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冯雪 《文博》2022,(1):60-69
“‘叙’写传奇——叙利亚古代文物精品展”中有一枚发现于提卡遗址的戳印,年代为青铜时代中期(公元前2000年—前1600年),在该遗址另发现两枚巴比伦风格的滚印,同样属于青铜时代中期。本文从考古学、文献材料、印章工艺等方面对这枚戳印的遗址信息、功能形制、图像结构、历史背景进行研究,由此探究距今约4千年前,提卡、赫梯、古巴比伦文明之间的交流与往来,进而解读古代两河流域地区的文化演进。  相似文献   
Due to the circumstances of the loss of HMS Warrior and HMS Sparrowhawk in 1916, in which subsequent to disablement both had drifted and been towed unknown distances from the Jutland battlefield, they were not located in the 2015 Jutland survey. In August 2016 both ships were located and HMS Warrior was revealed to be a pristine warship wreck, the only example in this condition of the 25 ships sunk in the battle. HMS Sparrowhawk had a similar pattern of disturbance as seven of the other Battle of Jutland destroyer wrecks. The survey of these wrecks draws to a conclusion a long period of discovery at Jutland and raises questions as to how these important cultural artefacts should be treated in the future.  相似文献   

The novelistic production related to the 2008 financial crisis has been partially studied from the lens of the label of “literatura de la crisis.” In this article, I analyze the complex and essential transformations suffered by literary writing practices in contemporary Spain where ill attention has been devoted to the social, political, and aesthetic implications of neoliberal globalization in rural areas. Departing from a thorough conceptualization of the notion of “literatura de la crisis” and its paradoxical impact over the most recent literary production, I study the rural discourse and the emerging academic challenges for the assessment of the rural experience in literary works. In conclusion, I set the main principles for the development of a transposable model of textual analysis that will shed new light on the cultural representation of the rural sphere in the aftermath of the 2008 financial recession.  相似文献   
在目前所见元代瓷器中,1964年保定出土元代窖藏最为精美,包括卵白釉、钴蓝戗金和青花三种。我们最近发现,这批元代高档瓷器可能是元仁宗赐予三朝元老张珪的宫廷酒器,赏赐时间分别为皇庆元年(1312)和延祐六年(1319)。这个发现说明元青花源于元朝皇家艺术,蒙古统治者将蒙古和色目文化与汉地制瓷技术相结合,主导了元青花的创烧。元朝御窑厂浮梁磁局停烧之后,汉地工匠才主导元青花艺术的创作,明清时期这门艺术逐渐融入汉文化。  相似文献   
在器以藏礼的先秦社会,弓矢被广泛运用于各种礼仪活动,衍生出兵器之外的另一种社会属性,内化了辨尊卑、别贵贱、表祈祷、达礼敬、明约信、示敬奉、喻征伐、彰德行、抗天命、蕴威仪等丰富的礼仪内涵。通过文化人类学的视角可以窥见,弓矢成为了表达礼差的物化载体,具有明显的等差性;同时,因其本身的自然与文化属性,弓矢也成为了时人表达思想观念、社会情感的具象化载体。可以说,弓矢藏礼现象是反映先秦礼乐社会特性的一个重要窗口。  相似文献   
"丝绸之路"的起点位于中国/东亚,中国在"丝路"的发展中占有重要的地位。古代纺织品文物种类繁多,常用的纺织品科学研究方法有色谱、光谱、质谱等。本研究基于目前纺织品文物的分析现状,从纤维、染料两个重要角度,系统地阐述目前已有的扫描电子显微镜、傅里叶红外光谱、光纤光谱等纺织纤维分析技术,以及薄层色谱、高效液相色谱、拉曼光谱、光纤光谱等纺织品染料分析方法。对于纺织纤维鉴别,扫描电镜、傅里叶红外等方法可靠性较高;对于纺织品染料分析,高效液相色谱的分析精度更受认可;而拉曼光谱、光纤光谱技术具有原位、无损的优势,在纺织品文物研究中也日益被重视。对这些方法的原理、特点及其在古代纺织品分析中的研究进展与发展潜力的归纳与综述,将为纺织品文物保护相关研究提供参考与科学支持。  相似文献   
非物质文化遗产的传承特点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
世代传承是非物质文化遗产最重要的本质属性。非物质文化遗产的传承具有五个方面特点:口传心授的传承方式、生动鲜活的传承形态、文化独特的传承土壤、藏量丰厚的传承领域、与时俱进的传承变异。探究这些特点,可以加深人们对非物质文化遗产及其传承、保护的理解。  相似文献   
论文从社会学视角,对广东坎镇与海南文镇两个移民群体公共文化事业的捐赠活动进行了比较研究,认为海外移民对于侨乡公共文化事业的捐赠与其社会地位补偿密切相关,提出了"社会地位补偿"的解释范式。广东坎镇移民流向主要为美国、加拿大等经济发达国家,移民群体社会地位落差较大。他们的捐赠活动,不仅能够补偿他们某种身份及归属感的缺失,而且还能够获得一种额外的社会声誉。这种移民的补偿心态使得坎镇侨乡的公共文化事业出现了繁荣发展的盛况;而海南文镇移民流向主要是东南亚国家,经历了从"华侨"到"华人"的身份转变,祖籍地与移居地的经济差距缩小导致移民补偿成本升高,侨乡地方社会所构建的补偿体系对移民的吸引力在逐渐减弱,从而导致文镇公共文化事业出现衰落的发展态势。  相似文献   
近年来,德国史学界的国际关系史研究发生了一系列变化,其研究内容不仅仅包括传统的外交关系,而且也包括国家和非国家行为人跨民族、跨文化的交往。虽然强调文化的重要性的观点只在小范围内得到贯彻,但是对外交官身边的人的研究、对正式外交关系建立之前的前外交活动的研究日益增多。以往有关国家关系研究主要是以欧洲为中心的,现在,欧洲国家同欧洲以外的"异文化边缘共同体"的关系也被列入国际史学研究的日程表了。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. This article challenges the theoretical opposition between nationalism and cosmopolitanism with empirical research on the ways in which a group of ordinary Australians talked about multiculturalism in the 1980s and again in the 2000s. It shifts attention from identity work to the understanding of day‐to‐day social relations: it finds that they are strongly nationalist and yet also display a cosmopolitan embrace of the benefits of cultural diversity. They draw on the inclusionary resources of Australian nationalism and its history to strengthen their cosmopolitanism and calm their anxieties about living with diversity. Their commonsense conceptualising of Australia's contemporary multicultural society in terms of a mix of individuals rather than an ensemble of groups is crucial to understanding why cultural diversity has been embraced within the framework of the nation.  相似文献   
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