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2010年3~5月,贵州省文物考古研究所等单位对贵州省东部铜仁市锦江流域的磨刀湾、笔架冲、方田坝等遗址进行了发掘和试掘,此次工作是建国以来在贵州省锦江流域首次进行的系统考古发掘工作,获得了一批夏商、西周、两汉和宋明清时期的考古资料,具有重要的学术意义.本文着重介绍此次考古发掘中先秦时期遗存的主要收获,并对其学术意义展开初步讨论.  相似文献   
A distinctive sand layer enclosed within Holocene peat is described from Basta Voe, Isle of Yell, Shetland Isles. The sand layer, that can be traced considerable distances inland and up to a maximum altitude of c. + 9 m OD, is here interpreted as having been deposited by a former tsunami. AMS dating appears to indicate that the tsunami occurred between 1300 – 1570 cal years BP. At present, the tsunami has no known source mechanism although the most likely mechanism is thought to have been an offshore slump or slide. The available information would presently seem to indicate that this tsunami was restricted to the eastern coastline of Shetland. The relatively young age of this inferred tsunami is of considerable importance to planners and engineers concerned with estimating coastal flood frequency and magnitude.  相似文献   
Waves are an important process responsible for the initiation and subsequent development of intertidal shore platforms. However, few field studies to date have described wave processes on shore platforms. A field experiment was conducted using an across‐shore array of wave gauges, including a directional sensor, on a near‐horizontal platform at Mahia Peninsula, North Island, New Zealand. Results show that the platform is very efficient in filtering wave energy at gravity wave frequencies (>0.05 Hz), with 40–80% reduction in wave height measured across the 140 m wide platform. By contrast, infragravity waves are present on the platform and increase in magnitude towards the cliff toe. Directional wave analysis indicates that wave reflection is mainly restricted to infragravity wave frequencies, demonstrating the differences in gravity and infragravity wave behaviour on the platform studied. Results indicate that, under fair weather conditions, the role of waves as an agent of cliff toe erosion is likely to be limited at present, although they are probably important for removing sediments accumulated at the cliff toe. The observed increase in infragravity wave energy towards the cliff toe implies that these long‐period waves may be important geomorphic agents on shore platforms.  相似文献   

The concept of cultural landscape embodies a dynamic understanding of history, in which past, present and future are seamlessly connected. This paper, drawn from a larger research project investigating the integration of tourism in small coastal settlements, introduces a multi‐method research strategy for interpreting cultural landscapes of tourism. The case study of a well‐known resort area on the east coast of Australia demonstrates the dynamic relationship between patterns in the landscape narrative and patterns in the built environment of small coastal settlements. In Noosa, a distinctive built form has evolved in parallel with the narrative of the place as a relaxed but stylish resort village dominated by nature. Both the narrative and physical landscape have been shaped by local and external processes of constant comparison and contrast with well known Australian and international coastal resorts. The paper illustrates how recurring themes in the local dialogue of place have flowed between key urban design/planning decisions, ephemeral tourism literature, publications, and the perceptions of residents, tourists and key informants as reported in focused conversational interviews.  相似文献   
沿海地区经济发展战略作为一个关系到整个国民经济全局的重大决策,是贯彻邓小平“部分先富带后富”思想的重大举措,也是基于改革开放新形势的正确选择。其基本内涵,不仅是沿海地区要发展外向型经济,而且更重要的是沿海地区要率先发展起来,影响和带动全国经济的发展。这一新战略的实施,有力地促进了改革和开放的有机结合,不仅开创了我国国民经济发展的新局面,也成为新时期中国工业化发展道路探索的新起点。  相似文献   
基于低碳转型的内涵,本文以环渤海17个沿海地市2005-2012 年的面板数据为基础,构建环渤海沿海地市低碳转型的评价指标体系,运用集对分析法对其进行评价研究,并采用核密度估计模型及GIS 空间分析技术对其结果进行时空差异分析,揭示其内在变化规律。研究结果表明:①自2005 年到2012年,环渤海沿海地市低碳发展颓势明显,各地市低碳转型没有取得明显进展,各地市之间转型绩效的整体差距较大。②环渤海沿海地市经济增长在空间格局中并没有显著的变化,而在产业结构、能源利用、生态环境、发展支撑方面均呈现出反向变化的态势,说明低碳转型成效并不显著,仍然保持传统的发展态势。③环渤海沿海地市低碳转型绩效的时空差异是多种因素综合作用的结果,包括资金、人力与基础设施等经济社会支撑因素,国家政策、科学技术、低碳意识及企业家素质等新型推动因素,资源(能源)禀赋、区位条件等自然基础因素。  相似文献   
清代前期出现了一批研究海防地理的著名学者.他们认真总结了明代抗倭海防斗争的经验教训,主张加强岛防,这是一个重要进步.他们认识到了台湾、澎湖等岛屿对于祖国大陆所起的“屏翰“保护作用和国际海上交通的枢纽地位.他们敏锐地感受到了西方的冲击,以警惕的目光注视着西方殖民者在亚洲地区的侵略活动,呼吁加强海防.这些认识为清代前期的海防兵力部署和调整提供了宝贵的理论依据.  相似文献   
Mombasa’s strategic position on the Swahili Coast and fine harbours were key factors in its emergence as a prosperous city state during the early second millennium AD. These same attributes drew the attention of rival powers in the struggle to control the lucrative Indian Ocean trade network, particularly during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Drawing from a rich legacy of cartographic and documentary sources created in the course of Mombasa’s turbulent history, this paper presents the results of a coastal archaeological survey undertaken in 2001 as part of a wider collaborative maritime project.  相似文献   

Qianhai, the early Qing order that forced people in southeast coast to evacuate the coast to a distance of ten to eighteen miles inland in order to eliminate anti-Qing activities, is an excellent topic through which to examine the formation of the border in Han local society. The development of regional studies during the past 20 years encourages us to both refine our local case studies and map the wider picture. The story of social transformation in Zhangpu County during the Ming-Qing transition provides a perfect case to discuss how the coastal evacuation policy was implemented in local society. It can also promote our understanding of multiple histories. First, the lineage story of the coastal evacuation can be described in greater detail. Even in a single county, there was no standard evacuation distance. Local officials relied on mountainous terrain and existing forts and fortified villages to form a line of defense that determined the scope of the evacuation. Second, the social landscape in the communities of the county demonstrates the rise and decline of local power structures. Many of the most influential and deep-rooted lineages were badly weakened by the time they returned home after the evacuation order was rescinded. On the basis of the ebb and flow of local elites, the Qing state began to regulate households more closely, and state power thus penetrated to the local level. The household registers of Zhangpu were established based on the specific historical context of the county, but the process shared with the rest of the southeastern coastal region a pattern whereby pacification and local Defense shaped state penetration. Even in a supposedly “traditional” Han region, the empire needed to handle the problems of the border and social complexity, just as it did in “non-Han” areas. This illustrates the process of late imperial state formation in practice.  相似文献   
清初迁海给沿海尤其是盐场地区的社会经济带来严重的破坏,但具体影响的范围、程度和方式,却不能仅就官方文献和展界后的赋役情况轻下定论。通过广东归德等盐场及相关宗族在迁海前后的活动情况,我们发现,迁海并没有给盐场宗族主要成员造成太大的影响,相反,官方文献"盐课缺征"、"丁绝田荒"的记载,实际上是盐场家族有意识地利用迁界机遇和制度漏洞,逃避灶课、隐匿盐田,借恢复祖先祭祀之机抢占民田的结果。  相似文献   
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