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1980~1991年中国证券市场的复苏和起步,得益于理论认识的突破、市场导向改革的开启和社会融资结构的第一次变迁、金融体制改革和市场演进规律的推动。在12年艰辛曲折的演进历程中,证券发行市场初步形成,证券流通构架基本成型,市场监管框架雏形初现。证券市场发挥了筹资、“反哺”、示范和导向等作用,但也存在结构不均衡、运作不规范、制度安排不健全等问题。这些成就、问题与缺陷,成为证券市场后续成长与突破的历史起点与逻辑前提。  相似文献   
西汉昭帝时召开的盐铁会议,在西汉历史上有政策调整的意义.此次会议上双方辩论所形成的《盐铁论》一书,既是一部文学名著,也是一部历史著作和历史评论之书.该书史论的历史价值在于它深刻反思了汉武帝末年的有关政策,再现了那个时代人们对于历史和现实的种种思考,真实地反映了史学与社会的关系,它在内容和形式上都丰富了中国古代史论.  相似文献   
Conversations about various examples of rock carvings with interested local tribespeople across the study region revealed information about the different loci of carvings; subject matter and techniques; and the identities of possible carvers. It was possible to place sorts of rock carvings in specific cultural contexts and in long‐standing traditions across the peninsula. Rock carvers, in most cases, were either immature tribal members or male adults from outside Arab tribal society.  相似文献   
英国当代著名历史哲学家奥克肖特在其《经验及其模式》中阐发了一种独特的历史经验理论。在对历史学性质的看法上,虽然后现代历史哲学在奥克肖特的视野之外,但他实际上兼备了"现代"和"后现代"的双重视域,因而可以帮助我们超越现代和后现代,以便形成一种对历史学相对合理的认识。而且,奥克肖特的历史经验理论也有助于我们深刻理解当前西方历史哲学领域有关"经验"问题的讨论。  相似文献   
李大钊从对历史学功用的重新定位与全新阐述,指出史学"最要紧的用处,是用他来助我们人生的修养"。因此,历史学的功用不能只强调政治性而不重视文化性;只关注社会而不顾及人生。这是历史知识需要普及而且能够普及的社会基础与广阔前提。在如何普及历史知识的问题上李大钊认为:首先,只有把历史看成"活的东西",才能把历史写活;只有把历史写活,才能引人入胜。其次,需要"历史研究的本身亦含有艺术的性质"。要"把历史研究的结果用文学的美文写出来"。第三,充分利用一切可以利用的机会与手段进行历史的普及。  相似文献   
《宋史·礼志》史料价值初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《宋史·礼志》的史料价值主要体现在四个方面:一是记载较为系统与丰富,包括总体和局部两种情况;二是保存了部分珍贵史料,如诏令奏议、礼论等;三是订正他书讹误与不足,有时间误、人名误、职官误、地点误等;四是后世官私著述之史源。  相似文献   
游彪 《史学史研究》2011,(4):99-105
《碛砂藏》的题记是宋人捐款雕刻经版流传下来的,虽然雕刻佛经的时间不一,但这些题记所涉及的主题有很多却是相通的,都是宋人为求得佛教神灵的庇佑而撰写的文字。这些题记无疑是捐款者真实情感的流露,一定程度上反映了他们当时的社会生活状况,尤其表现了他们生存的精神状态。这些题记表现的内涵大概不止为平江府一地所独有,对东南地区来说,恐怕均具有典型的意义。分析这些题记所留下的个案,有助于解读南宋时期以平江府为代表的东南地区的历史。《碛砂藏》题记是宋代民间流传下来的重要文献,具有宝贵的史料价值。  相似文献   
吐谷浑政权后期以青海湖西南岸的伏俟城为王都,与当时的政治、经济、军事形势的变化有一定关系,通过对自然地理、地缘政治、交通路线、区域经济、军事地理等几个建都选址的要素分析后发现,各项历史地理因素在吐谷浑设置王城的过程中所起的作用与农耕民族建都选址所遵行的原则多有不同,很大程度上是取了城的形式,实质上仍以游牧民族的自身社会生活特征为主导,反映出游牧民族建都选址的规律与特征。  相似文献   
Since the early 1950s, evidence from ethnohistorical geography has played an important role in aboriginal rights claims and litigation in North America. I became involved in Canadian aboriginal and treaty rights litigation over 35 years ago. My participation has included several landmark cases: Regina v. Horseman (treaty rights), Delgamuukw v. Regina (Comprehensive title claim), and Regina v. Powley (Métis rights). Most of the evidence that I have presented over the years has dealt with various aspects of the changing spatial economies of First Nations and Métis communities from Ontario to British Columbia. The Hudson's Bay Company's vast archive has been the primary source for this data.  相似文献   
Richard Evans's new book, Altered Pasts, offers a perceptive but flawed critique of the field of counterfactual history. The author provides a useful historical survey of the field's recent rise to prominence and intelligently analyzes its respective strengths and weaknesses. His overall assessment of the field is quite skeptical, however. Evans cites many reasons for his skepticism, but his overall critique can be summarized in three words: plausibility, politicization, and popularity. Evans faults works of counterfactual history for their frequently implausible narratives, their promotion of political agendas, and their distressing degree of popularity. In advancing his critique, Evans makes many valid observations that call attention to important deficiencies in the field. But his view is a partial one that neglects countervailing evidence and never penetrates to the heart of why the field has left the margins for the mainstream. Evans's study provides a useful introduction to an understudied topic, but further research—ideally of a less partisan nature—is required for us to better understand counterfactual history's increasing appeal.  相似文献   
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