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Abstract: This paper is concerned with the social and spatial processes adopted by workers who face problems at work. Using interview data with minority ethnic workers in three local communities in London, the paper explores the mechanism people use to seek help and advice and what resources are available from local community organisations. Key findings suggest that many workers, both unionised and non‐unionised find themselves isolated and unable to access the support they need.  相似文献   
信息定位型展览:提升中国博物馆品质的契机   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息定位型展览以博物馆的综合素质为基础,涉及到博物馆的收藏政策,藏品研究的深度与系统性,展览组织的合理性,展览的传播技术及与展览相关的辅助教育等。只有各个环节都符合科学的要求,才有可能建造观众喜欢看、看得懂,能得到启迪与教益的展览。因此,应以信息定位展览的建设为契机,确立以"保存社会记忆"为核心价值观的收藏政策;加强藏品研究,为信息定位型展览提供学术支撑;建立合理的程序与标准,开展展览评估,打造具有良好传播能力的展览;拓展深化传播效果,开展丰富的公众教育活动,从而从根本上提高当代博物馆的品质。  相似文献   
博物馆策展人的素质与能力是博物馆陈列展览特别是专题展览成功的关键因素之一.美国大都会艺术博物馆亚洲艺术部主任、国际著名博物馆策展人屈志仁先生以"忽必烈的时代"展为例指出:博物馆策展人应同时具备学者、艺术鉴赏家与展览组织者的素质与能力,通晓与展览有关的历史学、艺术史、文化史及文物与博物馆学等学科知识,组织、协调从研究策划...  相似文献   
南京博物院主体建筑老大殿,是中国近代建筑中唯一采用现代结构形式的仿辽代建筑。近年,南京博物院采用整体顶升、隔震加固等先进技术对其进行修缮保护,不仅有效增强了其抗震水平,还扩大了建筑的空间面积、提升了空间使用功能、丰富了展示内容和方式,为优秀古建筑的保护利用提供了新的技术思路,也为优秀古建筑的保护利用与博物馆馆舍建设及博物馆各项事业发展的相互促进积累了成功经验。  相似文献   
In the constellation of the eighteenth-century revolutions, the French events have always occupied a dominant position. Consequently the other European upheavals have been considered as being provoked or strongly influenced by France. Yet, the Dutch revolutions in the 1780s and 1790s provide some important nuances to this interpretation. Before the French took over the Bastille, there was already a Dutch revolution with devoted Patriots, speaking about rights of man and constitutions. The Patriots had to flee abroad in 1787. In 1795, thanks to the French Army, they were able to return to their drawing boards, eager to think anew their government and society. This paper investigates how they did it and whether the American and French precedents were so influential after all in the construction of the Batavian Republic.  相似文献   
过去的30多年,有着鲜明计划经济烙印的社会福利制度随着经济转轨经历了从初始的起步探索,到后来逐渐转型和步入正轨的艰辛的改革历程。职工福利分解、社会福利社会化推进、社区服务普及、农村社会福利重构、适度普惠型福利探索等凝结为改革成果,初步形成了新型社会福利体系,但这些改革在社会福利的目标模式上是初级的、不全面的和不平衡的。面对变化的国情,处理好发展与公平的关系,构建适度普惠型社会福利制度,是中国社会福利的目标选择。  相似文献   
Book reviews     
In the context of a shift away from municipal multiculturalism towards community cohesion, and in the light of renewed debates around difference, national identity and Britishness, this article sets out a geographically informed theoretical framework which focuses upon the spatial (re)construction of racial and ethnic identities. The article develops the idea of the everyday as a way of viewing the spatially contingent, complex and negotiated state of inter-ethnic relations in a specific UK city. Not only does this reveal the manner in which strong and stubborn boundaries between social groups are entrenched through the (re)enforcement of spatialised relations of power, but also how accommodations across, between and within difference are realised. Through the employment of empirical material from Leicester, England, the article contends that everyday solidarities emerge from a number of intersecting spatial influences which do not equate to abstract or fixed versions of national belonging.  相似文献   

Colonial masters considered it their right to take human remains collected from colonies or plundered as a result of war. The skulls of Chief Mkwawa and the sub-chief Songea were looted in the same manner from Tanganyika (now Tanzania) to Germany. While Chief Mkwawa’s skull was returned in 1954, the demands for sub-chief Songea’s skull are ongoing, with the Tanzanian community contesting ownership of human remains in European museums. The absence of bones in graves, particularly those of chiefs, have a major impact on the colonised people as graves are associated with communities’ spirituality and wellbeing. This article shows that without a final resting place for the victims of colonialism, mourning is difficult, traumatic and endless. Individuals, communities and nations bestow social, cultural and political significance on human remains, even those curated in museums. The significance of each group is attached to the affective memorialisation of personal bereavement. What happens, then, when the memorialised graves were created at a time when mourning was impossible and the authority to bury or not to bury was in hands of the colonisers? How do the colonial plunder of human body parts and the demands for their return unfold in the contemporary history of Tanzania? These are some of the questions  相似文献   

The Third Statistical Account of Scotland. Vol. 6. The County of Dunbarton. Edited by Margaret S. Dilke and A. A. Templeton. 8½×5½. Pp.333. 28 figs. 21 plates and folding map at back, Glasgow: Collins, 1959, 42s.

Ayrshire at the Time of Burns. Edited by John Strawhorn. 8½×5½. Pp.380. Frontispiece. 14 figures and separate set of reproductions of Armstrong's Map of Ayrshire, 1775, 1 : 63,360, in 6 sheets each 21.8×19.9. Kilmarnock: Ayrshire Archaeological and Natural History Society, 1959, 30s.

Géographie Universelle Larousse. Tame premier, L'Europe Peninsulaire. Ouvrage publié sous la direction de Pierre Deffontaines avec la collaboration de Mariel Jean‐Brunhes Delamarre. 11½×8½. Pp.IX+420. 14 colour relief maps. 74 black and white maps. 11 full colour photographs. Numerous diagrams, tables, etc., Paris : Librairie Larousse 1958, 7,570 Fr.

Geological Excursion Guide to the Glasgow District. By D. A. Bassett. 8½×5½. Pp. XV + 104. 5 Plates and 16 Figures. Glasgow: The Geological Society of Glasgow, 1958, 7s 6d.

Scotland before History. An Essay by Stuart Piggot with Illustrations by Keith Henderson. 5½×8½. Pp. VIII + 112. Edinburgh : Thomas Nelson &; Sons, 1958, 15s.

The Port Traffic of the Oslofjord Region. By Tore Ouren. Publications of the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration. Geographical Series, No. 6. 10½×7½. Pp.168. 53 figures. Bergen: J. W. Eides, Forlag, 1958.

Yugoslavia, Geographical Survey. By B. Z. Milojevic, translated by M. V. Isailovic. 9½×6½. Pp.114. 8 Plates. 21 maps. 10 drawings and diagrams. One folded, coloured end‐paper map. Beograd : Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, 1959.

The Island of Elba. A Report of Geographical Field Work carried out during April, 1958, by The Geographical Field Group. 9½× 8. Pp.IV + 113. 30 maps, and diagrams. Department of Geoography, Nottingham University, Duplicated, 1958.

Groundwork Geographies, The British Isles. By N. Jackson &; P. Penn. 8½×5½. Pp.VII+230. Numerous maps and diagrams and photographs. London: George Philip &; Son Ltd., 1959, 8s 6d.

Groundwork Geographies, Europe. By N. Jackson &; P. Penn. 8V2X5V2. Pp.VI+200. Numerous maps and diagrams and photographs. London : George Philip &; Son Ltd. 1959, 8s 6d.

Groundwork Geographies, The Southern Continents. By N. Jackson &; P. Penn. 8½×5½. Pp.VII+226. Numerous maps and diagrams and photographs. London : George Philip &; Son Ltd, 1959, 8s 6d.


A geography of Ghana. By E. A. Boetang. 6½×8½. Pp.XVI+205. 46 figs. 41 plates. Cambridge University Press : London, 1959, 21s.


Industrial Evolution of Columbus, Ohio. By Henry L. Hunker. 6×9. Pp.XXV+260. 24 tables. 14 maps and diagrams. Bureau of Business Research: Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A., 1958, $4.00


The Exploration of New Zealand. By W. G. McClymont. 8½×5½. Pp.VIII+125. 6 plates. 3 maps. 2nd edition. London : Oxford University Press, 1959, 21s.


Rivers and Man. By Robert Brittain. Pp.288, 5½×8. 2 maps. 2 drawings. 13 plates. London : Longmans, Green &; Co, Ltd., 1959, 21s.

The Challenge of Landscape, The development and practice of Keyline. By P. A. Yeomans, 9½×7½. Pp.271. 21 figs, and 32 Plates. Sydney : Keyline Publishing Pty Ltd, 1958.

World Political Patterns. By L. M. Alexander. 9X6. Pp.XII+516. 101 maps and 17 tables. Chicago : Rand McNally &; Co, 1957, 55s.


Atlas Général, Larousse. 20×29 cms (7×11). 431 maps and insets. 183 plans. 250 statistical tables. 30 historical notes, index of 55,000 names. 456 pages. Paris : Librairie Larousse, 1959.

Ordnance Survey Quarter Inch (Fifth Series) Special Sheet — Wales and the Marches. 1 : 250,000. S8i/sX32V?. Ordnance Survey, Chessington, 1959. Paper flat 3s 6d. Paper folded 6s. Mounted and folded 8s 6d. Outline edition 3s 6d.  相似文献   
由许仕廉、吴文藻、赵承信等领军的燕大社会学,一直有着本土化的学术自觉。在此探索与实践历程中,先行引入的孙末楠以民俗,尤其是以德型为核心的社会学说,影响深远。在吴文藻那里,社会学的民俗与民俗学的民俗有了级差,并影响到其社区社会学的建设,其指导的毕业论文有了重释风俗、礼俗与民俗的尝试。在"吴门四犬"中,现今湮没无闻的黄迪对孙末楠学说进行了最为系统的诠释。受孙末楠学说的影响,与瞿同祖一道,黄迪对民俗进行了社会学释义,并化用本尼迪克特的"文化模式",与林耀华同期提出"文化重心"这一概念。在燕大社会学实验室平郊村的研究中,与把社区研究等同于社会学调查的赵承信等一道,黄迪将社区-功能论夯实,并强调家、村、镇等不同阶序社区的连带性、一体性。由此,德型、社区与文化也就成为燕大社会学本土化历程中的三个重要面相,并使其有着厚重的民俗学基底。  相似文献   
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