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《日历》是唐中期出现的一种官修史书,也是撰修《实录》的重要依据。受政局动荡和朝代更替的影响,唐五代《日历》的编纂时断时续,未有贯通,但在编修方式和修撰制度上有很大完善和发展,这为宋代《日历》全面、系统的纂修奠定了基础。  相似文献   
金代作为一个少数民族统治者建立的政权,统治者重视文治,设立国史院修史、记注院修起居注。国史院有监修国史、修国史、同修国史等职务分工,但国史院和记注院无专官,大都兼有别职。因涉及到国家机密,金朝起居注不甚完备,然而,终金一世,金朝修了多部实录,并两次编撰《辽史》,此外,还有译经所和益正院翻译或编撰一些史书。官方频繁修史,与统治者以史为鉴的目的及丰富的国家藏书密切相关。  相似文献   
《百苗图》是清代中叶贵州八寨理苗同知陈浩编绘而成的一部贵州民族志总汇,具有很高的资料价值和艺术鉴赏价值。李宗防对陈浩原本的字说解部分进行了编,并收藏于《黔记》一书中,对保存、传播珍贵的民族志资料作出了有益的贡献。但由于李宗防对陈浩所记的内容缺乏真实体验,对田雯《黔书》和陈浩《百苗图》的编排体例未能很好地融会贯通,加之编时过分追求从字顺、简洁典雅,因而出现了曲解原意、丢失珍贵资料、误解陈浩编排意图等重大失误。  相似文献   
梁启超在综合考辨前辈学者整理古籍的基础上,从事古籍整理实践,认为整理古籍是旧学中很重要的一件事,整理古籍要有大胆的怀疑精神,求真是其终极目的,又归纳了四种校勘方法,提出检验辑佚优劣的四个标准。这些思想,对于我们今天从事古籍整理与研究仍有重要的启迪作用。  相似文献   
高清 《攀登》2006,25(3):140-143
编辑素质的高低是制约期刊质量的一个关键因素,高质量的期刊必须拥有一支高水平、高素质的编辑队伍。新的形势给编辑出版业带来了新的机遇与挑战,这在客观上也对期刊编辑的基本素质提出了更高的要求。笔者认为,期刊编辑只有坚持与时俱进的科学精神,不断提高自身的各项素质,才能更好地适应和服务于本职工作。  相似文献   
汪增相 《安徽史学》2010,(6):16-21,124
佛教对北朝史家历史撰述有很大影响。首先,佛教兴盛促使北朝一些史家意识到官修史书记载佛教的必要性。其次,佛教兴盛促使北朝一些史家撰述了一些专门的佛教史籍。最后,佛教影响了北朝一些史家历史撰述的体例和体裁。  相似文献   
New maps     

Sweden for Peace. The Programme of Sioeden in the Union Crisis. By Nils Edén, Professor at the University of Upsala. London : David Nutt. Pp. 40.

La Belgique : Institutions, Industrie, Commerce. Brussels : J. Goemaere, 1905.Pp. 870.

Place‐Names of Boss and Cromarty. By W. J. Watson, M.A., Eector of Inverness Royal Academy. Inverness : The Northern Counties Printing Co. 1904.


The Private Diary of Ananda Ranga Pillai. Translated from the Tamil by order of the Government of Madras, and edited by Sir J. Frederick Price, K.O.S.I., late of the Indian Civil Service. Vol. I. Madras : Printed by the Superintendent, Government Press, 1904.

The Central Tian‐Shan Mountains, 1902–1903. By Dr. Gottfried Merzbacher. Published under authority of the Eoyal Geographical Society. Pp. 294, with Map and 20 Photographic Illustrations. London : John Murray, 1905.


The World of To‐day.—Vol. III. Africa. By A. R. Hope Moncrieff. London : Gresham Publishing Co., 1905. Pp. vi + 280. Numerous Illustrations and Maps.


Back to Sunny Seas. By Frank T. Bullen, F.R.G.S. London : Smith, Elder and Co., 1905.


The Oxford Geographies. Vol. II. : The Junior Geography. By A. J. Herbertson, M.A., Ph.D. Oxford : At the Clarendon Press, 1905.  相似文献   
Recent years have seen the growing prominence of “global history” as a subject of research, especially in North America and Europe. However, there is no consensus on what the contours of the subject are, or what the appropriate research methods for it might be. Further, there are quite a few skeptics among historians with regard to this trend. The appearance of a volume on the subfield of “global intellectual history” is an occasion to reflect on all these issues, especially when the volume in question suggests that “the future of intellectual history as a discipline lies in this direction.” This review essay, while appreciative of the effort to lay out the contours of the field, as well as to point to possible future directions for research and reflection, is nevertheless somewhat critical of the actual execution of the project. It is found to be lacking in chronological depth, and also highly uneven in quality, as well as excessively centered on a few “great thinkers” such as Hegel and Marx. A greater attention to the centuries between 1500 and 1800, when a polycentric global regime of knowledge (however tenuous it proved) was established, would have been particularly helpful. Most important, there is the question of whether a history claiming to be “global,” as distinct from “universal,” should not pay closer attention to questions of space and geography.  相似文献   
两晋之交著名的道教学者葛洪的学术成就是多方面的,不仅在道教及相关的化学、医学等领域有卓越的贡献,而且在历史、医药、宗教文献的整理编集方面成就显著。还编著了我国历史上第一部道经目录,对古书的流传散佚情况也提出了非常合理的看法。葛洪在文献整理方面取得的成就和贡献,应该得到学界的重视。  相似文献   
刘太祥 《史学月刊》2002,7(8):101-104
中国传统史编纂坚持求真的原则,用实事求是的态度,采取科学的方法,广泛地搜集史料,精审地考证和选择史料,保证史料的客观性;秉笔直书,评价公允,真实地反映历史面貌,客观地探讨历史发展规律,体现出先进的思想;保存了大量的科学内容,为人们提供了智力支持和精神动力,达到了史学经世致用的目的。  相似文献   
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