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苏北市镇工业的兴起改变了市镇经济结构,工业逐渐在市镇经济中占据重要地位,同时刺激了市镇手工业的发展,促进了苏北一批市镇的产生和发展,推动了近代市镇经济的转型。具有一定的典型意义。  相似文献   
This paper explores the premarital sexual behaviour and its covariates of young single women working in the garment manufacturing industry in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Because gender and sexuality norms inhibit women from disclosing proscribed lifestyles, measures to mitigate response biases were an integral part of the research design. The prevalence of premarital sex is higher than was previously known, with being older, having a less well-off family background, absence of guardians, peer sexual influence, and leisure and risk behaviour as risk factors. Dating solo—the most proximate behaviour to premarital sex—is engaged in more by women who live without guardians in Phnom Penh, who come from less well-off backgrounds, and who have been exposed to peer sexual influence. Parental influence upon daughters' premarital chastity and partner selection has long been significant. With rural–urban migration, this has been replaced by economic and peer influences, as evident in the high rates of dating, and other leisure and risk behaviour.  相似文献   
This paper explores the situation of community engagement in the heritage sector in China, which is facing increasing international pressure particularly through donor agencies. It is argued that government-led residents’ committees do not essentially serve the interest of the local communities, whilst grassroots civil societies and NGOs are, to a great extent regulated, by the prevailing political power. Given the situation of insufficient community involvement in the sector of cultural heritage conservation in China, local government has adopted the international approach introduced by donor agencies, but this has not resulted in power sharing and the state constrains community involvement within certain limits. This paper examines the situation of community involvement in heritage management in the city of Yangzhou.  相似文献   
本文以内蒙古呼伦贝尔垦区为例,根据计划行为理论提出社区旅游投资意愿影响机制理论框架,并运用Pearson卡方检验、logistic回归等方法进行实证分析。结果表明:农垦社区旅游投资意愿具有3个特征:地理亲近性、中青主体性、生计路径依赖。这些特征的形成机制有6种:风险规避机制、前景期望机制、熟人传导机制、制度认同机制、效能促进机制与竞争激励机制。不同特征的形成机制既有相似、也有差异。具有不同客观条件的社群,其主观因素的作用机制既有相似、也有差异。该研究有助于丰富旅游地社区研究、推进中国农垦地区转型发展。  相似文献   
王芳  谢朝武  吴必虎 《人文地理》2018,33(6):142-151
本研究构建了景观空间尺度、游客体验中的新奇感和愉悦感及游客满意度的关系模型,并进行实证检验。研究表明:①景观空间尺度中的实体要素尺度、空间场所尺度、空间序列长度与空间转换频率对游客的新奇感、愉悦感与满意度存在显著的影响;②游客的愉悦感和新奇感对游客满意度存在显著的影响;③游客的愉悦感与新奇感通过实体要素尺度、空间场所尺度、空间序列长度与空间转换频率对游客满意度具有中介作用。该文探讨景观空间尺度对游客满意度的影响,扩展了游客满意度理论,并提出面向景观空间尺度的管理对策。  相似文献   
上海市共享住宿时空格局及影响因素识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以Airbnb共享住宿为研究对象,通过GIS空间分析工具对上海市2010-2019年期间共享住宿空间演变与形成机理进行了初步探讨。结果表明:①上海市共享住宿经历了自发萌芽-快速增长-稳步发展三个主要阶段;②上海市共享住宿正相关性逐年增强,空间聚集态势明显,局部格局整体呈现中心高、外围低的分布特征,研究期内逐渐由西北-东南向东北-西南方向扩散;③道路密度、经济水平、房源供给、服务群体与空间集聚对上海市共享住宿分布格局具有显著影响,并通过制约机制、供需机制、触发机制影响共享住宿选址布局,经过个体与时间积累效应,最终形成上海市共享住宿空间动态演化特征。  相似文献   
In the age of decolonisation, Whitehall generally accepted the case for political advancement even in small British colonies like St Helena judged too lacking in resources to become independent states, provided this could be granted without risk to good government. The previous experience of Sir John Field in West Africa and his sensitivity to UN expectations lay behind the democratic reforms he introduced, which by 1968 had established an elected Legislative Council and an Executive Council made up mainly of LegCo members. But the steps he took owed little to sustained popular demand for self-government, as was common elsewhere, and much to his determination to make islanders politically more responsible. Public engagement was inhibited by practical constraints, local culture and a discouraging financial dependence on the UK government.  相似文献   
戴震是清代引领一时学术风尚的考据学大师,治学注重辨章学术,考镜源流,对古人作伪之书能够博综群籍,参互考证,使伪者自出,真者自存,充分体现出“不以人蔽己,不以己自蔽”的治学风格,其态度和方法对于后来学者有着深刻影响。然而,关于戴震在辨伪方面的实践及观点,至今无人提及。本文从实例出发,略述戴氏在辨伪方面的成就。  相似文献   
创新是经济发展的驱动力,影响区域创新绩效的因素很多,本文从宏观经济、行业、企业、外部力量等四个尺度构建了企业创新模型,利用1991 年到2014 年统计数据,探讨了人均GDP 水平、产业集聚、企业规模、R&D 、FDI、技术引进这六个因素对河南省专利授权量的影响。研究发现:在企业尺度上,企业规模、R&D经费显著正向影响河南工业企业的创新绩效;在中观尺度上,产业集聚还没有发挥很好的集聚效益;反映经济发展水平的人均GDP在统计上并未显著影响创新绩效,甚至是负影响;外部力量尺度上,外商直接投资增强了创新的绩效,而技术引进与创新绩效则呈显著负相关。综合来看,企业创新是一个多尺度因素相互作用的非线性过程,各种力量对创新的影响机理也较为复杂。  相似文献   
国有企业改革对就业影响的地理分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
段致辉 《人文地理》2000,15(5):30-33,23
国有企业改革是我国经济工作的中心环节,对我国的劳动就业形势产生着深刻的影响。本文首先简要分析了影响城镇失业问题的因素,认为在自然压力、"民工潮"的冲击和国有企业改革三个因素中,国有企业改革起主导作用。然后从地理学角度出发,探讨国有企业改革对就业影响的空间差异性:在宏观区域差异上,由东部到西部就业形势趋于严峻;而老工业基地的失业问题比其他区域更为严重。以2423家现代企业制度试点的国有企业为依据,研究国有企业改革对就业影响的部门差异性:采掘业、运输邮电业和房地产业的富余职工比例最高、分流难度较大;电力、煤气及水的生产供应业,批发和零售贸易业富余职工比例较低。从而为解决不同区域、不同部门国有企业下岗职工再就业问题提供理论依据。  相似文献   
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