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Kolson Schlosser 《对极》2013,45(1):161-179
Abstract: Canadian diamonds are marketed as “ethical” alternatives to notorious “blood diamonds”. This paper analyzes the specific matrices through which ethical consumption as a discourse is being mobilized to sell diamonds. I argue that consumption operates as a system of social signification in which consuming subjects are positioned as moral subjects. Moreover, I argue that historically accumulated symbolic power, in the form of imagined geographies of benevolent colonialism in the Canadian North versus the exploitation of “dark” Africa, pristine, “white” northern landscapes, modernization via commodity production, and national identity, creates the very field of meaning within which the consuming subject is positioned. The ethicalization of Canadian diamonds also has important normative implications both in terms of the cultural politics of ethical consumption and social and environmental justice in the Canadian North.  相似文献   
A review of Soviet research on the productivity of forest biogeocenoses finds confusion in terminology and urges general agreement on specific concepts and terms. Research has thus far been limited to the plant aspect of the forest communities, ignoring the animal and microbial communities. Changes in the amount of litter fall and phytomass from one natural zone to another are analyzed for spruce and oak communities and for forest biogeocenoses of various ages. A program for future research is outlined.  相似文献   
本文尝试使用高分辨率的清代日记资料,复原1868年长江中下游各地夏季降水情况,辨析出当年梅雨季节各地的降水时间和主要降水过程,发现该年发生了"二度梅"现象。该年入梅较早,6月8日全流域降水就已经开始,且14日以后雨带有北抬趋势,但很快南撤出长江流域,引起降水中断。直至7月5日开始,雨带又重新占据长江南岸,带来第二段梅雨。"二度梅"的发生可能与副高持续南撤有关。  相似文献   
集体土地流转中集体角色的错位与回归   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许伟 《攀登》2011,30(3):69-71
推进集体土地流转,加强农民集体权益保护,需要其代表——集体找准角色定位,发挥积极作用。然而,在实际土地流转中,集体背离了其整体利益代表的角色定位,扮演了土地流转个人利益最大化的促进者和乡(镇)政府利益顺从者的角色,严重的角色错位侵害了集体内其他农民的合法权益。在集体土地流转中,应从乡(镇)政府、农民、集体自身三方面入手,规正集体角色,切实保护农民的权益。  相似文献   
绿色农业视角下青海特色农业发展路径及对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
蔡守琴 《攀登》2011,30(4):90-92
绿色农业是二十一世纪农业发展的理想模式。青海独特的地域环境和资源条件形成了丰富的特色农业资源,也为发展绿色农业奠定了基础。文章通过对青海特色农业绿色化发展条件的分析,指出了特色农业的发展目标,并提出了实施路径及相关对策。  相似文献   
María Gutiérrez 《对极》2011,43(3):639-661
Abstract: This article traces the creation of a market for carbon sequestration by trees under the Kyoto Protocol on climate change, describing the problems encountered by UN negotiators as they attempted to abstract, isolate, quantify and commodify a process akin to breathing, which takes place naturally everywhere, anyway. It starts with an overview of the history of the negotiations that defined the commodity and the rules to govern its trade, creating the scarcity conditions for the market to work. It then goes over the key problems encountered and how they were solved. The analysis draws attention to time and risk as critical elements in reproducing uneven development, and suggests that this new market can be understood as an instance of capital involution—that is, an instance where a narrow pattern persistently repeated leads to ever increasing complexity but, instead of evolving into something new, it generates further entrapment.  相似文献   
华北沦陷区粮食的生产与流通   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王士花 《史学月刊》2006,2(11):55-63
抗日战争时期,日伪特别重视对华北沦陷区粮食的掠夺。尽管在太平洋战争爆发前更重视棉花的增产,但除日伪强力推行植棉的地区外,华北沦陷区的农民仍以种植粮食作为农耕的第一选择。日本的军事侵略及统治,严重破坏了农村的农业生产力,粮食的播种面积及单产量都比七七事变前减少,粮食的流通渠道、机构、方向、手段等都受到了影响。粮食流通的初级市场———集市减少,农民多在自家庭院卖给前来收购的小贩;一些粮栈或货栈成为日本商社的收购人;大城市粮栈的运输职能丧失;一些粮食集散市场的中转职能改变;铁路、卡车及牲畜运输量的增加,也从一个侧面反映了日伪交通统制的重点和薄弱环节所在。  相似文献   
陈礼茂 《安徽史学》2006,4(2):56-62
白银风潮前夕,中国通商、四明和中国实业三行因长期经营不善而资金周转不灵.在白银风潮中,三行同时陷入挤兑的困境,而在法币改革后,三行因难以缴足发行准备金而再度陷入困境.在这两个过程中,国民政府以救济之名,实施控制,并最终对其增资改组,将其纳入政府金融体系.  相似文献   
王海英  李洪玉 《攀登》2010,29(6):112-115
推动农村土地承包经营权流转是发展现代农业的客观要求,也是促进农村劳动力转移,增加农民收入的重要方面。目前,海南州农村土地流转的体制、机制上还存在诸多问题,需要构建土地流转服务平台,培育农村市场主体,完善农村社会化服务保障机制,促进农村土地流转。  相似文献   
《旧唐书》通行本文字讹脱甚多。今存宋刻又残缺严重,学者无以据校。而新发现的叶石君原校本,乃据明常熟陈察至乐楼抄宋本对校,态度极为严谨,其中有六十五卷为残宋本所无,正可补宋本残缺之不足,可正通行本之讹误。本文对至乐楼抄本及叶石君校本的流传进行了详细考察,得知清初至乐楼抄本已多有残缺,其后则不知下落;而原以为可能亡佚的叶石君校本则幸存于湖南图书馆。对叶石君校本之价值则进行了举例性质的说明,认为其最有校勘价值的是本纪部分:有点校本已校改而此本可补确证者;有点校本已疑误而未校改,此本适可补证者;而可补点校本漏校者为最多。  相似文献   
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