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永州市鹞子岭战国墓楚越两种化都表现得十分强烈鲜明,但越化因素占主体地位。吴起并蛮越后,零陵已属楚国版图,虽然楚的统治势力很薄弱,但对越人的生活习俗有了很大的影响。战国中期,永州应有了城邑规模和较集中的民居点和驻兵点,城邑里生活着大批越人,在乡下基本上还是越人的社会体系,但越人已接受楚人的统治,楚人利用越人管理越人,以淡化消除楚越之间的矛盾。  相似文献   
春秋楚长城是中国历史上最早的长城。楚长城并不是一道帽形长城,而是在春秋战国时期的400年间根据不同防御对象建筑的三道长城。楚长城是依山而筑、因地制宜、就地取材的军事战略防御工程,其建筑方式是石垛或土筑,主墙体为单护城栏型长城,建筑原始、粗糙、古朴、实用。  相似文献   
刘彦昺是元末明初的一位名士,其生卒年一直未得其详。今据嘉靖十二年刘氏六世孙刘塾刻本《春雨轩集》所载《自序墓志铭》及文后刘氏后裔之小注,考定刘彦昺生于元文宗至顺二年(1331)九月初三日卯时,卒于明洪武三十二年(1399)四月初三日寅时。  相似文献   
About 4200 charcoal fragments have been identified from the fourth‐ to third‐millennium BC archaeological sites of Bat and Al‐Khashbah in order to gain an understanding of plant resources available at the sites. Acacia sp., Ziziphus sp., and Tamarix sp. were the main taxa identified at both sites and indicate a similar vegetation composition as today. Phoenix sp. (date palm) charcoal also has been found at both sites. Whereas the cultivation of date palm for the 2700–2300 BC layers from Bat was likely, given other circumstantial evidence (i.e. local cereal cultivation and floodwater irrigation), it is unclear whether date palm was cultivated at Al‐Khashbah. Especially for the older periods (3300–2700 BC) it is possible that nomadic pastoralists were exploiting and/or managing wild date palms. The find of Avicennia marina at Al‐Khashbah indicates long‐distance contacts with the coast.  相似文献   
The skull and antlers of an extinct Giant Irish deer (Megaceros) were retrieved from a bog in central Ireland. Cancellous bone from the antlers was examined ultrastructurally by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The ultrastructural integrity of bone cells (osteocytes) was remarkable with features such as mitochondria and Golgi elements being clearly demonstrated. Radiocarbon dating indicated that the specimen was around 11 000 years BP . The demonstration of ultrastructure in bone cells of this extinct deer suggests that palaeontological specimens found in bog environments are potentially useful for the ultrastructural investigation of not only the extracellular matrix but, significantly, of the cell itself.  相似文献   

The Arava is an arid region in the Southern Levant. Archaeological excavations and surveys in the area revealed dense settlement and sophisticated technologies from the eighth to ninth centuries—qanat water technology and copper production. Differences between the data of the middle and southern Arava suggest two separated economic systems. While the Southern Arava seems to be primarily an industrial area of copper that delivered the raw material to Ayla, the middle Arava was mainly agricultural and may be connected to trade routes. Studying the farming conditions of this arid area points to date palms as the main crop of the agricultural settlement. However, it is not yet clear where the Arava's produce was exported.  相似文献   
郭店一号楚墓年代析论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐少华 《江汉考古》2005,6(1):68-72
郭店一号楚墓出土的各类器物,具有战国中期偏晚和战国晚期偏早的若干特征,其中部分因素与包山一、二号墓接近,部分因素又与包山四、五号墓,马山一号墓及九店乙组墓四期六段的若干特征一致。包山二号墓下葬于公元前316年或稍晚;包山四、五号墓,马山一号墓和九店乙组四期六段的墓葬,是战国晚期早段较有代表性的楚墓,按照考古学分期断代以最晚的器物断定其时代下限的一般规律,郭店一号楚墓的时代应属于战国晚期的早段,其下限不晚于白起拔郢,具体年代应在公元前300年稍后不久。  相似文献   
三峡地区土洞墓年代与源流考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴敬 《中原文物》2007,(3):33-37
根据青瓷盘口壶的演变规律,1997年湖北省巴东县雷家坪遗址发现的一座土坑洞室墓的年代应为晚唐或五代时期。土坑洞室墓在三峡地区出现和流行可能与安史之乱有关。  相似文献   
The Adena Mound (33RO1) is the type site of the Adena culture, yet there have been no radiocarbon dates to place it reliably within a temporal framework. Fortunately, the artifact collection, curated by the Ohio Historical Society, includes objects that are highly suitable for radiocarbon dating, including fragments of textiles and tree bark associated with the central burial. We selected a textile fragment and two bark fragments for radiocarbon dating. The textile exhibits alternate pair twine with very fine yarns probably composed of cellulose bast fibers. The bark is from a black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) tree. The results of the radiocarbon dating indicate that the Adena Mound was constructed between the end of the second century B.C. and the beginning of the first century A.D., placing it near the midpoint in the sequence of radiocarbon-dated Adena culture sites. This study demonstrates the value of museum collections for gleaning new data from curated materials.  相似文献   
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