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明万历中后期,以言官为首的官僚集团兴起了一股批判明神宗的风潮。其根本缘由,首先是神宗君德严重缺失,其次在于言官勇于以道事君。在深层次上,这种批判也是该时期政局危殆、皇权变异并衰落以及士风日下、部分言官沽名钓誉等社会变动综合作用的结果。尽管这种批判并未摆脱传统的“尊君—罪君”的政治评判模式,但它是明清之际启蒙思想的先导和重要的思想资源。  相似文献   
漓江沙洲的形成,是自然环境和人类活动交互影响的结果。明清以降,外来人口不断进入漓江上游地区从事农业垦殖活动。垦殖活动在改造了上游山区自然环境的同时,其产生的泥沙在雨水作用下进入漓江,促进了桂林段漓江沙洲的发育,并改变了桂林段漓江河床的面貌。岸上居民也开始由岸上洲,这是漓江流域人地关系的重要变化。  相似文献   
四库全书辑入的《图绘宝鉴》是一部重要的古代画史作,其内容与本书其他重要版本多有不同,使研究颇感困惑。通过对四库本与正德本、津逮秘书本及借绿草堂本等版本的比较,发现四库本的底本孔府本并非正德本,而应是嘉靖本或其增补本毛大伦本:并同时推论出嘉靖本的底本是正德本的一个残本。  相似文献   
周祥森 《史学月刊》2004,1(3):79-92
蒋大椿先生提出的“唯物辩证的以实践为基础的系统史观”.在马克思主义历史观发展史上.是一种全新理论形态的历史观。无论是对于马克思主义历史观的发展,还是对于新世纪中国历史学的发展来说,它都具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。但是,由于评论者悬置客观实在的现实社会和历史,沉溺于马克思恩格斯文本建构起来的文本世界,加上评论者和蒋大椿先生之间在探索的问题、言说的平台和所处思想时段等方面的差距,因此,他们没有能够发现蒋先生的真问题和《思潮与发展》一文所具有的理论价值与现实意义。综览目前公开的评论,只能说这是一场极不相称的客观世界与文本世界之间的交锋。  相似文献   
陈垣在近代史学领域的开拓   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2 0世纪中国实证史学家中 ,陈垣先生是当之无愧的泰山北斗。他不但以扎实的考据成果解决了大量历史疑难问题 ,而且以开创性的研究 ,拓展了宗教史、历史文献学和其他历史辅助学科等多学科领域 ,为中国史学的科学化和中国史学走向世界 ,做出了他人无可替代的贡献。  相似文献   
包世臣认为,为文除要严守文法,做到“其言有序”外,还要做到“其言有物”,而且就“其言有序”和“其言有物”比较而言,后者具有更为重要的意义。他的一个基本观点是认为,“文字之教”的基本功能是“成其俗”。因此,他主张文学家要介入社会,关心国计民生。与此相联系,他主张为文要“崇实”而反对“致饰”。包世臣诗论的核心,是儒家的诗教原则。当然,作为嘉道年间的重要诗人,包世臣也特别重视诗的艺术性。首先,他认为写诗要直抒胸臆,“言为心声”;其次,他主张华实结合,朴质得宜,反对华而不实,尤其反对“侈于声色”;第三,他虽然反对“侈于声色”,但不反对韵律,认为写诗要讲求平仄。基于上述见解,包世臣将诗分成上、次、下三类。包世臣的文学成就,主要表现在两个方面,一是文,二是诗。尤其是他的诗,无论形式的多样性,还是题材的广泛性,以及内容的思想性与艺术性的统一,在嘉道年间的诗人中都是一流的。  相似文献   
Two‐phase flow and near‐critical phenomena are likely to enhance energy transport in high‐temperature hydrothermal systems. We present a series of two‐dimensional simulations of two‐phase flow of pure water at near‐critical conditions. The results show that at near‐critical conditions, two‐phase convection can be more efficient in transporting energy than single‐phase convection. The highest heat fluxes are attained when two‐phase heat‐pipes form near the bottom boundary, recharging the root of the upflow zone and thereby enabling the formation of broad upflow regions. When the system becomes more vapor‐dominated, it loses this ability, upflow zones become narrower and the energy efficiency drops to more moderate values.  相似文献   
During the Chinese War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) made great progress in its cultivation of cadres. The favorable environment of the National United Front made it possible for the CCP to successfully train a large number of cadres with intellectual backgrounds while continuously using and promoting those who came from worker or peasant backgrounds. By so doing, the CCP raised the quality of its cadres. The CCP’s cultivation of its cadres during the War of Resistance was a systematic undertaking, with interrelated and mutually reinforcing components of education, training, examination, criticism, and self-criticism. Based on cadre self-consciousness and training, a regularized yet not rigid process of cadre cultivation was established. During the same period, the CCP also launched a rectification campaign (Zhengfeng yundong) to further unify and transform the Party. This important movement also left a deep mark on the cultivation of Communist cadres.  相似文献   
This paper opens up a dialogue between mindfulness and the discipline of geography. As a meditative practice that cultivates ‘present-centred non-judgmental awareness’, we claim that the practices and insights of mindfulness have important implications for various forms of geographical enquiry. This paper argues that mindfulness can inform geographical practices in relation to epistemology and methodology, and contribute towards geographically informed critical psychological theory and action. More specifically, we claim that mindfulness could offer a practice-based context to support the study of affects, extend the application of psychoanalytical geographical methods beyond the therapeutic, and contribute to emerging geographical studies of behavioural power and empowerment. This analysis explores these sites of interaction through a series of reflections on the Mindfulness, Behaviour Change and Engagement in Public Policy programme that was developed and delivered by the authors. This more-than-therapeutic mindfulness programme has been delivered to approximately 47 civil servants working in the UK Government.  相似文献   
“金张掖”来历及涵义考略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“金张掖”一称到底始于何时 ,其涵义又是什么 ,历来众说纷纭、莫衷一是。本文引用了许多文献资料 ,随着历史的变迁 ,对这一系列问题进行了考证  相似文献   
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