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自古以来,我国西南地区民族人口众多,民族成份复杂,民族分布面广,民族活动能量强、社会影响大。三国时期,立国于西南之蜀国与西南民族的关系极为密切,对西南民族地区社会历史的影响广泛而深远。本文在阐述蜀国建立的基础上,着重论述了其境内的民族成份及诸葛亮平南中的事件,并对(?)人的族属和平南中的时间作了进一步的探研。  相似文献   
The development of culturally and social inclusive curricula is an important aspect of teaching geography. In countries such as Australia with a history of colonial oppression and dispossession the need to acknowledge Indigenous history and peoples in teaching is vital. This paper reports on the lessons learned from being part of the Indigenous Enrichment of Curricula Project (IECP) for geography curricula at the University of Adelaide, Australia. Drawing on advice from an Indigenous Reference Group, this project trialled the use of visual and aural delivery mechanisms, the development of country-based assessments, the use of “co-run conversations in safe spaces” and embedding of key narratives and storylines to provoke student learning and cultural reflexivity. Challenges are reported on, including working out how to decolonize curricula without adopting binary and essentialist constructions of Indigeneity, how to involve Indigenous colleagues without overburdening them, and how to represent Indigenous knowledge. The paper concludes that Indigenizing or enriching curricula must go beyond a content focus and avoid superficially gilding the lily (by the addition of culturally palatable and romanticized “nuggets” of Indigenous knowledge) but build towards a drastic re-structuring in practice of entire course frameworks consistent with Indigenous ways of doing and seeing.  相似文献   
朱宏才 《攀登》2005,24(6):152-156
斯巴达不是城邦国家,而是领土国家。或者说,斯巴达先是一个城邦国家,后来慢慢发展成为领土国家。根据这个观点,文章建议:其一,有关《世界历史》的教材应该作修改,明确斯巴达为领土国家;其二,即使不修改,也应在教课书中注明这一观点,由学者自己去评判。否则,斯巴达是城邦国之误还会在其它史书中出现,会以讹传讹。  相似文献   
王成英 《攀登》2006,25(6):57-60
马克思主义认为,平等是一个客观的历史发展过程,是一个类的范畴,是一种相互关系,平等与不平等都是客观的、相对的,在一定条件下可以互相转化。西方福利国家和苏联的实践证明,无论何种社会制度,都不能完全依靠国家强制力自上而下推进平等,而只能顺应时代发展,不断调整政策,使社会在动态平等中不断向前发展。  相似文献   
回归以来,澳门特区政府高度重视对中小学生的国情教育,为特区开展国情教育奠定了法制基础;构筑课堂上的“三位一体”,即设置课程“底线”、教材建设和教师培训,从而保证了国情教育的教学质量;在课堂外持续开展多元化的教育活动。在澳门中小学开展国情教育的经验主要有:大幅度增加教育投入;注重整体规划和制度配套;尊重教育规律,将国情教育潜移默化地融入中小学生日常学习和生活中;建立多元合作、协调统一的工作机制。  相似文献   
刘国柱 《史学月刊》2005,2(8):71-74
肯尼迪政府组建和平队,以志愿者的形式,向不发达国家提供所谓“中等人力资源”,进行技术援助,实际上是对战后美国对外援助工作反思的结果,同时也为美国对外援助注入了新的内容。它所涉及的更为深层的考虑,则是广大不发达国家未来的发展道路问题,即这些国家以什么样的方式实现现代化,是以美国为代表的资本主义发展模式,还是以苏联或中国为代表的社会主义发展模式。肯尼迪政府希望,通过和平队的工作,向第三世界国家展示美国的现代化经验和技术,诱导第三世界国家走美国式的现代化道路。  相似文献   
明中叶以后,江右王门学者广建书院、频繁地举办讲会活动,不但推动了王阳明心学理论的发展,也使学术思想得到传承,并广泛流传于乡村社会。在学术思想草根化过程中,王门学者又将之与地方宗族紧密结合,在加快了宗族内部整合的同时,也使宗族更主动地承担起乡里的责任,如主持地方公共事务、教化乡里,维护乡村社会秩序,甚至为乡村利益而与政府谈判。江右王门的代表人物邹守益及其家族以书院为依托,以讲会为形式,以乡村事务为己任,不仅将学术思想转化为"化乡"理念,付诸于乡村社会实践之中;而且整合并凝聚了王门学者团体,成为重要的地方"清议"力量。  相似文献   
唐代黑水靺鞨地区思慕、郡利、窟说、莫曳皆四部的地理位置问题,学术界历来存在着争议,与其中窟说、莫曳皆两部地望密切相关的"流鬼国"的自身定位也大致有两种不同的说法。本文在商榷地吸收学界先贤的研究成果的基础上,重新审视历史文献中的相关记载,从历史地理学的角度动态地再度关注这些问题,并蠡测提出一些自己的新看法,以期在该问题的研究中有进一步的认识。  相似文献   
《尹湾汉墓简牍》中有关郡县侯国吏制的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
汤其领 《史学月刊》2005,(11):16-20
《尹湾汉墓简牍》面世后,许多学者就西汉地方吏制问题发表了不少有益的见解,但对侯国吏员的设置论及者甚少。探讨侯国的不同类属,在此基础上可以发现,不同侯国的吏员设置和隶属关系是不同的。东海郡所辖侯国多属宣、成二帝时所封之王子侯国。王子侯国的吏员大致可分为两类,一为行政系统,一为家务系统。侯国的吏员同时接受朝廷和郡府的双重管辖。  相似文献   
A frequently expressed criticism of cosmopolitanism by liberal nationalist theorists is that its moral universalism is incompatible with national identity and patriotic obligations, defined as obligations to the nation and to fellow nationals. While some scholars of cosmopolitanism agree with this incompatibility argument, others contend that nationalism, cosmopolitanism, and patriotic duties are not rivals. However, few efforts have been made to examine the relationship between cosmopolitanism, nationalism, and patriotic obligations at the level of individual people. Drawing fresh insights from psychological approaches to social identity, I argue that cosmopolitan individuals have an integrated dual identity that embodies both nationalism and world citizenship, and this dual identity is compatible with patriotic obligations. Using data from the 2010–2014, round of the Word Values Survey, I show that cosmopolitans who identify as world citizens also identify with the nation and are willing to perform the ultimate patriotic sacrifice of going to war to defend their country. Upending certain convention wisdoms, this result indicates that cosmopolitan and national identities are compatible and cosmopolitan identity does not hinder patriotic obligations.  相似文献   
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