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本课题调研组 《攀登》2005,24(6):111-114
本文从青海省开展民族团结进步创建活动的具体实际出发,对青海省各地开展民族团结进步创建活动的一些好的做法和经验进行了调查和研究。  相似文献   
抗日战争时期的史家与史学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗战时期,广大爱国史学工作者紧扣时代脉搏,以抗敌御侮为学术主旨,自觉为抗战提供历史借鉴、精神动力和智力支持,面向大众开展历史知识的普及教育,在抗日民族统一战线的旗帜之下展开思想交锋和学术争鸣;其学术活动在回应时代需求的同时,也使史学自身得到丰富和发展。  相似文献   
文章在对部分海归”学院派”深入访谈和个案分析的基础上,运用布迪厄“文化资本理论”、“习性”和“场域”的分析工具,解析了海归“学院派”归国后的不同心态和不同适应策略的选择。得出结论,“文化资本”本身并不足以成为个体适应策略选择的决定因素,“习性”和“场域”概念也是影响个体适应策略选择的因素之一;深层文化认同的非同一性、生活表象与意识深层的非和谐性等复杂的文化意识构成他们独特的行为表象。这些行为表象是其长期海外生活学习所形成的个人“习性”的体现。透过这些表象了解他们的“习性”及其产生的原因,是深入了解他们归国后所选择适应策略的基础。  相似文献   
中英两国国情迥异,但两国的国家公园均以自然保护、旅游与社区可持续发展为管理目标。本文以中国九寨沟和英国新森林国家公园为例,构建了由12个客观指标和12个主观指标组成的国家公园旅游可持续性评价指标体系,通过专家咨询和均方差法计算指标权值,用加权指标综合评价方法对案例地旅游可持续性进行了评价。评价结果表明,九寨沟旅游发展具有潜在的可持续性;而新森林国家公园则具有潜在的不可持续性。论文最后从两国国家公园管理体制和模式差异对评价结果进行了解释。  相似文献   
近十五年来真实性在国内外旅游中的研究对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈文玲  苏勤 《人文地理》2012,27(3):118-124
旅游界对真实性研究了四十多年,尚无统一的定论。近十五年是国内外真实性研究的大发展时期,更是填补了国内真实性研究的空白。本文主要着眼于近十五年来真实性在国内外的研究,分别从理论研究、真实性与旅游保护开发、真实性与旅游经营管理、真实性与旅游发展等几个方面进行对比,总结出国内对真实性研究与国外研究的差距,得到我国未来对真实性研究的方向和启示。  相似文献   
国内外犯罪地理学研究进展评析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
国外犯罪地理发展过程体现出内容体系不断完善、方法技术日益成熟、学科融合趋势明显三个显著特征。针对国外犯罪地理的具体内容,分别论述了犯罪制图的发展过程与犯罪热点辨识的方法演进,概括了国外犯罪地理领域影响最大的社会解组理论和日常活动理论的主要内容和发展现状,进而简要的评析了国外犯罪地理研究的发展趋势及不足。文章接着通过对所收集到的国内相关研究的总结,将我国犯罪地理学的发展归纳为理论初探、缓慢发展和微观转向三个阶段,并简述了每个阶段内主要的研究成果及发展特点。最后提出了进一步促进我国犯罪地理研究发展的几点建议。  相似文献   
宜阳故城、阳翟故城和新郑韩城是战国时期韩国在进军中原的过程中先后建立的三个都城,这三大都城在选址、宫城和宫殿区以及防御设施和体系的营建、陵区的规划等方面有着明显的相似性。同时,受不同历史条件的影响,也表现出了很大的差异性,比如都城性质、城郭布局、破郑风水等。这些异同的比较有助于我们探讨当时韩国的社会和历史面貌。  相似文献   

Osphresiology, though beginning with Aristotle, and the title of a classical monograph from 1819 by Cloquet, has, like the human sense of smell itself, played a relatively modest role, compared to other sensory functions. The anatomical and physiological connections of the nose to the brain proved to be more complex than those of sight, hearing and even touch, and were therefore poorly understood before the second half of the 19th century. Moreover, the close association between smell and taste gave rise to much controversy regarding the respective roles of the first and the fifth cranial nerves. Next, came the unfolding of the evolutionary influence of cerebral structure and function ‐ viz Broca's “limbic”; concept, and the “olfactory desert”; in the brains of “anosmatic”; animals. Jackson's “uncinate”; seizures featuring olfactory hallucinations brought the hippocampal formation into focus. Finally, there were the clinical manifestations of hyposmia and hyperosmia, from “coryza”;, the common cold, to injury or neoplasms causing hyposmia, as well as some endocrine alterations causing hyperosmia. (And let us not forget Charles Huysman's “Against the Grain”; and Marcel Proust's evocative fragrant madeleine.)  相似文献   
At the end of the nineteenth century, Ludwig Edinger completed the first comparative survey of the microscopic anatomy of vertebrate brains. He is regarded as the founder of the field of comparative neuroanatomy. Modern commentators have misunderstood him to have espoused an anti-Darwinian linear view of brain evolution, harkening to the metaphysics of the scala naturae. This understanding arises, in part, from an increasingly contested view of nineteenth-century morphology in Germany. Edinger did espouse a progressionist, though not strictly linear, view of forebrain evolution, but his work also provided carefully documented evidence that brain stem structures vary in complexity independently from one another and across species in a manner that is not compatible with linear progress. This led Edinger to reject progressionism for all brain structures other than the forebrain roof, based on reasoning not too dissimilar from those his successors used to dismiss it for the forebrain roof.  相似文献   

The authors study the 30 insurgencies occurring between 1978 and 2008 using four methods crossing the qualitative/quantitative divide. The four approaches are narrative, bivariate comparison, comparative qualitative analysis, and K-medoids clustering. The quantification of qualitative data allows the authors to compare more cases than they could “hold in their heads” under a traditional small-n qualitative approach, improving the quality of the overall narrative and helping to ensure that the quantitative analyses respected the nuance of the detailed case histories. Structured data-mining reduces the dimensionality of possible explanatory factors relative to the available observations to expose patterns in the data in ways more common in large-n studies. The four analytic approaches produced similar and mutually supporting findings, leading to robust conclusions.  相似文献   
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