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This paper argues that resilience of a place cannot necessarily be associated only with the level of its vulnerability to the environment or security. A place-based perspective to resilience helps understand the capacity of communities to withstand or adapt with change. Resilience of a place does not only refer to contingencies—such as formulating immediate responses to crisis situations or incidents such as earthquakes, floods or other disasters in vulnerable areas—but also considers long-term mitigation and adaptation strategies to face social, economic and environmental challenges. To this purpose, the paper applies an evolutionary resilience framework to the case of Transition towns in the UK as resilient places in terms of their capacity for learning, robustness, ability to innovate and adaptability to change. In conclusion, socially innovative actions and initiatives are found to be a primary source of resilience through bottom-up creativity among communities and stakeholders to help improve social relations, support socio-political empowerment and fulfil the basic needs of the people.  相似文献   

This essay is structured around two themes: the writing of history and memory. On the one hand, it analyses the use of the past in Lope García de Salazar's Libro de las buenas andanças e fortunas (1471–5). His approach to history is imbued with nostalgia for a legendary past, and more specifically for a political arrangement between the Lord of Biscay and the lesser nobility (hidalgos) which ensured respect for their privileges. This is set in contrast to a second group of material, legal documentation relating to the town of Escalante in Cantabria. Historically under seigniorial control, the inhabitants created a collective memory that framed a past prior to the fourteenth century which was free of lords and feudal obligations.  相似文献   
论工业化与欠发达地区的大推进——以苏北大发展为例   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
沈正平 《人文地理》2001,16(6):84-88
本文在对工业化概念有一个基本认识的基础上,首先着重讨论了工业化对于欠发达地区大推进的重要意义;继而通过对苏北工业化历程、现状和问题的剖析,论述了苏北大发展战略意义、任务及其工业化作用;最后就推进苏北大发展中的工业化途径提出了初步设想。  相似文献   
文化观念与区域可持续发展   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
孟召宜 《人文地理》2002,17(2):74-77
区域文化观念始终潜移默化地影响区域发展主体。区域活性是对区域发展状态的一种模糊综合评判与描述。文化观念以发展主体为载体,影响区域活性各侧面,成为活性动力源。在具体时空环境下,经济现代化的地域模式与不同地域的历史传统和文化背景有密切的内在逻辑联系性、一致性和耦合性。在区域综合力各分力中,自然力是基础、经济力是核心、文化力是动力源。概而言之,区域文化观念在影响区域发展主体的同时,以区域发展主体为载体和中介,影响区域活性、区域发展模式和区域综合力,参与区域经济社会循环,成为区域可持续发展的重要影响因素。  相似文献   
A team of Hong Kong-based geographers led by a noted specialist provides a comparative overview of Hong Kong and Macao under Chinese sovereignty (respectively, since 1997 and 1999). The authors outline the historical development of both cities, identifying their common legacies as colonial enclaves as well as shared economic experience as autonomous Special Administrative Regions (SARs) under the "one country, two systems" formula devised in Beijing. The paper includes up-to-date statistical information (some through March 2008) on per capita GDP, visitors from Mainland China and from abroad (for both cities), direct investment, employment in financial services, trade and logistics, and tourism (for Hong Kong) as well as revenues from gambling casinos in Macao that are reportedly surpassing those of Las Vegas. Journal of Economic Literature, O16, O18, O20, R11. Classification Numbers: 11 figures, 4 tables, 46 references.  相似文献   
宋朝遣往辽国的使节中贺岁使节是一个非常重要的群体,贺岁使包括生辰使和正旦使.宋统治者为了与辽国维持和平外交,非常重视贺岁使节的选拔,他们主要来自政府官员、社会名流和外戚成员.宋朝贺岁使节在执行宋朝对辽政策,提供辽国的情报以及促进双方文化和经济交流方面起了重要作用.  相似文献   
四项基本原则作为立国之本,是党在社会主义初级阶段的基本路线的重要组成部分。毛泽东在领导中国革命和建设的过程中,虽然还没有把四项基本原则作为一个完整的科学概念提出来,但他对中国共产党的领导、党的指导思想、社会主义道路和人民民主专政等立国之本的基本原则以及它们之间的相互关系,都做了许多精辟的阐述,为后来四项基本原则的科学概括奠定了思想理论基础。深入研究毛泽东关于立国之本的丰富思想,对于我们在新的历史条件下坚持四项基本原则,仍有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   
朱华 《史学月刊》2006,(3):104-109
新中国成立以来,学术界对近代科学救国思潮的研究经历了两个阶段:一是在建国后至1980年,科学救国思潮被视为资产阶级改良主义的反动思潮而长期受到学界的否定和批判;二是在1980年代以来,学界对科学救国思潮的研究开始转变,逐渐实事求是地、历史地看待科学救国思潮。从主观的评价逐步转到客观的辨析该思潮在近代中国所起的作用上来,开始重新审视科学救国论者的思想和言行。特别是进入21世纪后,研究出现了新的趋势,有学者开始尝试对科学救国思潮的理论体系、科学救国与科教兴国的关系等问题进行探讨。  相似文献   
水质与民生密切相关,中国南北地理环境不同决定了水质的差异。一般而言,古代南方的日常生活用水以江河湖泉为多,外在"所染"为其水质问题的主要方面;北方民生用水以井水为多,井水自身"所含"的水质问题则较突出,由此而引发的地方病也和南方地区有较大差异。井水咸苦长期困扰北方居民的日常生活,它曾对历史时期北方国都营建产生重要影响,对各级治所的经营也有所制约。水质是生态环境问题也是社会问题,不同时代、地域、阶层对北方水质有不同感知,历经实践浸染与文字流布,这一日常生活的身体实践逐渐演变成为一种知识、观念乃至于文化。  相似文献   
汉宋调和是晚清儒学内部重要的学术思潮,对其时学术格局的转化亦发生重要作用.这一思潮由微趋盛,从学术自身的发展过程来看,与汉学新兴区域在晚清的迅速扩展有着不容忽视的关系.汉学在晚清的发展不再以苏、皖、京师为限,浙江、广东等省成为新的学术重镇.这些汉学新兴发展区域由于特定的学术背景与学术渊源,学者们基本上都提倡汉宋调和,从而对晚清汉宋调和思潮的盛行起了极大推动作用.  相似文献   
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