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The Asia Pacific is currently beset by two contradictory trends: growing economic interdependence and deepening strategic rivalry. Amidst these trends, new sets of regional trade agreements are being negotiated, primarily the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). This article argues that these proposals represent a third phase of competitive regionalism in the Asia Pacific, which will be more complex than the previous two rounds. This complexity is driven by two factors: this time, rivalry is not over scope or leadership but regional order; and this time there is a greater number of leading players in the rivalry.  相似文献   
基于信息权力论视角,智慧城市的建设可以理解为面向信息权力争夺的城市竞争力提升战略。本文将信息权力分解为信息生产、信息获取和信息控制三个权力维度,并对其测算方法进行了讨论和定义;在此基础上,对我国现有23个"智慧城市"的信息权力进行了测度,并将之与城市竞争力评价结果进行了比较。分析结论显示,我国城市信息权力个体差异明显,尤其表现在信息生产和信息控制方面;城市信息权力和城市竞争力之间的多种组合类型,亦可为进一步的智慧城市建设因地制宜提供借鉴。根据分析结论,特别强调对于信息权力培育的重视,以及信息生产、信息获取和信息控制能力三者的协调发展。  相似文献   
Australia's metropolitan cities have undergone significant social, economic and demographic change over the past several decades. In terms of socio‐economic advantage and disadvantage these changes, which are often associated with globalisation, wider economic and technological restructuring, the changing demographics of the population and shifts in public policy are not evenly dispersed across cities, but represent a range of often contrasting outcomes. The current paper develops a typology of socio‐economic advantage and disadvantage for locations across Australian metropolitan cities. More specifically, the paper takes a range of Australian Bureau of Statistics data and uses a model‐based approach with clustering of data represented by a parameterised Gaussian mixture model and discriminant analysis utilised to consider the differences between the clusters. These clusters form the basis of a typology representing the range of socio‐economic and demographic outcomes at the local community level.  相似文献   

Innovation comprises both novelty and practicability. These two dimensions of innovation correlate partly negatively in our analysis of survey data about planning processes in declining rural districts. As argued in the literature, declining regions need innovative concepts beyond traditional counteracting strategies to ‘shrink smart’. Competitions are suggested as feasible-to-initiate innovative local concepts by the state. The German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture invited 39 particularly affected rural districts to participate in such a competition among the best concepts. We address the questions of how the districts dealt with the requirements for novelty and practicability in their concepts and how the rules of competitive bidding procedures influence those concepts. Answering these questions, we conducted a survey and statistically tested hypotheses deduced from governance and innovation theory. Moreover, we analysed the bidding documents. The results show that most districts came up with hardly novel and only partly practicable concepts because the organization of the competition, and local bargaining processes impede innovation. Furthermore, the ministry’s requirements for the competition overburdened local actors with a lack of resources in declining regions. As a policy implication, we propose to integrate external experts in local networks and to accompany declining regions over a longer time instead of short-term competitions and projects.  相似文献   
以中国274个地市为样本,引入空间分析和计量模型等方法,分析外资分布特点及影响因素,结果表明:①中国目前尚不存在大规模外资"逃离"现象,外资利用总量在波动中上升,结构趋于优化。②空间上由集聚集中趋向分散均衡,呈"北进西移"态势,东部高度集中,中西部发展较快。外资高值集聚区逐渐向北推进,低值区向西南收缩;③劳动力成本、市场规模、专业化经济、FDI累积、市场化水平和开放度均对外资有正向作用。其中,传统因素对外资的吸引作用正逐渐下降,FDI累积的作用上升明显,集聚对外资分布作用显著。从不同区域看,集聚经济和FDI累积效应等新经济地理因素在东部外资区位选择中受到更多的关注,而劳动力成本、基础设施、开放水平等传统因素在中西部吸引外资中作用更大。④中国应遵循因地制宜、因时制宜的原则制定差异化的外资政策。  相似文献   
基于"钻石模型"对青海省旅游产业的竞争力分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵莺燕 《攀登》2007,26(3):61-64
本文依据波特的“钻石模型”,从生产要素、需求条件、企业的战略与竞争、相关与支持性产业、政府支持、机遇六个方面对青海省旅游业的竞争力进行了分析,以期为正确制定青海省旅游产业发展战略,提升青海省旅游产业竞争力提供研究基础。  相似文献   
伦顺成 《攀登》2006,25(3):71-73
产业技术水平低下是制约我国经济持续增长的关键因素。要提高经济增长质量、转变经济增长模式,就必须从战略的高度来重视和研究如何解决我国自主创新能力不足的问题,而增强自主创新能力应注重在转变思想观念、创新运行体制、优化引进方式、加大科技投入、改进人才资源管理模式等方面下功夫。  相似文献   
杨海莲 《攀登》2006,25(4):45-46
近年来,西部民族地区与发达地区之间的经济差距仍在继续扩大。本文在对两地区经济增长进行比较的基础上,对造成西部民族地区经济落后的原因进行了分析,认为尽管存在多种多样的复杂因素,但制度性因素在其中起了最为关键的作用。因而,必须着力提高西部民族地区的政府竞争力。  相似文献   
文章将传统的空间生产理论从城市推演到区域层面,提出了"区域空间生产"的概念。指出区域空间生产关系导致新的区域合作治理关系形成,并进而因为新的区域空间生产关系的变迁导致原先区域合作治理关系的解体。文章以江阴经济开发区靖江园区为实证案例,说明任何一个区域合作治理关系都是基于特定时空背景下多利益主体的空间生产关系而形成的特定体系,其建立的本质是为了促进特定区域空间生产关系的实现和经济社会资本的增值。  相似文献   
罗小龙 《人文地理》2012,27(3):7-10
随着全球化的不断深入,竞争性区域主义开始盛行于全球各地,并掀起区域建构的热潮。本研究对西方学术界的竞争性区域主义和区域建构理论进行了系统综述,内容涉及社会建构的区域、空间规划在区域建构中的作用、区域建构的阶段和区域建构中利益相关者的冲突与博弈等方面。在此基础上,对我国城市竞争和空间规划等相关研究进行了综述,对我国竞争性区域主义与区域建构研究进行了展望。  相似文献   
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