间的地域分异是城市社会分化最直接的体现。本文以城市的拆迁改造为独特的切入视角,以南京市主城区为研究范围,调查获取了南京主城区所有街道近三年的拆迁改造数据,通过ArcGIS、SPSS等手段进行了数据分析,并以此为基础对近年来南京市主城区的居住空间分异模式进行了总结。文章认为,南京主城区的居住空间目前已呈现结构多元化的雏形,居住空间结构为"圈层"与"扇形"相混合模式,有从单中心向多中心发展的趋势。  相似文献   
广州城市公共服务设施供给空间分异研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
转型期以来,政府治理制度的变革及公私部门关系的重构使我国城市公共服务设施供给主体、供给机制逐步多元化,其分布形态也由空间均衡趋向分异。本文以广州为案例,研究结果表明:广州城市公共服务设施分布总体上呈核心-边缘空间格局,区域供给规模差异大且与人口分布不相协调,区际及不同类型设施的空间聚集水平差异显著;传统计划经济条件下城市公共服务设施空间均衡分布模式被市场经济条件下高收入地区指向的集中布局模式所取代,表现出类似西方国家城市公共资源配置的"反比例服务法则"。  相似文献   
席富群 《史学月刊》2003,(12):62-66
建国初期,随着农村经济在土地改革基础上的迅速恢复和发展,农村社会很快发生了分化。中国共产党对此问题最初是认同的,但由于对“共同富裕”的片面理解等原因,很快就主张限制和消灭分化。从社会学的角度来看,社会发展过程中产生适度的、积极的分化能促进经济的发展。当年的中国共产党人匆忙地消灭分化,对农村经济的发展和农村社会的进步产生了不利的影响。  相似文献   
When bones are found within archaeological contexts it is important for site interpretation that they are identified by species, or at the very least as human or non-human. However, key landmarks and characteristics typically used for such an assessment are often destroyed when bones are highly fragmented; thus methods including DNA or histology are amongst the few remaining options. Histological analysis of cortical tissue can be performed to discriminate human from non-human origin. A set of 40 bone fragments recovered during excavation of the Camposanto cemetery on the island of Lazzaretto Nuovo (Venice, Italy), used to accommodate mass plague deaths from 1468 ce , were histologically determined to be of non-human origin. Histomorphometric analysis of secondary osteons and Haversian canals, and non-metric assessment of plexiform, osteonal and non-plexiform fibrolamellar tissue, were applied to determine the most probable species origin. Discriminant function analysis established by Martiniaková and co-workers in 2006, was applied, resulting in 36 samples classified as pig and four as cattle. This is consistent with the island’s use as a quarantine station during this period when imported cattle were housed to avoid the spread of disease. These results further enhance the understanding of the Lazzaretto Nuovo site.  相似文献   
三维激光扫描是近年来飞跃发展的一项高新测绘与信息技术,在文物保护中发挥了重要作用介绍了三维激光扫描技术的主要特点,从岩土文物保护需求出发,结合实际文物保护工程,重点介绍了三维激光扫描技术在文物信息留存、虚拟修复、监测等方面的应用,最后指出三维扫描技术在岩土文物保护中的心用与发展须与保护需求紧密结合,而硬软件的改进完善及相关技术的集成心用亦是重要研究方向。  相似文献   
本文基于整体网视角对张谷英村社区咨询网进行研究,试图揭示传统村落旅游地社会网运行机理。通过确定样本边界得到了169户家庭构成的样本空间,对咨询网络结构分析与社区权力分异研究发现:(1)张谷英村旅游地社区咨询网络结构呈现不均衡性;大多数家庭活跃于由可达性产生的1-派系小圈子之中,并由11个基础派系衍生出240个衍生派系。(2)整体网视角下张谷英村旅游地社区权力分异呈现金字塔结构;年龄、是否参与旅游经营、助人经历、能力展现与业余爱好是权力分异的主要影响因素;位于权力分异金字塔结构顶端的家庭很少,但对张谷英村旅游地社区咨询网络演化产生重要影响。本文研究也显示:旅游实践活动既是传统村落旅游地社区成员能力展现的重要平台,也是体现社区社会网权力分异的重要平台;基于社会网视角的传统村落旅游地社区权力分异将处于动态演化中。  相似文献   
This article examines how the classification of specific territories in China as backward constructs contemporary Chinese national identity. Recent scholarship has examined the role that regions within nations play as repositories of undesirable traits of national identity. This article examines how spaces at scales other than the region within a national territory are classified on a continuum of backwardness and modernity through an examination of four forms of classification of political spaces within China: minzu (ethnicity), westness, poverty, rural/urban. Drawing on ethnographic field work in Western China, alongside the writings of noted anthropologist Fei Xiaotong and others Chinese intellectuals, this article shows that spaces were discursively categorized as backward. This classification of backwardness is not a case of binary othering, but rather exists as a graduated teleological hierarchy in which all spaces classified as backward have the theoretical ability to move out of their backwardness through state-led development. With the goal of helping backward spaces advance towards modernity, the state has enacted de jure forms of territorial classification target specific spaces for development and modernization.  相似文献   
张雪  柴彦威 《人文地理》2022,37(6):39-46
混合住房社区内的社会分异是城市社会分异的新形式,是城市地理学者面临的新研究议题,也是在促进社会融合过程中亟待解决的问题。以居住区分异为核心的研究范式平均化了“邻里效应”,无法揭示同一居住区内部的社会分异。居民时空间行为研究为揭示社区内部的社会分异提供了理论和方法支撑。本文首先回顾混合住房社区政策的起源、发展及学术界关于居住混合与社会融合关系的争议,然后对目前国内外关于混合住房社区的研究进行综述,接着讨论了从时空间行为视角透视社会分异问题的有效性,并基于已有研究进展构建了基于居民时空间行为的混合住房社区社会分异的研究框架,以期为混合住房社区政策制定和城市社区管理提供参考。  相似文献   
We increasingly understand the causes of population decline: these can be, among others, processes of deindustrialization, decreasing fertility or the succession of a city through the stages of urban life as the city matures. However, we are still insufficiently able to explain why differences still exist between cities within regions experiencing the same macro‐processes and between cities of the same “level of maturity”. This research addresses this intra‐regional differentiation in population development in the declining former mining region of Saarland (Germany). Quantitative and qualitative analysis reveals that the differentiation in current decline stems from (1) the differentiated population development trajectories of the past, with a massive population boom followed by an aged and declining population in the industrial municipalities; and (2) the spatial distribution of amenities over the region; and (3) the spatial distribution and accessibility of housing opportunities steering migration flows. The latter are not necessarily concentrated in those areas that are attractive. Rather, the distribution of these housing opportunities strictly follows the planning logic of the supra‐local institutional framework, with a concentration of housing within easy access of major transportation infrastructure and in larger centres. The case study thus reveals that the mechanisms behind this intraregional differentiation are much more complex than often portrayed in the urban development and decline debate.  相似文献   
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