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I. The text of Ecl. 3.100–102 is discussed and evaluated: quam is defended against quom and Cartault’s proposal [1897. Étude sur les Bucoliques de Virgile. Paris: Armand Colin] Hisce cutes – not adopted by editors and hardly visible in later apparatus critici, but recommended as worthy of attention by Heyworth [2015. “Notes on the Text and Interpretation of Vergil’s Eclogues and Georgics.” In Virgilian Studies. A Miscellany Dedicated to the Memory of Mario Geymonat [Studia Classica et Mediaevalia 10], edited by H.-C. Günther, 195–249. Nordhausen: Traugott Bautz] – is both brilliant and necessary. II. Based on grammar and context the abl. risu at Ecl. 4.60 is taken as modal: “Begin, little boy, to recognize (get to know) your mother with your smile”; then the final lines (62–63) must be restored to comply with Quintilian’s figura in numero (9.3.8) as qui risere (plural) followed by hunc “such a one” (singular); this change in number is shown to be in accordance with the use of a generalizing hic to denote quality. – III. At G. 2.22 I propose quosvias construing reperire with two accusatives. – IV. At G. 2.266–268 I furnish parallels for similem … et as “like to” supporting Heyworth’s mutata … semina. – V. Rejecting my earlier position on A. 9.462–464 I now give a repentant vote in favour of Conte’s punctuation [2009. P. Vergilius Maro. Aeneis [Bibliotheca Teubneriana]. Berlin: De Gruyter] while at the same time adding an argument in its favour.  相似文献   
Early modern Europe was marked by fundamental changes in its intellectual landscape. In the field of historiography, this led to the development of a new antiquarian current in historiography which marked a fundamental shift in the view on historical writings. While traditionally historiography had been considered a literary genre, the new scholars approached it as a ‘scientific’ discipline. On the basis of a comparative study of a number of northern European national histories, this paper analyses major transformations in two aspects of historical writing. Firstly, antiquarian historians extended the subject range of historiography to include a variety of cultural-historical topics. This innovation also had implications for the structure of their works. Secondly, the new current introduced a novel approach to the question of historical evidence to counter sceptic criticism and meet the new requirements occasioned by the rise of empirical models of research. Antiquarian scholars therefore introduced several new types of source materials: material evidence of the past, comparative studies of languages and customs, and documentary texts were added as sources of historical information. They furthermore subjected all historical sources to rigorous critical assessment.  相似文献   
王世贞作为明代后七子文学复古运动的领袖,作品宏富繁杂,清人以前,少有人能与之相比。近人黄如文、徐朔方、郑利华分别在年谱中对王世贞的作品进行过一些考证。本文专从作品创作时间的考证角度出发,并不专限文学作品,试图厘清对王世贞某些作品创作时间上的一些误解,并对其作品的创作年表做一个较为清晰的梳理。  相似文献   
本文旨在整理汇集专家学者研究汤注<高僧传>的校注成果,为阅读<高僧传>的读者提供一些方便,使其省却翻查之苦.另附缀作者发现可供商榷的数处.  相似文献   
瓦拉批驳《君士坦丁赠礼》的学术得失   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
米辰峰 《史学月刊》2006,(3):98-103
《君士坦丁伪赠礼考证》是意大利人文主义者劳伦佐·瓦拉1440年写成、1517年开始震惊世界的著作。它不仅为后来的宗教改革、政教分离奠定了舆论基础,也开创了从内部语文现象辨析古代文献真伪的新方法。但瓦拉并不是《赠礼》辨伪的首创者,他也没有奠定西方古文献学的理论基础。  相似文献   
由中国社会科学院历史研究所收藏整理、王钰欣和周绍泉先生主编的<徽州千年契约文书>为徽学界提供了大量珍贵的历史文献资料,实属功德无量,然而由于种种客观原因,王、周二位先生整理契约文书的过程中,在立契人姓名、立契时间、契约内容等方面仍有些讹误和不足之处.本文对这些错误和不足进行逐一考校.恢复徽州契约文书的本来面貌,为徽学研究提供精确的文本.  相似文献   
由于《明史》只记载了正德十三年(1518年)四月改四川叙州府高县为高州,而漏载十二月又废州为县,给人以高州一直存在的假像。《清史稿》复加以穿凿补充,谭其骧《中国历史地图集》又加以附和,以致1998年《高县志》、1998年《筠连县志》和1995年《珙县志》建置沿革皆载高州存在至明末清初,造成失误。今对高州始末加以考述,以正其误。  相似文献   
《学术批评丛稿》是青年学者杨玉圣同志的一部兼有学术论文和学术评论的论文集,文集自始至终贯穿着实话实说的实事求是精神。科学、健康的学术批评,需要有求索真理、学术自由、学术平等和学术公正的精神。当前中国的学术书评数量上亟待充实、书评队伍需要扩大、书评质量有待提高、书评气氛亟需改善。  相似文献   
顾千里是清代著名校勘学家,“不校校之”是他校勘学思想的核心与灵魂。其校勘学思想地形成,受传统校勘思想,特别是宋人校勘思想的深刻影响。顾氏的校勘学思想和方法,对校勘学的发展产生了深远影响,有些甚至已成为当今古籍整理校勘学科中的基本原则。  相似文献   
王刚 《攀登》2010,29(5):72-77
对实证主义的批判是贯穿于马尔库塞批判理论的一条主线。马尔库塞的实证主义批判思想包括三个相互联系的部分:以经验主义为核心的实证理性批判;以形式主义为核心的形式逻辑批判和以分析主义为核心的语言哲学批判。马尔库塞是一位具有激进批判精神和深重历史责任感的西方马克思主义者,其试图解释和应对人类当代课题时对实证主义的批判,与马克思主义学说是一致的。  相似文献   
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