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This article aims to improve the understanding of salt production in the upper Three Gorges region, based on archaeological investigation and excavation of salt-production sites in Yushan, Pengshui County, Chongqing. This article introduces the features of salt sources and the types and dates of the salt wells in Yushan, and investigates the local brine transportation and salt-making techniques. The Zhongjingba site is a large salt-making site with well-preserved remains of production and support facilities dating from the 18th and 19th centuries. Large numbers of evaporation furnaces, brine tanks, and working pits have been excavated and revealed a complete process of producing salt. Analysis of historical documents and the excavated remnants has allowed the reconstruction of the po lu yin zao salt-making process (which, in Chinese, means to splash brine onto the evaporation furnace), the first archaeological evidence of this technique; the management, output capacity, and sales area of the ancient salt production in Yushan are also discussed.  相似文献   
In 1612, following the death of the Antwerp print publisher Jan Baptist Vrients, Balthasar I and Jan Moretus II, at the time the managers of the Plantin Press, bought the copper plates used to print Abraham Ortelius’s Theatrum orbis terrarium, together with the remainder of Vrients’s stock of the atlas. Subsequently, they reissued various editions of the Theatrum, selling them under their own names. They also traded in individual maps from the Theatrum, printing more when necessary. Hundreds of maps were sent to clients all over Europe. This article gives an overview of this so far unknown distribution of Ortelius’s maps in the first half of the seventeenth century.  相似文献   
我国从明中期开始使用黄铜钱币,一直到清末。过去,对古代铸币的科学研究主要集中于合金成分分析和铸造工艺两方面,对锈蚀产物和锈蚀机理的研究主要针对青铜铸币。黄铜的合金元素中较青铜多锌元素,其腐蚀产物与腐蚀行为较青铜有一定的差别,也较青铜更为复杂,然而现有的文献关于此方面的研究匮乏,特别是对于大气保存环境下黄铜钱币的锈蚀产物及锈蚀成因的研究基本空白。本研究通过多种分析手段包括X射线荧光分析仪(XRF)、扫描电镜能谱仪(SEM-EDS)和显微激光拉曼光谱仪(Raman)对国家博物馆馆藏一批传世明清各时期的黄铜钱币合金组成,不同颜色的锈蚀产物等开展科学分析。研究结果表明,嘉靖、隆庆和万历年的黄铜铸币,为Cu+Sn+Pb+Zn四元合金,平均含量Cu 66.4%,Sn 6.8%,Pb 10.4%,Zn 15.6%,并含有微量Fe,不含As。泰昌、天启和崇祯年间及清代各时期的黄铜铸币,主要为Cu+Pb+Zn三元合金,并含有微量Fe、As和Sn。这批黄铜锈蚀产物与常见的青铜锈蚀产物不同,最典型的是钱币表面蓝绿色和白色锈蚀物,经Raman和SEM-EDS分析并结合相关文献初步确认蓝绿色锈蚀物为一种含铜、钠...  相似文献   
旅游流的研究及旅游"双流"系统的构建   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
袁宇杰 《旅游科学》2005,19(1):6-11
在市场经济下,旅游客源地与旅游目的地的空间相互作用,通过旅游者、旅游企业、地方政府和相关社会团体的行为,形成旅游者流和旅游业生产要素流,后者包括资金流、人才流、技术流、信息流和物质流,二者的合流统称为旅游流。本文首先对旅游流的相关研究作了综述,然后结合各种示意图,阐述了旅游流的结构,并在旅游流的概念基础上构建旅游“双流”系统。旅游流的概念有助于人们理解旅游活动,而旅游“双流”系统为区域旅游发展规划提供了一个新的概念模型。  相似文献   
陈林  刘云刚 《人文地理》2021,36(4):29-36
本文梳理近代以来日本地理学的发展历程和知识生产特征,探讨其如何平衡理论与实践、学术与应用的关系,以期为中国地理学的发展提供借鉴。日本地理学注重区域知识的生产,良好的学术生产分工促进了区域地理学和系统地理学的相互融合。大学评价体系鼓励年轻学者生产基于区域调查的研究成果,对中坚地理学者注重原创性学术理论体系形成和地理学知识的代际传承。日本地理学的区域知识生产在政策制定、市民时空间观形成和地理学终生学习等社会应用方面发挥重要作用。近代日本地理学在欧美地理学影响下快速发展并形成了独具特色的区域地理学研究,然而近年与国际地理学界的交流放缓所引起的诸多问题也值得中国地理学借鉴。  相似文献   
This study is focused on establishing age constraints for several copper slag deposits at the centre of the Timna Valley (Israel) via reconstruction of their ancient geomagnetic intensities as recorded by the individual slag samples at the time of their formation. The results show a correlation between the location of the slag deposits (labelled as individual ‘mounds’ in our survey) and their inferred ages, reflecting varying socio‐economic and political dynamics in the region. While the slag mounds found at the unprotected foothills represent a variety of dates (mostly Early Islamic), the slag mounds on the hilltops are chronologically constrained to the early Iron Age (late 11th to 10th centuries bce ), supporting the idea for a need for protection during this period. Furthermore, in comparing the new data with previous archaeomagnetic studies from Timna, we can assert the existence of simultaneous copper production at the archaeological Sites 30, 30a and 34. This gives further support to the claim of intense smelting in the central Timna Valley during the early Iron Age. Finally, this project demonstrates the potential of archaeomagnetic experiments to provide chronological insights, and their particular advantage in addressing pyrotechnology‐related cases.  相似文献   
明清临清贡砖生产及其社会影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明清两代修建北京皇宫各大殿和紫禁城城墙,以及皇家陵寝所用大青砖,绝大部分是山东临清州烧造。从明初到清末的四五百年中,临清因京杭大运河的贯通而成为北方重要的工商业城市和漕运咽喉,又因其便利的交通和适宜的土质等特殊优势成为明清两朝的贡砖烧造基地。临清的贡砖生产虽间有停废,但一直受到朝廷的严格掌控,形成了一套系统的管理制度和生产方式。大规模的贡砖烧造一方面促进了临清工商业的繁荣和生产结构的改变,同时也加重了民众和漕运官军负担,对明清时期的临清社会带来了巨大的影响。  相似文献   
改革开放后,涂鸦伴随后现代街头文化传入中国,逐渐发展成为融合中西方的文化景观。涂鸦作为以城市公共空间为载体的创作形式,兼具艺术内涵和反叛色彩的双重特性,因此也被视为城市管理的不稳定因素,使其空间的生产常充满了多元主体的冲突。本文运用实地调研和深度访谈的方法,通过探究广州城市涂鸦空间的形成演变,透视当代中国城市后现代文化空间的生产及其意义。研究发现,广州城市涂鸦的空间形成主要经历了三个阶段,呈现出以老城区为中心逐步向外围地区扩展的特点。涂鸦手通过建构创作空间、利用资本力量、与政府博弈等手段实现对城市空间的占据,并使涂鸦逐渐成为具有中国本土化特征的后现代文化空间的范例。本文通过广州案例的研究,希望为今后中国城市空间治理的实践及空间正义的相关讨论提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   
The later Holocene spread of pastoralism throughout eastern Africa profoundly changed socio-economic and natural landscapes. During the Pastoral Neolithic (ca. 5000–1200 B.P.), herders spread through southern Kenya and northern Tanzania—areas previously occupied only by hunter-gatherers—eventually developing the specialized forms of pastoralism that remain vital in this region today. Research on ancient pastoralism has been primarily restricted to rockshelters and special purpose sites. This paper presents results of surveys and excavations at Luxmanda, an open-air habitation site located farther south in Tanzania, and occupied many centuries earlier, than previously expected based upon prior models for the spread of herding. Technological and subsistence patterns demonstrate ties to northerly sites, suggesting that Luxmanda formed part of a network of early herders. The site is thus unlikely to stand alone, and further surveys are recommended to better understand the spread of herding into the region, and ultimately to southern Africa.  相似文献   
The colonial history of New Caledonia has been one of dispossession, alienation, and racial segregation. Indigenous people did not experience a life of all‐embracing confinement and immobility. Instead, Kanak localities were historically shaped by the interplay of colonial projects, ideas, tensions, power relations, practices, representations, values, norms, and emotions. Based on the example of Thio, located on the south‐east coast of New Caledonia, this article explores these transformations, focusing on processes of localization and mobility in the colonial and postcolonial eras. The first section focuses on the encounter with and the interplay between different organisations in Thio: the missionary, mining, pastoral, and administrative frontiers. The second section explores the multilayered history of the landscape and settlement patterns in Xârâgwii/Kouare (a tribe located in the mountainous part of Thio), and the third section analyses the interplay of locality and mobility since World War II. The final section examines the ‘invention’ of the tribe as part of colonial governmental projects. The article concludes with a brief discussion of the meaning of this evolving dialectic in the current context of decolonization.  相似文献   
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