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This interdisciplinary study addresses issues of urban-riverine hinterland relationships in semi-arid environments over millennia at Gerasa/Jerash in Jordan, presenting research that stimulates new lines of enquiry with much broader implications than those relating to this single site. Through the presentation of new data on wadi-sediment responses to social and environmental change, we assess ways in which urban settlements, their hinterlands, and rivers interact over long time periods and how such changes may be read together with historical sources and shed new light on urban-hinterland dynamics. We explore the hypothesis that synergistic relationships between an urban core and its hinterland are essential to the long-term sustainability of both. Our integrated approach gives new insight into settlement dynamics and resource use and carries implications for our understanding of the present through the past.  相似文献   
合理的确定区域中城市的空间影响范围,是制定区域整体发展策略的重要依据,是协调区域中城市之间相互关系的前提。在总结国内外划分城市空间辐射范围指标研究的基础上,建立了陕甘宁蒙晋五省交界区域中九个城空间辐射范围能力的评价指标体系;运用主成分分析法测度榆林等九个城市的指标辐射能力分值;结合康弗斯模型和OVD、WVD方法,将城市的各项辐射力强度值作为每个城市点的权重,构建九个城市点集的加权Voronoi图,合理的划分出九个城市在理论上的空间辐射范围,并在图上表现出城市之间分界线的轨迹,以利于对城市空间辐射范围进一步的识别。  相似文献   
Neoliberalism is a term most often used by those working in the field of political economy, including human geographers, to refer to the new political preference for market mechanisms as a way of ensuring social and economic wellbeing. To date, however, analysts of neoliberalism have focused on the decline of the national economy, and on the erosion of universalist conceptions of social welfarism. Much less attention has been paid to the complex and contested processes through which new spaces, socialities and subjectivities are being constituted. Through a case study of the Stronger Communities Action Fund, this paper examines these new spaces, socialities and subjectivities of social policy, including the shift towards heterogeneous conceptions of community, the rise of community based expertise, and the centring of ‘etho‐politics’. It concludes that neoliberalism is a more contradictory phenomenon than is often recognised. If analysts continue to portray neoliberalism as a monolithic project, and to emphasize what has been lost, rather than examining the complex trajectories of the new, they are much less likely to be sensitive to the different political possibilities offered in the current context.  相似文献   
沿海地区经济发展战略作为一个关系到整个国民经济全局的重大决策,是贯彻邓小平“部分先富带后富”思想的重大举措,也是基于改革开放新形势的正确选择。其基本内涵,不仅是沿海地区要发展外向型经济,而且更重要的是沿海地区要率先发展起来,影响和带动全国经济的发展。这一新战略的实施,有力地促进了改革和开放的有机结合,不仅开创了我国国民经济发展的新局面,也成为新时期中国工业化发展道路探索的新起点。  相似文献   
汉宋调和是晚清儒学内部重要的学术思潮,对其时学术格局的转化亦发生重要作用.这一思潮由微趋盛,从学术自身的发展过程来看,与汉学新兴区域在晚清的迅速扩展有着不容忽视的关系.汉学在晚清的发展不再以苏、皖、京师为限,浙江、广东等省成为新的学术重镇.这些汉学新兴发展区域由于特定的学术背景与学术渊源,学者们基本上都提倡汉宋调和,从而对晚清汉宋调和思潮的盛行起了极大推动作用.  相似文献   
Despite an increasing number of studies assessing the importance of institutions as regards to accountability, it still remains to be known whether and how an individual's national and regional identity shapes the attribution of responsibilities in multi‐level settings. By focusing on the economic crisis that affected Europe since 2008, we argue that identity‐based assessments of responsibility for the crisis will occur solely among individuals who hold exclusively national or regional identities and who live in regions that have nationalist aspirations. This will be in contrast to individuals that have exclusively identities who live in regions that lack nationalist aspirations, as well as dual‐identity individuals, irrespective of where they live. We test our arguments by using data from Catalonia and Madrid (Spain) and Bavaria and Lower Saxony (Germany). In line with our expectations, our results show that, in minority nationalist regions such as Catalonia, an individual's identity will crucially determine which level of government is blamed for the economic crisis, while this will not occur in regions with no nationalist aspirations. The article reveals the existence of an additional determinant of blame attribution in some specific multi‐level arrangements and contributes to the understanding of the tensions between identity politics and blame avoidance.  相似文献   
泰国华校发展受中国、泰国、泰国华人以及世界发展的影响,经历初兴、艰难繁荣、极度衰落、复兴四个阶段。华校20世纪初产生,随即迅猛发展。二战后,华校勃兴,其校所、生源在泰国华文教育史上都是最多的。1948年始,泰国全面执行限制政策,学校不断减少。经几十年的限制,到20世纪80年代中期,落入最低谷。其后,泰国逐步开放华文教育,华校复兴。百年间,华校的命运与近代以来中国的命运息息相关。  相似文献   
红色旅游产品特点和发展模式研究   总被引:52,自引:0,他引:52  
尹晓颖  朱竑  甘萌雨 《人文地理》2005,20(2):34-37,76
红色旅游不同于一般的旅游活动,它是由有组织的爱国主义教育和革命传统教育活动孕育衍化而成,并在近年迅速发展起来的一种特殊的旅游产品类型,具有与众不同的特点和发展模式。相对于其它的旅游活动,红色旅游更多是以参观游览红色景观为主要内容,以接受思想教育为主要目的的旅游活动。它具有游客市场较为固定,以公费旅游为主,产品捆绑式销售等特点。借助良好的政策环境和高品位的红色旅游资源,实现产品的多样化、综合化,走政府主导加市场化运作的道路是目前国内已经成功开发的主要红色旅游地的发展模式。  相似文献   
清代县级政区分等制度自雍正年间提出,至乾隆十二年后大体厘定。但乾隆十二年至四十三年间,仍然发生了高达124次的缺分等第调整,其中又以中、简缺升为最要、要缺为主,迫使清廷于乾隆四十三年出台了繁简互换的规定并得到较为严格的执行,但仍有一些例外。自此直至道光朝仍有相当数量的缺分调整,咸丰、同治两朝改缺甚少,到了光绪末、宣统之际再度升温。各省内缺分分布存在反“中心—边缘”,“中心—边缘”双中心,沿河、沿海、交通线的线状分布,贴近经济中心等诸多模式。以1911年为例,附郭县的缺分等第整体上在府内占据优势地位,但仍有48个府存在附郭县缺分等第低于府内其他厅州县的情况。州县缺分与优瘠缺的关系亦非一一对应,湖南的案例再次证明了这一点。  相似文献   
我国草原旅游研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文通过对已有草原旅游文献的主要研究内容、研究地域、研究方法的分析,认为现有的草原旅游研究内容多集中于开发研究,地域集中,定性方法居多,尚处于起步阶段。今后草原旅游研究应进一步拓展和深化,加强总结,方法多样化,并关注几个重要问题:①草原旅游差异化的开发与科学文化内涵的提升;②草原旅游中相关利益群体的研究;③草原旅游市场与游客行为的研究;④草原旅游与环境保护的协调开发与可持续发展。  相似文献   
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